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My husband Tom and I are interested in forming a chapter of the Long Yang Club in Chiang Mai.

You can view the organization's worldwide website here: http://www.longyangclub.org/

LYC is "an organization catering to gay Asians and interested non-Asians. It aims to provide a friendly and supportive environment in the areas where it operates, chiefly through a program of social events and other activities."

We've been pleased by the hospitality and friendship offered by the LYCs in Paris and Brussels during our travels to those two cities, so we thought it might be time to get something going here in the Rose of the North.

If you live in Chiang Mai and are interested in helping us organize the group and its first activity (to be decided!), please leave a message here and one of us will get in touch with you in October (we'll both be traveling on business during September)


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The CM Expats club has a G/L Friends special interest section, with approx 20 members. As the Expats name implies, the section is mostly, but not entirely, farang. It would be good to have something more mixed asian/non-asian, as I believe is the aim of the LYC. Maybe the G/L Friends could help form part of the nucleus of a new club (I think most members would be interested in a wider group). Please send me a message when you're back in town, so we can discuss further. I look forward to hearing from you, Neil

The CM Expats club has a G/L Friends special interest section, with approx 20 members. As the Expats name implies, the section is mostly, but not entirely, farang. It would be good to have something more mixed asian/non-asian, as I believe is the aim of the LYC. Maybe the G/L Friends could help form part of the nucleus of a new club (I think most members would be interested in a wider group). Please send me a message when you're back in town, so we can discuss further. I look forward to hearing from you, Neil

Look forward to talking to you in October


An interesting statistic?

At the time of writing this reply, this thread had received 137 views and 2 replies in 6 days, 20 hours. An average of one view every 1.19 hours and a reply every 3 days, 10 hours.

The closed thread on 'How long does a Mb show interest?' has received 66 views and one reply in 11 hours. An average of six views every 10 minutes and a reply every 5.5 hours.

What does that tell you about the popularity of LYC versus an alternative form of socializing?

And YES … I know you can do anything you want with statistics to prove a point.


Some of us who post here frequently (even both moderators with boyfriends in Chiang Mai) didn't feel like commenting, perhaps because in my case, any hesitation to join the club might have thrown dirty Songkran water on his parade. The request is specific to Chiang Mai, but perhaps others who have been members elsewhere could chime in. I met my first Asian boyfriend, and my very best friend ever, at meetings of my local "Asians and Friends" group.

Okay, who else wants to comment?

The request is specific to Chiang Mai, but perhaps others who have been members elsewhere could chime in. I met my first Asian boyfriend, and my very best friend ever, at meetings of my local "Asians and Friends" group.

Okay, who else wants to comment?

I enjoy the events of the Bangkok chapter of Long Yang Club, which incidentally hosted a very successful international conference of Long Yang Clubs in 2004. Check out their web site to see what they have been doing since 2004.

Since we are not allowed to give web links here, just Google for "Long Yang Club" and remember that the address you find should end in "org", not "com". At the top of the home page, there's a pull-down menu for "Quick Link to LYC Chapters".


This isn't chiang mai specific... but I'm just concerned about the viability of these gwm meet gam social groups in our modern day and age.

With the advent of chatrooms, websites and hook up sites, will GWM/GAMs really bother going to a social club to make that connection? There are already informal circuits of east meets west groups getting together in most major cities. Formalising this seems to be counterproductive. And most importantly, how will this group propose to recruit with the stigma of the "chopsticks for walking sticks" that plagues most LYC and A&F chapters elsewhere?

Good luck and hope things work out.



Sorry such a long time since I've glanced at the forum. I'm out of the country and my ability to "reply" to posts seems to be iffy from the USA.

Just wanted to quickly comment on a couple of the posts.

Regarding the popularity of folks viewing this topic compared to those viewing posts for, shall we say, more evanescent subjects - I'm really looking for fellow organisers here, not members. I think it's a bit like ecommerce - there are two ways to make money. Get loads of visitors and sell a few, or get a few visitors and sell loads. I'm more experienced in the latter.

Regarding the "anachronism" of a club in which people actually see each other face to face and do things in the "analog" world, as opposed to cyber-connections - I don't think I'm really looking to put the LYC together as a "meet and go home two by two" club, though if that's what it turns out to be, there is nothing wrong with that.

