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Fox News On Small Dish


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It appears that everyone I talk to that sells Satellite dishes confirms, there is no way to get Fox News on a small dish.

It's also unclear if you can get it with the large dish providers like:



If you have ADSL you could go with IP TV


Or you could use a Sling Box and have someone in the USA pass it to you, along with everything else


It amazes me that UBC offers such a poor selection and have not changed their lineup for years now.

I was told that Fox news license could be purchased for 250,000 baht a year by Jsat.tv. If anyone has more information please

let me know.

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If you have ADSL you could go with IP TV


Read http://www.truetv.in.th/th/catagory/news/fox_news.php and you will see this is not for inernet users.

On this link it shows http://www.truetv.in.th/en/what_is_ip_tv/index.php True will sell you a complete stand alone IPTV system complete with a box to plug in to your TV and well worth every baht of it.

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If you have ADSL you could go with IP TV


Read http://www.truetv.in.th/th/catagory/news/fox_news.php and you will see this is not for inernet users.

On this link it shows http://www.truetv.in.th/en/what_is_ip_tv/index.php True will sell you a complete stand alone IPTV system complete with a box to plug in to your TV and well worth every baht of it.

The True IPTV package is the best value in Thailand to get both wifi broadband and TV. Just get the top package and you will get routers, set top boxes and everything included, no up front charges and total charge for broadband + wifi+ TV including Fox news at around 1500 Baht/mo. all in.

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If you can run a cable from my house here in phuket, you can have the Fox 'News' from me for free. Unfortunately it's included on my 400thb a month package from my local cable provider, and after my first couple of drawdropping peeks at it, removed that particular button from the remote. Never seen such utter bloody drivel in all my life. Murdoch aka The Dirty Digger. What a guy!

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Useless? Presidential Debates, The Factor, Shep Smith, Fox and Friends, Best Coverage on Issues.. don't be a hater. Respect others choices.

I'm not a hater. I'm mostly republican on fiscal issues. I like Redeye...and watching Michelle Malkin with the volume down...Let's see what else? Oh yeah, Dennis Miller.

The problem with Fox is that Roger Aisles has turned it into his and Murdoch's personal soapbox. It's not really news. It's political hyperbole and sensationalism designed to appeal to certain segments. CNN, BBC, even aljazeera, cover issues and hard news much better. You can make any arguments you like for the domestic networks vs. Fox. But, for international global coverage of issues in an objective way, they are non-existant.

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Their coverage is fine IMO. There's no problem with watching Fox News, it's entertaining and informative.. period. Yes of course there is "political hyperbole and sensationalism", that's my problem with CNN and BBC, their lack thereof. Their newscasters are so <deleted> boring, I might as well read the newspaper. Their plain suits, and plain personalities. Larry Kings ancient set from the 1960's. It's so old, and their talking heads are so boring. Fox news, whatever opinions they might interject into a story, is just better news and better producing of it.

If I'm really worried they are not fair on a coverage of a particular story there's always somewhere else to get it.

Anyways this discussion always happens when someone mentions Fox news, someone always says the same thing.. "soapbox yadda". Right.. we all

know there are those that feel this way.

Can someone please find me Fox News on a small satellite dish provider? :o

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Useless? Presidential Debates, The Factor, Shep Smith, Fox and Friends, Best Coverage on Issues.. don't be a hater. Respect others choices.

Nope, not in this case, sorry. Not a hater, just exposing brainwashed propaganda-TV for what it is. Respect the truth.

I mean, Fox news isn't even hiding the fact that it has words and phrases for the day, the week, and the month, things that get repeated over and over again across all programs in order to "deliver the message". If you watch Fox regularly, you can play a game of "guess the message". I am sure it will be rather easy to discover.

I am not saying that Fox gets paid by someone, they spread propaganda and lies to "help the cause" all by themselves, and in their very own interest.

