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Note To Chiang Mai Old Timers

Gonzo the Face

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Anybody out there remember a book done back in 1992 called

"The Book of What"

Just ran across a copy in my files [ I do a clean up of the office every 10 years or so] that looks like I never even opened it.

Its a book on a lot of interesting facts about Chiang Mai of the day.

Names a lot of Wats, Guest Houses, Restaurants, that are not around today. Things in there to trigger the old brain cells with the Hey I forgot all about that, kinda statements.

Good time reading if you were around here back then.

Maybe UG has a copy laying around somewhere.

Giving credit where its due, the guy that wrote it and put it together did a lot of work on it and his name "Henry T. Coulter"

Not sure today, wether or not it was him, but I do remember a guy back in those days riding around on a bicycle putting together what was to be a book like this....


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I haven't run across a copy in 4 or 5 years, but I run into the author every once in a while.

He's one of those guys that I always think has been back home for years, but he says he's been here the whole time.

I can remember when most Expats knew of each other, but these days, there are so many that very few are even acquaintances.

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I have recently read a book that has all of you in it..Literally..

Great read BTW. :o here's a review.

Fast Eddie's Lucky 7 A-Go-Go by David Young

If you've washed up in Thailand and are wondering where the hel_l your life is going, you'll probably wish that you knew someone like Fast Eddie, proprietor of the Lucky 7 A-Go-Go and affable svengali to a rag-tag band of Chiang Mai English teachers who struggle to be decadent on 30,000 baht a month.

In the wake of a near-fatal heart attack, however, Fast Eddie's priorities change and his fun-loving friends are horrified to discover that he now questions the wisdom of his lurid sex-pat lifestyle. His surprise decision to sell the bar precipitates a complex web of intrigue.

The underlying theme is redemption but the big idea develops quietly behind an engaging parade of farang misfits and Thai hookers who play out their relationship difficulties for our voyeuristic reading pleasure. The author covers ground which, in less skilful hands, could have descended into cliche but which, instead, takes Thailand fiction to a new level.

In fact, I hesitate to label Fast Eddie's as "Thailand fiction" because the term has slightly negative connotations - like "local newspaper." In my opinion, the book has broader appeal than most in the genre and could easily find an audience without flaunting its Thailand credentials. It's a thumping good read and the characters are so believable that they must be based on real people.

Edited by Austhaied
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Can you bring it round when you pick up your snot blocks tomorrow arvo? :D

It's now in the Gulf of Thailand on Das Boot..

I usually just leave books on the vessel when I've finished them. Although i should have held on to that one.. All the bookstores in town still have it. About 300-400 baht.. http://www.dcothai.com/product_info.php?products_id=107

Don't worry MJM, you ARE in the book... :o

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Can you bring it round when you pick up your snot blocks tomorrow arvo? :o

whatever you do...don't tell CB and Macca or they'll all want some :D

Oi I just spotted this post - where did you get them?

I wannna I wanna I wanna my snot blocks


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I have recently read a book that has all of you in it..Literally..

Great read BTW. :o here's a review.

Fast Eddie's Lucky 7 A-Go-Go by David Young

If you've washed up in Thailand and are wondering where the hel_l your life is going, you'll probably wish that you knew someone like Fast Eddie, proprietor of the Lucky 7 A-Go-Go and affable svengali to a rag-tag band of Chiang Mai English teachers who struggle to be decadent on 30,000 baht a month.

In the wake of a near-fatal heart attack, however, Fast Eddie's priorities change and his fun-loving friends are horrified to discover that he now questions the wisdom of his lurid sex-pat lifestyle. His surprise decision to sell the bar precipitates a complex web of intrigue.

Could this be based on "Fast Eddie" from The Escape? Never heard it described as a Go Go bar.

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I have recently read a book that has all of you in it..Literally..

Great read BTW. :o here's a review.

Fast Eddie's Lucky 7 A-Go-Go by David Young

If you've washed up in Thailand and are wondering where the hel_l your life is going, you'll probably wish that you knew someone like Fast Eddie, proprietor of the Lucky 7 A-Go-Go and affable svengali to a rag-tag band of Chiang Mai English teachers who struggle to be decadent on 30,000 baht a month.

In the wake of a near-fatal heart attack, however, Fast Eddie's priorities change and his fun-loving friends are horrified to discover that he now questions the wisdom of his lurid sex-pat lifestyle. His surprise decision to sell the bar precipitates a complex web of intrigue.

Could this be based on "Fast Eddie" from The Escape? Never heard it described as a Go Go bar.

The names and places have been changed to protect the guilty..err i mean innocent. :D

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I have recently read a book that has all of you in it..Literally..

Great read BTW. :D here's a review.

Fast Eddie's Lucky 7 A-Go-Go by David Young

If you've washed up in Thailand and are wondering where the hel_l your life is going, you'll probably wish that you knew someone like Fast Eddie, proprietor of the Lucky 7 A-Go-Go and affable svengali to a rag-tag band of Chiang Mai English teachers who struggle to be decadent on 30,000 baht a month.

In the wake of a near-fatal heart attack, however, Fast Eddie's priorities change and his fun-loving friends are horrified to discover that he now questions the wisdom of his lurid sex-pat lifestyle. His surprise decision to sell the bar precipitates a complex web of intrigue.

Could this be based on "Fast Eddie" from The Escape? Never heard it described as a Go Go bar.

The names and places have been changed to protect the guilty..err i mean innocent. :D

Couldn't be !!! He was much faster than that... :D Unless a heart attack slowed him down

Maybe the Lucky 7 refers to the 7 good folks that each owned a half of the Escape ... gotta admire the mans math..


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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