In Chiang Mai, I see more of a need for a place for EXISTING and NASCENT couples to be able to get together to socialize and support each other. And, wouldn't that be a great COMPLEMENT to an aspect of the club that brings singles together? To be able to find a love interest, and then to be able to socialize with that love interest in an environment that encourages a new relationship, rather than envies it?

If we succeed in the organizing, the club will be what it is as an intersection of its membership and the need it fills for the members; at the same time, the vision with which the club begins may contribute to matching the members and the need.


  • 2 weeks later...
... And most importantly, how will this group propose to recruit with the stigma of the "chopsticks for walking sticks" that plagues most LYC and A&F chapters elsewhere?

Top Chinese you bad boy! You let the cat out of the bag with that one. Ha ha.



I would be interested in receiving more info on the proposed Long Yand club and the Gay sect. of CM Expats Club. Thanks. ( Long time resident expat)

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for replying; I apologize for my long absence. I was away on business for a month. Now I'm back, and swamped with all the work that DIDN'T get done while I was away. Ugh.

I do have time, however, to correspond with you regarding setting up a first meeting of what could potentially become the CNX LYC. In the next week or so, I'll try to contact those of you who have emailed me. If you haven't emailed, send me a private message here at Thaivisa, and I'll get back to you.

My initial thoughts are to set up an evening "organizing" meeting at SOHO in the next couple of weeks to discuss what people think might work, might not work, might be of interest, might not be of interest. Send me your thoughts about a convenient night (weeknight best? weekend night?), what might be on the agenda, and anything else you might have on your mind.

Look forward to hearing from you!



I was alerted to this message last night when I met up with some fellow LYC members.

This idea is awful. It is so disrespectful to Richard who has done much to pioneer the Long Yang Club's ideals here in Thailand. There is only one LYC in Thailand and it is based in @Richards Pub on Silom Road. There can be no other since this is the Thailand branch of the club – it is the National club.

Peekint should apologize for dreaming up this hare-brained scheme.


I was alerted to this message last night when I met up with some fellow LYC members.

This idea is awful. It is so disrespectful to Richard who has done much to pioneer the Long Yang Club's ideals here in Thailand. There is only one LYC in Thailand and it is based in @Richards Pub on Silom Road. There can be no other since this is the Thailand branch of the club – it is the National club.

Peekint should apologize for dreaming up this hare-brained scheme.

Hello All!

You can ignore the post from Iddy.

I've beenin touch with the folks at LYC Int'l and LYC Bangkok for some time,. Both groups support the effort to create an LYC CNX.

LYC BKK hasn't had any activities in Chiang Mai for years; I'm sure their hands are full in BKK! If LYC was as jealous and threatened as Iddy seems to be (and insulting as well!), I assure you I wouldn't be using the LYC name at all.

However, based on the warm and welcoming emails I've received all 'round from the LYC leadership, I'm happy to say LYC sounds like a great group of folks to associate with.

They recognize this isn't a power sort of thing, but rather a genuine desire to create something new in the Rose of the North.

(Incidentally, I count 17 LYC chapters in the USA, at least three each in Canada and Australia, and at least two in the UK, so it's not unusual to have more than one chapter per country...)

Iddy, thanks for posting, though! Everyone's thoughts are invited and considered as we crank up this new effort.


I was alerted to this message last night when I met up with some fellow LYC members.

This idea is awful. It is so disrespectful to Richard who has done much to pioneer the Long Yang Club's ideals here in Thailand. There is only one LYC in Thailand and it is based in @Richards Pub on Silom Road. There can be no other since this is the Thailand branch of the club – it is the National club.

Peekint should apologize for dreaming up this hare-brained scheme.

I respectfuly disagree with you iddy for asking Peekint to apologize. Actually he should be lauded for his efforts to set up a LYC chapter in Chiang Mai. The idiology of the Club, needs to be spread out.

I am a 7+ year member of LYC Thailand based in Bangkok. To my knowledge, the founders of this chapter, some 12 years ago were former members of the London UK chapter. As far as I know it's the only worldwide chapter to use the country (Thailand) and not the city, to identify themselve.

