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The cops shouldn't stop you if you are driving car. If you are on a motorcycle and not wearing a helmet then they will probably stop you and fine you............................

Why not? :o

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As a seasoned long-term resident of CM, and a thankful emigre from the total lack of order in Pattaya, I have to agree with an earlier poster about going with the flow. A new (Farang) driver goes through phases here in CM or elsewhere in Thailand. First you are scared to even get behind the wheel of a car, especially if you came from a country that drives on the right-hand side of the road. The next phase is learning to master your fear of driving here. This doesn't take long. The third phase is expressing disbelief and anger at the seemingly unbelievable antics of Thai drivers (or rude Farangs). Believe me, if it is possible the Thai will do it. Don't be surprised and don't get angry. Our arrogance is not welcome here and can get you in a lot of trouble. More on this shortly. The final phase is acceptance of the way things really are here. Chaotic to be sure, but there is a sense of order in that chaos.

Now my own personal vignette. I was driving happily along on the Airport Expressway in the direction of the airport, intending to exit at the Central Plaza and do some shopping. I was cruising along in the fast lane keeping up with the guy in front of me, when an obnoxious young Thai man zoomed up behind me in a beat-up 'rice rocket' (Japanese sedan of questionable vintage, upkeep and make), madly attempting to pass. He swerved into the slow lane and then tried to cut me off...which I naturally responded to by speeding up and refusing him the opportunity (this was before I entered Phase 4--Acceptance). He then dogged me to the Hang Dong Road intersection, where I was forced to stop for the red light; I intended to continue straight, cross over Hang Dong Road and turn left into the Plaza's parking entrance up ahead. While we were waiting for the light to change, the man jumped out of his car, ran over to the drivers side window of my brand new Camry (which was closed and he couldn't see me well due to the tinted film). He then shouted at me in rapid-fire Thai, probably demanding me to lower the window, with clenched fists. To which I smartly declined. The only way I would have opened that window is if I had a 12-gauge shotgun to poke into his face and calm him down (and that dumb act probably would have resulted in a tragedy to one or both of us had I really proffered a gun). He then slammed both palms against my window glass in frustration and stomped off. The moral here is that I was completely wrong, despite his rude driving behavior. He could have easily been carrying a tire iron or worse yet, his own gun. He didn't do any damage to my car which was a stroke of luck for me. Had he had a gun, I probably wouldn't be authoring this post now. Believe me he was so angry he was spitting like a mad cobra. I believe that was the same day I decided to enter Phase 4! Play their game and let the fools, hotheads and road hogs have their way. It ain't worth it friends. Life is too short. Enjoy driving here but play by their rules.

If in doubt just hire one of these. Cheap, relatively safe and you can still have a skinfull..

Absolutely :o

And unusually, BOTH of those appear to be going the right way around the inside of the moat (I'm assuming they are on Moonmuang from what I can see in the picture but might be wrong).

Regarding the advice about watching out for Thais driving the wrong way on one-way streets, yup, but also recognise that usually they do so slowly, at the side of the road, and for a "short cut" - whereas farangs have been known to do it for long distances, at speed, in the middle of the road, especially late at night, while too drunk to walk anywhere.

In one instance I know of, the drunk farang came wrong way down Loy Kroa, crossed the moat to Moonmuang, turned left and drove the wrong way at speed before exiting through Chiangmai Gate onto the outside of the moat and heading west. And that was when Chiangmai was still a 24hour party town, so lots of traffic on the road at 3am.

For the singleys - if you're too drunk to drive the motorsai home - let your "date" drive - even if drunk, s/he'll be far more capable of getting you both home that you will be. :D

(edited to correct typo)


Stop you for what? I've never been pulled over in car before. Use of modal verb here is more 'won't'.

The cops shouldn't stop you if you are driving car. If you are on a motorcycle and not wearing a helmet then they will probably stop you and fine you............................

Why not? :o


I haven't read all the posts, sorry if I repeat information.

I have been driving in Chinag Mai on and off over 15 years, and have never had an accident.

I just go with the flow, remember this is not a give way system, it is a merge system. Forget your concepts of western driving, but assuning you have aquired skills it will keep you in good stead. I always watch the flow and expect the unexpected. Be especuially careful of motorbikes especially when turning left, make sure it is clear.

Get a proper legal driving licence, in case you are pulled over or in an accident. If you are your insurance (get a good one - as far as they can be) will sort it out. It really is quite simple once you get the knack for it. Don't be intimidated, push in when required, give way when approptiate.

And finally don't get angry at idiot drivers, they are usually in some kind of a daze anyway and don't even know. Relax and go with the flow.

Get a proper legal driving licence, in case you are pulled over or in an accident. If you are your insurance (get a good one - as far as they can be) will sort it out. It really is quite simple once you get the knack for it. Don't be intimidated, push in when required, give way when approptiate.

And finally don't get angry at idiot drivers, they are usually in some kind of a daze anyway and don't even know. Relax and go with the flow.

That pretty much sums it up.....Thank You!


Get a proper legal driving licence, in case you are pulled over or in an accident. If you are your insurance (get a good one - as far as they can be) will sort it out. It really is quite simple once you get the knack for it. Don't be intimidated, push in when required, give way when approptiate.

And finally don't get angry at idiot drivers, they are usually in some kind of a daze anyway and don't even know. Relax and go with the flow.

That pretty much sums it up.....Thank You!


forgot to mention......Confusious say

man who drive like hel_l- bound to get there :o


after 10 yrs on CM's mean streets, the best advise i can give has been given before 'go with the flow'...which is hard when thai drivers drive both super slow and super fast, i'm a moderate driver and sometimes don't fit in.

make eye contact if you want someone to give you right of way and usually it works.

and would like to add that even if you have 'first class insurance' and the other person is at fault, you still may be legally obliged to pay the victim for damages [over and above what the insurance co pays, so i've heard.....

and lastly....use 150% of your attention while on the roads here. in the west [where they follow rules] you can get away with 50%.

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