BTW I can't stand CNN either, or BBC for that matter. But Fox stands out with their relentless right-wing propaganda. BBC TV tries to be neutral but ends up being cutesy and biased by trying to be balanced (*). And CNN wants to be Fox only respectable and kinda fails on all fronts. Just my opinion.

Where do I get my newsfix? Only the web, mostly BBC news web page. I enjoy the ad-free nature, the lack of breathless attention-mongering, and also, it has to be said, lack of bad haircuts and even worse make-up jobs.

(*) If there are two contradictory news stories, one true, the other a lie, then balanced reporting tends to display both as equal viewpoints and ends up being biased towards the lie. This effect really benefits the liars. It also benefits the liars to make people believe that "everyone lies". Or "the others are just as bad, just different".

My 2ct :o

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Nope, not in this case, sorry. Not a hater, just exposing brainwashed propaganda-TV for what it is. Respect the truth.

I mean, Fox news isn't even hiding the fact that it has words and phrases for the day, the week, and the month, things that get repeated over and over again across all programs in order to "deliver the message". If you watch Fox regularly, you can play a game of "guess the message". I am sure it will be rather easy to discover.

I am not saying that Fox gets paid by someone, they spread propaganda and lies to "help the cause" all by themselves, and in their very own interest.

I'd like an example of "phrase of the day"

and yes, you are a "hater" There's no reason to "hate" Fox News for the way they deliver their content. It's America and everyone owns a Remote Control

and has free will. Turn the channel, but as I said before.. don't be a "hater".

Can someone please find me Fox News ( The best news channel on the face of the Earth) on a small satellite dish provider? :o

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Nope, not in this case, sorry. Not a hater, just exposing brainwashed propaganda-TV for what it is. Respect the truth.

I mean, Fox news isn't even hiding the fact that it has words and phrases for the day, the week, and the month, things that get repeated over and over again across all programs in order to "deliver the message". If you watch Fox regularly, you can play a game of "guess the message". I am sure it will be rather easy to discover.

I am not saying that Fox gets paid by someone, they spread propaganda and lies to "help the cause" all by themselves, and in their very own interest.

I'd like an example of "phrase of the day"

and yes, you are a "hater" There's no reason to "hate" Fox News for the way they deliver their content. It's America and everyone owns a Remote Control

and has free will. Turn the channel, but as I said before.. don't be a "hater".

Can someone please find me Fox News ( The best news channel on the face of the Earth) on a small satellite dish provider? :o

I think you just hit the nail on the head. We all voted with our remotes and only you want to watch it, so no commercial reason for it to be on a small dish in Thailand.

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another hater.. ok thats fine.. I would think there would not be so many narrow minded individuals on this board.. but then again

usually they are the most vocal... so it's not that surprising

see other threads on this topic, plenty of voters for fox news

Can someone please find me Fox News ( The best news channel on the face of the Earth) on a small satellite dish provider? :o

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another hater.. ok thats fine.. I would think there would not be so many narrow minded individuals on this board.. but then again

usually they are the most vocal... so it's not that surprising

Narrow minded = That would be someone that can't accept other peoples views or is too stubborn to see the value of an opposing opinion, or is content to let other people tell them what to think and is too Lazy to search out more information and examine the opposing side of the story, Or Refuses to see when they are being lied to and manipulated...

Narrow minded - Most be a George Bush supporter. or a Far Right- Conservative Republican... or a Fox News watcher.

Only my "Fair and Balanced" opinion.

Something I learned from O'Reilly, Hannity and Malkin


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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another hater.. ok thats fine.. I would think there would not be so many narrow minded individuals on this board.. but then again

usually they are the most vocal... so it's not that surprising

see other threads on this topic, plenty of voters for fox news

Can someone please find me Fox News ( The best news channel on the face of the Earth) on a small satellite dish provider? :o

I do beg your pardon. You said people vote with their remotes right.