Peekint is right by saying that other countries have many chapters named after the city they represent.

I am sure that the LYC International and the Bangkok based one do support Peekint's endeavor.

To set the records straight, @Richard's on Silom is not the base of LYC Thailand, although many members do frequent the establisment. A "LYC Clubhouse" was attempted on Soi Sribumpen some years ago but fell through.

As for Richard, a personal friend, I am persuaded he would encourage a Chang Mai chapter. I will talk to him next time I see him.

Peekint, you have my support.


I was alerted to this message last night when I met up with some fellow LYC members.

This idea is awful. It is so disrespectful to Richard who has done much to pioneer the Long Yang Club's ideals here in Thailand. There is only one LYC in Thailand and it is based in @Richards Pub on Silom Road. There can be no other since this is the Thailand branch of the club – it is the National club.

Peekint should apologize for dreaming up this hare-brained scheme.

I respectfuly disagree with you iddy for asking Peekint to apologize. Actually he should be lauded for his efforts to set up a LYC chapter in Chiang Mai. The idiology of the Club, needs to be spread out.

I am a 7+ year member of LYC Thailand based in Bangkok. To my knowledge, the founders of this chapter, some 12 years ago were former members of the London UK chapter. As far as I know it's the only worldwide chapter to use the country (Thailand) and not the city, to identify themselve.

Peekint is right by saying that other countries have many chapters named after the city they represent.

I am sure that the LYC International and the Bangkok based one do support Peekint's endeavor.

To set the records straight, @Richard's on Silom is not the base of LYC Thailand, although many members do frequent the establisment. A "LYC Clubhouse" was attempted on Soi Sribumpen some years ago but fell through.

As for Richard, a personal friend, I am persuaded he would encourage a Chang Mai chapter. I will talk to him next time I see him.

Peekint, you have my support.

Thanks for the encouraging words, Tipsy. I'll probably come down to BKK at some point to chat with the organizers there (after having some preliminary brainstorming meetings here). I'm sure you guys have plenty of tips that can help out!


Just a couple of points

First: to quote TIPSYBOB "To set the records straight, @Richard's on Silom is not the base of LYC Thailand, although many members do frequent the establishment"

There would be no LYC Thailand if it were not for @Richards. Richard has welcomed LYC to his bar and galvanized the membership into a cohesive and real friendly club. Nowhere else welcomes LYC like Richards.

Second: If this LYC Chiang Mai does happen it will cause the organization in Thailand to fracture and marginalize the LYC Thailand concept in Bangkok.

And it will be costly. I think LYC Chiang Mai should pay a license fee to LYC Thailand for copying the idea and pay for all the changes of signage, website update and stationery of LYC Thailand to LYC Bangkok.


Excuse me for being dense but how can setting up a club in Chiang Mai 'fracture' a club 700kms away? Did LYC Bangkok pay a license fee to any other branch of the Long Yang Club when they 'copied' the idea?


Indeed, even in this age of cheap air travel, it's a long way between those two cities.

Did the folks in Bangkok get a national franchise, exclusively, for themselves? They can simply add the word

"Bangkok" somewhere in the title, I suppose. Check with the international headquarters, I suppose.


My goodness, I didn't think I could get anybody's knickers in a twist so quickly with this.

I think the fact that LYC BKK hasn't organized any events for some time in the provinces demonstrates that there is no "territorial" problem here. And, if they keep the name "LYC Thailand", why not? The LYC in CNX could be called "LYC Chiang Mai"; I don't think there's much confusion there.

I guess I come at it in this way:

1. See if there is a need.

2. See if there is an interest.

3. Plan out an approach for the club and a strategy for its launch

4. Gather resources

5. Organize, Implement and Problem-Solve

6. Succeed!

I do thank Iddy for jumping ahead for me and letting me know what kind of "bureaucratic" and 'political" problems might be ahead of us in #5. At this time, I hope he can accept that it is too early to address them in detail, since there is no context in which to solve them. I'm sure it's not his intent to "shoot us down" before we even start.

Before posting, I addressed #1, and, through some informal polling and discussion, determined there is a need.

Now I'm busy with #2, assessing the interest - so far, seems to be plenty, so that I'm about ready for #3.

