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How Long Does A Mb Show Interest?


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Any comments on this same old story,

While lonely drinking a beer in Soi4, already 6 months ago, a MB started to talk to me. I did not show much interest to him, finally I sent him away after 2 hours talk. He did the talk, I just listened, because I had not much to comment as usual. We exchanged telephone numbers (who does not these days, but probably my first mistake) and I happily think that is the end of it, because I had other things on my mind that time being.

Result, he is calling me every other day to return his call. He sents me an average of 1 short message every day, for 6 months already. However, this average is increasing lately to 2-3 per day. After 2 months (I became a little bit curious about his assumptions) I met him again during a short holiday. He invited me to his parents home, however this was never my intention. I did pay for this trip and expenses (no problem, seems nice gesture both way).

He shows anger towards me, because I stay quiet (not return call) during many days/weeks in last 6 months period. He shows anger too, because I do not return his love talk by sending money to him. He frequently ask for money, which he is not getting for his many "future-be-togeher" ideas. He finished this LDR already several times, trying to upset me with several hurting reasons or his MB past stories. Still, he keeps contacting me with sweet words as his BF. During first 4 months, I told him I did not believe his sweet words. But I stop telling him this lately, because it seems useless. He tells me he quits his rich MB job and lost customers, because he is my first BF in love since we met again for second time and visited his family. When I called back him late at night, he was never surrounded by bar or BKK street noice. 2 weeks ago he left BKK to return to his parents farm.

At the beginning, I was sure he was playing a MB game. Thus I never said a definite 'NO' (probably second mistake of mine) to keep in contact as future friends. He admits, I was just a customer at first meeting. Only once in this 6 months period, I sent some money (probably third mistake of mine). It was just enough money to test if he would do the thing with the money I asked him to do. And of course, no surprise for me, the test result was disappointed. During 2-3 weeks I put pressure on him to finish successfully my test request. Finally, after 4 weeks he admitted why he did not accomplish my request, a test he was not aware about. His reason of failure is very credible to me. I also know he is a good actor. Comes with the MB job, he frankly tells me. And according to him, I am the one who is playing a game.

I am feeling ambiguous now after 6 months. In LD friendship credibility and honesty is difficult to believe. Seems a lot of effort or unexplainable attraction of him towards me, which I do not understand the reason in my case. Probably I have to learn from my own mistakes? However, I sure do not want his feelings to be hurt, jus in case it is ....

Who of us is the actor at this point? How long does a MB show interest, without money exchange?

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