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Pentium 4 Processor

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I just bought a P4 2.8. The fan on top of the processor once it kicks in is fairly noisy. Certainly noisery than any other computer I have ever had. Before I go charging back to Tukcom I just want to check, is this normal for the P4's?

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I got an Intel P4 2.4 a bit over a year ago and the fan has been silent the whole time. Sounds like your one needs changing. I think it should be fairly easy to just get a replacement fan and fit it?

The power supply I got at the same time as the processor was a noisy, unstable beast but that's another story... :o

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Intel fans are stock and thus are fairly quiet. At least, they shouldn't be noticeably louder than the power supply fan. They're also usually very robust (made in Japan) and not prone to failure. Therefore, getting a new processor with a noisy stock fan is certainly strange. However, it's not hard to find a replacement... there are shops that sell these fans by themselves for cheap. You can also try cleaning the fan, in case it dislodges whatever is causing the noise, but if it's lodged inside at the magnet, it's doubltful you'll get it out.

Don't try to unplug the processor fan for more than a few seconds... you'll end up with a fried processor.

I have a 2.4C processor with stock fan, oc'ed to 3.2, for nearly a year now. Still works like a charm.

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I upgraded for a P4 2.6c a year ago or so ...

bought it boxed, the fan is an intel one, easy to slot on and really silent :o

so, think about to change it, and check that it's a genuine intel one ... as the processor :D



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