As a beginning for #3, I'd like anyone in CNX to PM me if they are interested in attending a discussion meeting about moving forward.

It's important that we reach out to our Thai friends and get them involved, too, so please pass on the word!

I propose a weekday evening meeting at Soho on Huay Gaew (across from Kad Suan Gaew), date and time to be determined based on your input.

I look forward to your feedback!


  • 1 month later...
My goodness, I didn't think I could get anybody's knickers in a twist so quickly with this.

I think the fact that LYC BKK hasn't organized any events for some time in the provinces demonstrates that there is no "territorial" problem here. And, if they keep the name "LYC Thailand", why not? The LYC in CNX could be called "LYC Chiang Mai"; I don't think there's much confusion there.

I guess I come at it in this way:

1. See if there is a need.

2. See if there is an interest.

3. Plan out an approach for the club and a strategy for its launch

4. Gather resources

5. Organize, Implement and Problem-Solve

6. Succeed!

I do thank Iddy for jumping ahead for me and letting me know what kind of "bureaucratic" and 'political" problems might be ahead of us in #5. At this time, I hope he can accept that it is too early to address them in detail, since there is no context in which to solve them. I'm sure it's not his intent to "shoot us down" before we even start.

Before posting, I addressed #1, and, through some informal polling and discussion, determined there is a need.

Now I'm busy with #2, assessing the interest - so far, seems to be plenty, so that I'm about ready for #3.

As a beginning for #3, I'd like anyone in CNX to PM me if they are interested in attending a discussion meeting about moving forward.

It's important that we reach out to our Thai friends and get them involved, too, so please pass on the word!

I propose a weekday evening meeting at Soho on Huay Gaew (across from Kad Suan Gaew), date and time to be determined based on your input.

I look forward to your feedback!


  • 2 weeks later...

We've now planned an organizational meeting for the Chiang Mai LYC. Any interested parties are invited to attend.

The meeting will be 9pm on December 5.

Just send me a message here at Thaivisa forum and I'll let you know the location! (click my profile name and then scroll down and on the left you'll see "send message" link)

Look forward to hearing from you.



Because our original venue is closed for the King's Birthday on December 5th, the organizing meeting of Chiang Mai LYC has been delayed one day.

We will now be meeting as follows:

Thursday December 6, 9pm

SOHO on Huay Gaew road (across from Kad Suan Gaew)

This is an organizational meeting, so all interested in helping set up the new chapter are invited.

I'll bring some information on the International LYC, or if you like you can peruse here in advance:


Look forward to seeing you.



Wow, PB!

First, let me thank all that attended our "founding" meeting of the Chiang Mai LYC at SOHO pub on 12/6/07.

I counted a total of 20 folks in attendance, 16 westerners, 4 Thai. As a result of the meeting, we've already got a mailing list of 15 folks!

The original purpose of the meeting was to discuss how we MIGHT put together a Chiang Mai LYC. With the number of people who showed up and the enthusiasm everyone showed, we accomplished much more than that.

The meeting was informal, with the following vague agenda:


Handout LYC informational materials (LYC FAQ and 2004 article from the Bangkok Post on LYC BKK)

Discuss motivation for forming the club.

Discuss what people wanted out of the club

Discuss level of organization/bureaucracy; VERY gen'l discussion on fees and funding

Discuss how to foster Thai participation

Decide next steps.

Here are some notes on what was discussed/what happened:

The club should be primarily social, formed to provide a social center for Gay Thai and Westerners. It should be supportive and encouraging of relationships, but not at all exclusively for couples. In fact, it should be a good place for Thais and Westerners to meet new friends.

The club should organize various sorts of activities, which should include both regularly-scheduled events (monthly or bi-monthly) and special events.

Some activities suggested were: Potlucks, buffets, dining-out, coffee/cocktail get-togethers, movie/concert/theatre outings, special parties (Christmas, New Year, etc.), sports events (hiking, bowling, etc.), fundraisers for charity causes, special speakers or entertainment arrangements

Several attendees pointed out that events should be kept low-cost or subsidized where possible, in order to encourage participation by more local Thai. Most folks didn't like the idea of a membership fee. It was pointed out that we have to do our homework regarding bylaws, officers, etc., in order to "formalize" the club, but it was generally agreed that we should try an informal "event" first and postpone the "paperwork" until after the holidays.

