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Tourist killed as diver boat sinks off Thai island

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Low season is a very tough time this year for all in the tourism biz in Phuket, granted. And, you can't blame operators for going out against the known conditions. But, they should issue stern warnings to customers about it. Not sure if that's done or not. Doubt it.

:o you can, and should blame operators, captains, tour agents and the local authorities.

why are the police not at the boat ramp warning folks, checking equipment, and deciding on whether to prevent the boat from leaving port altogether, or not? similar to any other government agency, that is supposedly empowered with safeguarding the public good (to protect people from themselves, profiteers, their own ignorance, or a tout who keeps telling them it is ok, etc.) this needs to be done.

the same thing happens at airports when the weather is bad, and people never question the authorities about that. boating and flying are the same in this regard, the public just has less of an awareness of the things that could happen at sea in this weather, especially when the boat operator shows a willingness to go out in severe weather, which tends to cloud the issue.

it is someone's life. better an inconvenience than a death or injury.

and it should be stated upon booking or when reserving such services, that the weather may cancel, delay or re-schedule said service, and monies refunded if need be.

the police need to not only do this because it is right and makes sense, it also prevents the bad press that has shadowed Thai tourism for years. All this does is scare people away from Thailand and that means dollars down the drain.

i work in the tourism/hospitality business, and i know personally how this affects business, and the lives of the locals who work them. the few operators are just that, operators, and they have a mercenary/immediate business sense of mind, not a safety or future business sense of mind. one foolish act like this, not only costs lives, but untold dollars in national GNP.

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Tourist dies as crowded boat sinks off Phi Phi

KRABI: -- An Israeli tourist died and his compatriot is in a coma after a passenger boat sank in Krabi's Maya Bay yesterday, police said.

The boat, returning to Phi Phi Island after a diving trip, was reported to be carrying far too many passengers when it encountered heavy seas and sank early afternoon after being hit by a huge wave.

Some 59 passengers were thrown into the sea when the vessel capsized.

A 33-year-old Israeli tourist, Nissim Lugasi, was found dead while another tourist, Adam Benebjakee, had his legs severed by the boat's propeller.

"Nissim Lugasi died because his body was trapped under the roof of the boat after it was hit by huge waves and capsized," Police Lieutenant Colonel Jampa Sawakhon told Agence France-Presse by telephone from Krabi.

The remaining passengers - including a four-month pregnant tourist Sarah Goldman, 22 - were eventually rescued and taken to Bangkok-Phuket Hospital.

Muang Krabi Deputy Superintendent, Pol Lt Col Somdej Sukkarn said the boat owner - identified only as "Loh" - was entirely at fault as he had allowed the boat to carry 59 passengers when it was only allowed to carry 15. There were 27 male and 28 female tourists and four crew members, including the pilot, on the boat when the accident occurred.

Provincial disaster prevention chief Talerngsak Phuwayanapong said the office had warned all boat companies about strong winds and waves in the Andaman Sea.

Krabi Marine Transport Office Chief Suriya Kittimonthon said the boat owner could not claim insurance as he had broken the law by taking too many passengers and therefore must take all responsibility.

The Phuket-registered boat was bought by Loh to use at Koh Yao and Phi Phi Island and was at the time serving as a back-up boat for Blue Sky Co.

-- The Nation 2007-09-04


Very sad indeed. The Israeli tourist just got married two weeks ago and was on his honeymoon.... heartbreaking...

It's sad that ppl aren't warned in many cases of the possible dangers in going out to sea this time of year.

I was in Ko Tao and inquired about going to Ko Nang Yuan.. My wife and I were traveling with our one year old. Everyone recommended taking a Long Tail saying it was completely safe. We were taking it from Ko Tao Cabana so it ws at most half a KM....

There were small waves but didn't look bad.. Once we were out though, the boat nearly tipped, waves got big and lots of water was splashing into the boat. Had we known what it would be like we would have never gone. We waiting all day till we could take a large boat back to Ko Tao.

Crazy thing was that the Longtail driver asked us after we got there if we wanted a tour around Ko Tao!?!?!?!? It's unbelievable what risks he would take just to earn a little extra money...

Anyway, I'll know for next time...

Tourist dies as crowded boat sinks off Phi Phi

KRABI: -- An Israeli tourist died and his compatriot is in a coma after a passenger boat sank in Krabi's Maya Bay yesterday, police said.

(big chunk cut out)

Muang Krabi Deputy Superintendent, Pol Lt Col Somdej Sukkarn said the boat owner - identified only as "Loh" - was entirely at fault as he had allowed the boat to carry 59 passengers when it was only allowed to carry 15. There were 27 male and 28 female tourists and four crew members, including the pilot, on the boat when the accident occurred.

-- The Nation 2007-09-04

if this is definitely the case, then Loh should have the book thrown at him. although, how 59 people could fit into a space intended for just 15 is quite beyond me. common sense would have hopefully told me to not get on board, but then again, the sense of fun and adventure usually overpower that thought when on holiday unfortunately.

look, i have been diving in much bigger seas in much smaller craft and never had any problem. something must have gone seriously wrong for this accident to happen. although the seas were very rough today, i still do not think that they were strong enough to tip over a sea worthy vessel.


