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What A Great Week Of New Games


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Finally the game drought is over and the flood of great games is starting

Just finished Bioshock on 360 (awesome) and have just started Metroid Prime Corruption on Wii (even more awesome)

Metroid is the first FPS that actually works better than mouse and keyboard... never thought I say that but it's just so intuitive

And Friday sees the release of Warhawk on PS3

And yes I have bought Bioshock (original arrived this morning from UK) and will buy the original of Metroid when it arrives in MBK in a few days, just like I do with all AAA games

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Halfway through Bioshock...its good, great story, great graphics, amazing audio but I cant see me playing it again once Ive finished it and why the hel_l is there no multiplayer!! A good game but not a great one...

Like Bioshock, Metroid Prime also has no multiplayer. I'd rather have a fully fleshed out single player game than a tacked on Multi Player

Not every game needs a Multi Player - to get it right takes a lot of time and generally the single player suffers as development resoucres are drained to spend on MP

For my multiplayer fix I'll be turning to halo 3, Call of Duty 4 and Unreal Tournament 4, but I think none of these games will include a single player game as good as Bioshock or Metroid (well maybe COD4 will)

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Is Metroid Prime better than Bioshock, If so I will have to get myselk a Wii methinks.

Bioshock has better graphics and story (the "will you kindly bit" of Bioshock was a classic!) but personally I think Metroid pips it due to the far better level design, variety of puzzles and of course the controls. Not once do you feel you are fighting the controls (VERY unusal for a Wii game!)

Previously I thought the Wii's motion tracking was just not accurate for a good FPS game... Metroid has proven this is not the case

I just hope all further FPS games for the Wii adopt it's control scheme

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Already beat Bioshock?! ######. I haven't really had much time to play it in the last week, I suppose. Work and school. Probably gonna finish it tonight with a friend, some beer and pizza. Stranglehold is coming out on Friday as well, gonna pick that up as well. It's nice the have the game drought end. Gamewise, the last 3 months have been pretty ###### dull.

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Just wish UnreliableBOX360 would last long enough just to get through the BioShock demo.

RE4 is on the cards tonite though, and Metroid by the weekend.

And i'm kicking myself i turned my desktop PC into a fileserver and did not maintain it, been itching for a go on Crysis since it's announcement.

Ho Hum

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Just wandering, how quick do they get the games into the shops here( e.g. MBK). I'll be getting the new tiger woods golf 08 for ps3, and it was released yesterday in states. Will it be available this soon, does anyone know? Or soes it take them longer to get it here?

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Just wandering, how quick do they get the games into the shops here( e.g. MBK). I'll be getting the new tiger woods golf 08 for ps3, and it was released yesterday in states. Will it be available this soon, does anyone know? Or soes it take them longer to get it here?

I'd expect MBK would have Tiger Woods on US PS3 over the weekend... Monday at the latest

I'm waiting for the US version of Hot Shots golf myself

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