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Building A "dream Computer" In Thailand.


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Mokwit, your correct to a point. there are few programs that will exceed the 2 GB address space, simply because software development moves at a glacial speed (where's the fracking multithread software?!?) However, since 64 bit hardware is so widespread and RAM so cheap, perhaps we'll see more programs utilising larger amounts of memory. However, memory addressing is still helpful, since you can run more programs without swapping going on.

As a side note, things have progressed a lot, and a lot of compatability issues have been solved. Simply checking up on the components via googling them will give you a good idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First let me thank everyone for their fantastic feedback.

Update - I'm getting very close to making my dream computer Purchase... I'll be posting my final selections here shortly.. but first I'm having a small problem chosing my Mother board.

BTW the CPU will Be an Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 and RAM will be Geil (2x 1GB = 2x 512MB = 3 GB)

Please advise your choice from these three MoBos:

ASUS P5KR - (The ONLY review i can find on the Net is from OZHardware.com, I think this particular model isn't available in the USA yet. BTW "R" is for RAID option) but specs look good.

Gigabyte P35 Ds3R - My shop recommended this one.. and has good reviews, but some user reviews on Newegg.com talk about a 3-sec Boot problem, and compatibilty problems, so I'm a little leary about it.

Another choice is

ASUS P5N-E SLI - Top rated at PCWorl.com, but more expensive and hard to find at Pantip. My shop doesn't have it, and say they can't get it.

BTW - I have choosen JEDI Overclock <www.jedicool.com> in Pantip to be the builders.. They have the best English speakers, and offered me the most feedback, an important criteria in helping me make my final choices. Prices seem in line.

I'm looking forward to your feedback,

Thanks again,


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May you should although take a look at MSI

I had a lot good experiences with MSI Boards and still using some of them. Never any problems. Different from Asus which I got alot problems with! And the MSI boards having some advantages against others. For example the P6N Diamond supports until 16 GB memory and has 4 PCI-X ports!!

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Most people who don't know how to correctly build/spec a computer will say to get it from name brands (the word here is "most"). Fact is, even assembled computers from companies like HP and Dell will have problems with them. They are stocked with components from the lowest bidder, after all.

I would get the Asus or Gigabyte. Both are good.

Dual port video cards are common these days. What's not so common are those with HDMI, HDCP, or Dual-link DVI (required for high resolutions).

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Check out the totally-silent Zalman case available in Pantip Plaza. No fans at all - the case is one huge heatsink. Not cheap though - I think its around 35,000 baht just for the case, but well worth it for silent computing. :o

35,000 baht seems just a tad out of my budget. :D

Has anyone seen a "Lian Li" case in Pantip? Recommended by a friend in USA... They have multiple fans... Some up to 4... Top, Front, Sides and back. .. ??? http://www.silverpcs.com/



yeah i got the V2000 - looks quite cool - not super silent though - there's a shop ground floor, righthand side of pantip (if you enter through main entrance) on a corner where they have a lot of these case mod things - you can go there, the guy's sister speaks excellent english and they know their stuff - different fans, different ways to cool = they can custom build cases with water cooling as well if you want.

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yeah i got the V2000 - looks quite cool - not super silent though - there's a shop ground floor, righthand side of pantip (if you enter through main entrance) on a corner where they have a lot of these case mod things - you can go there, the guy's sister speaks excellent english and they know their stuff - different fans, different ways to cool = they can custom build cases with water cooling as well if you want.

I think we're talking about the same Shop in Pantip.. Jedi.. on the left.. a few doors down from Bangkok Bank.

The case I've chosen is This one > Kandalf VA9000SWA (7,500 Baht)

Kandalf Home Page

It's big, but has Great reviews.. The Silver model is All Aluminum.. and great Cooling Factor as well.

Btw.. This case is Water cooling ready, (Pre configured) but the shop, which sells all the stuff, told me that Water cooling was a real pain to maintain.. requires a lot of attention. I think I have the cooling really covered now with all the fans and extra cooking on The VGA card and CPU.



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Gigabyte P35 Ds3R :o

So wait, your not building it but the shop is??? Theres no fun in that then.. :D

Thanks for your input about the Gigabyte. :D

Sorry.. but I can't build it myself... No time.. no Place in my small room, crowded with my books, stuff and my wife :bah: and finally.. no expertise.. I'm too paranoid I'll screw it up.. and this case is just too big to shlep back and forth.. leave it too the experts.. if they need extra long cablles (which they may) then they have them readily available... also they could build it in 2 hours, It would take me probably 2 weeks.

I did build my own applifier.. a Bogen Quad from a kit.. but that was 30 years ago.. and even then the instructions were to bring into a dealer after building it, and BEFORE turning it on.. and they did catch 4 bad solders.. So once was enough.. and building a stereo Amp from a kit was a hel_l of a lot more complicated probably.. but hel_l, I'm a lot lazier these days too. :D

So Sorry.. :D


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May you should although take a look at MSI

I had a lot good experiences with MSI Boards and still using some of them. Never any problems. Different from Asus which I got alot problems with! And the MSI boards having some advantages against others. For example the P6N Diamond supports until 16 GB memory and has 4 PCI-X ports!!

Building a computer is an awful like buying a stereo, back in the day... never an end to choices.. so I have to draw the line someplace. or I'll never make a choice or get it built.

Which MSI do you recommend?.. The Asus and Gigabyte I listed above are both around 4750 baht.

I'd like to try and stay in this budget.. also I need to remember that I can go too far and get much more then I really need. The boards I listed are at the High Level of what I really need.

What exact problems did you have with ASUS?.. Right now, I'm leaning towards the ASUS P5KR.



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The 'ASUS P5KR' is too new to figure out if its good or not, judging by the very few reviews, it has not gained much attention! Nice case BTW!! :D

As for the experts building them, perhaps maybe also look and learn on what they are doing to your dream PC! Gain some easily knowledge skillz on how to build these easy beast! Its kinda like LEGO some how if you think aboot it! :D At 1st i was paranoid in screwing up, but having a high end PSU , you can never go wrong.. :o

Anyhoo, Gud Luck dude!

ps. Im getting my Quad Core Q6600 this Monday.. Wooo! The Excitement! :D

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The reason why I would choose to build it myself (over the shop building it) is that the shop usually keeps any spare parts and manuals and knick knacks that come with the parts. It's common practice. Later on, when you want to add something, you need to go back to the shop and pay them for parts that should have been included with the system. Also, many shops are very shoddy in their construction... using the wrong screws (wrong thread, destroys the parts), screws too tight, screws in the wrong place, missing screws, wrong positioning of fans, wiring wrong, etc. etc. etc., the list is endless. You'd think that since they do this for a living that they'd be good at it, but no, they just keep making the same mistakes again and again. And don't get me started on the software installation... it's a nightmare.

Of course, if you're clueless about how to build a system, you might also make the same mistakes, or worse.

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