Having read every post, it's clear that we have a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacks on board as this story evolved. From the name of the boat, the skipper and the person who died, the story has changed several times.

Donna probably provided the best insight when stating that when her group started out, there were no indications of foul weather or impending storms. Why can't we just accept her statement at face value instead of looking for ways to blame the boat's operator, chastising him and all other tour operators for being greedy, exploiting tourists and ignoring solid information from those who were proximally located or who have had prior experience at this time of year and have told us that it's common?

Anyone who has boated for as many years as I have will know that, on any given day, without any advance warning, sudden changes can and do come up, it's the very nature of the ocean.

Not a single word has yet been said to compliment the captain, crew and authorities for saving 59 out of 60 people in an accident that, had someone not been on their toes (captain and crew) ought to have resulted in a much greater tragedy.

There are 54 out of 55 passengers who I presume were all adults who made an intelligent choice to make the trip that lived to tell about it. That couldn't have happened in high seas in a capsized vessel if there had been anything less than commendable efforts by skipper, crew and rescue team.

Isn't it time we gave some credit where it's due?


I am always sad to hear of the loss or injury of any fellow diver and would be very interested in the findings into this accident.

I do hope that if/when any report is published an English translation is posted here for us to debate because all that has been reported so far is more speculation than fact.



My Heart goes out to the victim and family.

After 5 yeas of Living here I think it is not a good idea to go on any boat trip’s from May until late November, especially with the safety standards in Thailand.


Andaman sea is always rough and tumble this time of the year...


Time to debate ferry safety there again?

- boat was built for 60 and carried 60, so was not overloaded (following the Thai law)

- one of the dead persons was cut by the propeller

- the ship was NOT a ferry (as wasn't the boat last month) but a rented tour-ship

Not really a good idea to go out at this weather, as it IS raining right outside my window. But from the safety aspect #on board# -- as from the articles -- there does not seem to be much violation.

Watercraft and vessel safety has always been a big problem in Thailand. Being in the marine industry for twenty three years, I noticed a few things right away. Lets start with the construction of most of these vessels. Most have small freeing ports or scuppers. These are built into the vessels bulwarks at deck level to aid in draining water from the decks. What I have noticed about the freeing ports is, most are under bench type seating where items tend to get stowed, there-by, blocking the ports from doing their job. This blockage causes water to build up on decks in heavy rain and seas which in-turn, causes a free-surface affect. Now, I will explain free-surface affect to those of you who don't know what it is. To make it easy, take a large cake pan and fill it half full of water. Now, start shifting the pan from side to side without spilling any water. Notice how much harder it is to shift the pan when the water rushes to one side? This is free-surface affect. The same thing happens on boats and ships. When the water all shifts to one side, it makes it much harder for the vessel to right itself.

Now, lets go below decks. One look down here should give you chicken skin. Here you have no water tight bulkheads/compartments. Once again, the free-surface affect comes into play. Without these water tight bulkheads/compartments, water can move without restriction fore and aft, port and starboard. If they had bulkheads/compartment, each one should be equipped with a bilge pump to remove the water and, the pump should be large enough to handle the job. Very few of these boats even have a working bilge pump in their engine compartment. if they do have one working pump, it's usually way too small to handle the job.

So, if your thinking about going for a boat ride in Thailand, walk around the boat while it's tied to the dock. Have a good look around the boat. If you noticed the things that I have mentioned here, think twice about going. Ask yourself if you really want to go for that boat ride.


60 people is far too many for one dive boat. People need to use common sense and refuse to board if they see that many passengers. I'd be asking for my money back.


Believe only one dead, trapped under the vessel when it overturned. Another victim lost a leg in the spinning propellor. How the reports conflict !!


i think that getting my money back would be the last thing on my mind james512.

trying to erase the memory of terrified screams for help and a friend drowning would be higher on my list of priorities.

Not a single word has yet been said to compliment the captain, crew and authorities for saving 59 out of 60 people in an accident that, had someone not been on their toes (captain and crew) ought to have resulted in a much greater tragedy.

There are 54 out of 55 passengers who I presume were all adults who made an intelligent choice to make the trip that lived to tell about it. That couldn't have happened in high seas in a capsized vessel if there had been anything less than commendable efforts by skipper, crew and rescue team.

Isn't it time we gave some credit where it's due?

From Today's Nation,

"Muang Krabi Deputy Superintendent, Pol Lt Col Somdej Sukkarn said the boat owner - identified only as "Loh" - was entirely at fault as he had allowed the boat to carry 59 passengers when it was only allowed to carry 15. There were 27 male and 28 female tourists and four crew members, including the pilot, on the boat when the accident occurred."


"Krabi Marine Transport Office Chief Suriya Kitti-monthon said the boat owner could not claim insurance as he had broken the law by taking too many passengers and therefore must take all responsibility."


