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Another Tourist Visa Question

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Hi to all

im from the UK and 32 years of age and have been to LOS many times but only for holidays and 10 dayers etc

im about to go with a friend for 3 months

and after much searching of this forum/site and many hours reading posts (thanks for all the info

people)and many other sites i have nearly all the info i need

but there is one thing i just cannot completly understand

which is, if i get a tourist visa (60 days) it can then be extended in thailand for 30 more days right?

so how do i know how to book my return flight date?

as if i go for 3 months id like the return date to be in approx 89 days time

but does this 60 day visa only mean i can only book the return date for 59 days time ?

or does it really matter if they see a 60 day tourist visa with a flight return in 90 days do they just presume your extending in 60 days time and accept that?

ive read that its possible they wont check onward flights out if you have a visa

already but i do want to play it all above board so nothing can go wrong.

ive called the thai embassy in london aswell but you only get a 0906 number

which does not have this info on and cant get to talk to anyone about visa info there.

much appreciate any help

and sorry if i have missed something.

Many thanks

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Dont worry just get the 60 day tourist and extend once you are here........your carrier will let you board once you tell them you have a visa. If you are nervous about it you could always book your return for 59 days and then change the return date as soon as you get here......most tickets are 6 month open return these days, personally i wouldnt bother with this last option but its up to you. Apply to the Thai Consulate in Hull they are very easy going......you can download the application from their website. http://www.thaiconsul-uk.com/ You could even apply for a Non Immigrant O visa from Hull on the basis of visiting friends that would give you 90 days on arrival and solve all your problems, you could get either a single entry for 40 pound or multiple for 90 pound (depends on how many times you come here a year), 40 pound may sound more than single tourist but remember you wont have the 1900baht to pay to extend while your here. Only apply to Hull as they are the most "user friendly". You/ll need a letter of guarantee which anyone you know can complete.......its all explained on the website.

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No..........i/m from the North East of England and got my Non Imm O from Hull.....just sent the form letter in they have on their website signed by my mother (whos retired) and got the visa in 5 days. Also know quite a few others from the North East who get the Non Imm visa on the grounds of visiting friends and none of them have had any problems. Like i said Hull is very "user friendly" . :o Just re-read your post....its not the friends you are visiting who provide the guarantee its someone in your home country who guarantees to repatriate you.

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If you apply for a Non Imm O Visa, will the guarantor (i.e friends to be visited) be asked to prove that they have the means to cover any cost incurred by the applicant ?

toaster, I'm looking for a long term visa for thailand in mexico. I don't wanna work there cause I have a TP factory in mexico. I just wanna hang in thailand 4 6 months or more. any ideas?

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chawp dude:

Get a triple entry tourist visa from a Thai embassy - you will be allowed 60 days for each entry into Thailand. This covers your 6 months.

You should stay out your 60 days each time, because if you leave the country in the middle of a period, it is forfeited.

chawp dude is a troll...........have a look at all his posts :o

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