You said and I quote " It's America and everyone owns a Remote Control and has free will. Turn the channel, but as I said before.. don't be a "hater". "

Now having just said this you label me as a hater of Fox News after I explain how the people of Thailand have just done exactly this and voted with their remote controls, and choosen not to view it?

Please explain this to me?

It is neither fair nor it is it balanced to make such a statement to people who are helping you in your quest.

Edited by youbet
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Can somebody please find this oakweb guy his Fox news before he starts crying? Come on.

Maybe it is his small dish he is missing, maybe he should venture back into the dish footprint.

What absolute claptrap from oakweb.

He sounds like the kind of weak pussy those 20 something beautiful female newcasters at fox love to sh!it on.

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Can somebody please find this oakweb guy his Fox news before he starts crying? Come on.

Maybe it is his small dish he is missing, maybe he should venture back into the dish footprint.

What absolute claptrap from oakweb.

He sounds like the kind of weak pussy those 20 something beautiful female newcasters at fox love to sh!it on.

yes but we are rightly or wrongly assuming he has been in direct contact with fox himself and they have also told him he can not watch it either, other than by the means already outlined by the posters in this thread trying to help him.

I agree you have it in one.

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The only thing I need from FOX is my Miller fix now and then. You can get it all online. They post everything and you don't have to watch the stuff you don't need. I get my CNN online as well. TV is going to die. Dishs should be used for internet.

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The only thing I need from FOX is my Miller fix now and then. You can get it all online. They post everything and you don't have to watch the stuff you don't need. I get my CNN online as well. TV is going to die. Dishs should be used for internet.

I just told him where. Its on my dish, its online. everything is.

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In Pattaya, I get Fox News on Banglamung Cable. Fox News is the only reason I subscribe to the cable service. It's a shame that I have to pay above and beyond my UBC Platinum subscription just to get my favorite news program from the states. When I was working in Saudi Arabia, I could get it off the Hotbird satellite off a 2 meter dish. You didn't say where you were located, but maybe you can find a local cable service provider that offers Fox News.

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another hater.. ok thats fine.. I would think there would not be so many narrow minded individuals

yup when i want broad minded people i always go to john'the drunk' gibson, shill o'lielly and sean banality and all the neo-con support lemmings :o

that business guy neilknows squat about business andis only a total shill for the rethuglicants.

when people say - i watch fox - i know: white, republican trailer trash or nuveau riche and potential bigot.

fox is not fair minded and all you need to do is check newshounds.us or mediamatters

further - its 'news' is nothing more than infotainment. its a joke,a moralizing joke.

the same things that fox cablemoralizes about are thesame that fox tv exploits!! fox tv is the caters to the lowes tbase instinct.

fox- of course it has preety WHITE BLONDE GIRLSWITH LEGS. now thats quality news!

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There's no reason to "hate" Fox News for the way they deliver their content. It's America and everyone owns a Remote Control

and has free will. Turn the channel, but as I said before.. don't be a "hater".

There is every reason to hate Fox News I consider them utterly hateful for warmongering and blatantly supporting a warmonger. They disgust me they have contributed to the unnecessary deaths and pain of countless people from their warm comfortable studio. I would like to see the whole bunch of "political" presenters with the possible exception of the token liberal whose name escapes me as I haven't watched it for three years take the place of the humblest poor Iraqis who've died, and Murdoch who also owns the loathsome Sun I would put at the front.

Iraq was a country which for all it's many faults had good health care, award winning literacy rates, freedom of religion including open Judaism and Christianity, and relative equality for women compared to the rest of the region. It was some sort of reasonable home. It is now a ruin with millions of poor souls suffering and scared. I met anti Hussain Iraqis in the antiwar movement before the invasion who afterwards turned from level headed people to sufferers too and haters of America.

So I think Fox is worthy of the utmost bile and those who support it had better be aware of the repercussions.

Have I been clear?

Edited by sleepyjohn
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