There was a good discussion about how to encourage more participation by local Thai. The following ideas were put forward:

- posting in Gay Thai forums/websites; contact the Rainbow club (details to be researched by Tom)

- limit cost/subsidize certain events as necessary

- all materials/communications should be bi-lingual, including emails, website, posters, etc...

We decided to try to organize the following events:

- buffet on Sunday 12/16 Tom and Bruce are taking the lead on this one

- open house with free drinks/food 1/13/07 6-8pm sponsored by a local business (Thank you! more details to come as we finalize this!)

- One attendee volunteered to host a pot luck at his place; however we couldn't come up with an open date until later in January! Darn Holidays! We'll talk about this more at the Buffet; or, if the Buffet doesn't work out because of conflicts at the venue, we'll have the pot luck instead!

Now we have an email address:

[email protected]

Please share it with everyone you know who might be interested in what we're all about. Just have them email us, and we'll add their address to our list. And, be sure to tell at least one local Thai!


PS to any attendees who are reading this - there will be a more detailed bilngual version of this report emailed to you separately in the next day or so.


I'm sorry I missed it! However, at a certain age, things do tend to slip your mind.

personlly don't have a problem with membership fees for single farangs or couples. To attract Thais, perhaps let them join temporarily for free as long as they are not professionals(bar boy, MB). Just my thoughts.


Some advice:

1. No fees unless you've reached at least triple digits (preferably much more) and have some real overhead. If you institute fees it will make those who might want to join passively feel put off (they feel they won't get their money's worth and won't be sure anyway why there should be any costs) and there will be pressure to justify the fees (and prove there's no skimming off by anyone). And what about guests? And you don't want to get people started on about double pricing for foreigners.

2. You should probably make yourself a standard intro text to post on various gay Internet boards. Some groups of this type won't automatically put new members on their mailing lists because they might be troublemakers of various sorts; they'll require a phone call for at least some informal vetting first- if you do that you should probably give one number for English and another for Thai, and preferred hours for calling. Of course you'd want to point out that since you're already volunteering your time, you won't be spending money returning calls made out of hours.

3. I suggest you look at your group as an alternative to the bar/disco/sauna scene and avoid having any events at any venue which would even remotely be associated with such a scene, even to the extent of being close in the neighborhood. Emphasizing this will give you a niche role which will be filled (hopefully) with the types of guys more likely to be looking for friendship. If people want to break off into groups and head to the bars *after* meetings, that's their own business. Chiang Mai and nearby areas have plenty of parks, tourist spots, restaurants, other attractions you could use for events and activities.



When you're posting dates can you use a format that's more universally understood? 1/13/07 doesn't make sense to many people whereas 13 Jan 07 is understood by all. Slightly off-topic and pedantic but there you go :o


Thanks for all you constructive feedback!

I wanted to post a bit more info on the Sunday buffet:

We will have the first LYC buffet at the Chiang Mai Grand View Hotel on Sunday, December 16, 2007. Arrangements are all made, we just need to finalize the size of the reservation.

Details are below.

If you are planning to attend, please email back and reserve your place! Our new email is lyc.cnx (at) gmail.com

LOCATION: Chiang Mai Grandview Hotel

DIRECTIONS: http://chiangmaigrandview.com

TIME: 12:00 noon

DATE: Sunday, December 16, 2007

PRICE: B120/person

Best Regards

Bruce and Tom


บุฟเฟ่ตแรกของเชียงใหม่ลองแยงคลับจะเกิดขึ้นวันที่ 12 ธันวาคม 2550 ที่โรงแรม Chiang Mai Grandview


ที่อย: โรงแรม Chiang Mai Grandview

แผนที่: http://chiangmaigrandview.com

เวลา: 12:00

วันที่: 16 ธันวาคม 2550

ราคา: B120/หัว

ถ้าสนใจกรุณา e-mail กลับเพื่อจองที่ lyc.cnx @ gmail.com


When you're posting dates can you use a format that's more universally understood? 1/13/07 doesn't make sense to many people whereas 13 Jan 07 is understood by all. Slightly off-topic and pedantic but there you go :o

It's American hegemony! 555

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