According to the Nation, the boat was only approved for 15 passengers not 60 as claimed by AFP. If that is indeed the case the operator should be tried and imprisoned for negligent homicide not complemented and given a pat on the back.


My condolences to the family and friends of the deceased and best wishes for the injured for a speedy recovery.


"The King Fisher boat, which was carrying a group of scuba divers sank near Phi Phi island in the Andaman Sea at approximately 1 pm."

Kind of like when you hear a plane going down that carried skydivers. How can anyone get killed? The plane has trouble...jump.

The boat has trouble, don your scuba suit and voila...extra dive time!

(sarcasm alert)


MiniVDO: A boat accident occurred near Phi Phi islands yesterday with one fatal case.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214655

A boat carrying 59 passengers and crew, mostly foreign tourists on a diving trip, sank near Koh Pida in Loh Thama bay yesterday, killing one Israeli tourist while another one was severely injured. After receiving a report, rescue boats rushed out to rescue 55 of them who were floating in the Andaman Sea of Krabi. While the survivors and one dead body were brought to Phi Phi Island, an Israeli national Adam Berbichevsky, whose leg was injured by the propeller, was brought to Rasada Port in Phuket, and then hospitalized at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Krabi Governor Siwa Sirisaowaluck said the boat accident was caused by strong waves of over 3 metres. Yesterday evening the other passengers were brought to Krabi town. We pass our condolences to the bereaved family and friends and hope all the other passengers & crew are recovering.


& related stories today:

MiniVDO: Krabi plans to run rescue and relief operations for its emergency drill on September 14th which is World First Aid Day.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214654

Being a host venue for a seminar to be attended by representative personnel from all agencies concerned, Krabi is scheduled to run a comprehensive exercise on dealing with emergency situations. The Krabi Governor Siwa Sirisaowalak said the drill will involve all responsible agencies from government local administrative bodies, private, Navy & medical personnel as well as amateur radio clubs. He stated that the drill will cover land, ocean and rescue operations plus helicopter support from the Royal Thai Navy. The exercise will not only enhance the skills of people involved and test out equipment but also install public and tourist confidence in safety measures.


MiniVDO: A marina project is planned to be developed near Jilad Pier in Krabi.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214653

A marina project is being planned to develop near Klong Jilad Pier in Krabi to accommodate the yacht industry in the region. The Krabi Provincial Administrative Organisation CEO Somsak Ki-ti-thorn-kul revealed the progress of the project saying that his office invited private investors to develop a marina on around 80 rai. Two private companies have submitted their concession proposals with around 600 million baht capital investment. The office is now awaiting their design plan and expects to sign a deal soon. Mr Somsak stated that the location is confirmed by a French expert who surveyed the water channel, which is suitable for marina development. He expects the construction to commence by early next year.


A public session on the national counter corruption plan was held in Krabi.

Government officials, representatives from local administrative bodies, NGO and the general public from the three Andaman provinces of Krabi, Phang Nga and Phuket gathered to listen and have their say or suggest for the national strategies on counter corruption. The session, held at a meeting room of the Krabi Provincial Administration Organsiation, was hosted by the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) and drafting committee, comprising academics from universities in Bangkok. Participants voiced their suggestions and concerns for the draft strategies, some about the roles and responsibilities, while others voiced the slow progress of the commission’s investigation. The Krabi Governor Siwa Sirisaowalak encouraged active participation as the plan under participation of stakeholders will lead to appropriate and fair treatment for the NCCC’s operation. The drafting committee will gather all the public opinions which were held across the nation to put in the final draft which is scheduled to be completed by December this year.


from Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) 8.30am + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, both broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket & Phuket Cable TV Channel 1 at 7/10.30 or 11pm, Wednesday 5 September 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com

Not a single word has yet been said to compliment the captain, crew and authorities for saving 59 out of 60 people in an accident that, had someone not been on their toes (captain and crew) ought to have resulted in a much greater tragedy.

There are 54 out of 55 passengers who I presume were all adults who made an intelligent choice to make the trip that lived to tell about it. That couldn't have happened in high seas in a capsized vessel if there had been anything less than commendable efforts by skipper, crew and rescue team.

Isn't it time we gave some credit where it's due?

From Today's Nation,

"Muang Krabi Deputy Superintendent, Pol Lt Col Somdej Sukkarn said the boat owner - identified only as "Loh" - was entirely at fault as he had allowed the boat to carry 59 passengers when it was only allowed to carry 15. There were 27 male and 28 female tourists and four crew members, including the pilot, on the boat when the accident occurred."


"Krabi Marine Transport Office Chief Suriya Kitti-monthon said the boat owner could not claim insurance as he had broken the law by taking too many passengers and therefore must take all responsibility."


According to the Nation, the boat was only approved for 15 passengers not 60 as claimed by AFP. If that is indeed the case the operator should be tried and imprisoned for negligent homicide not complemented and given a pat on the back.

The above referenced account was, by the time the facts had been learned, entirely discredited. The nsme of the bost owner was stated incorrectly as was the description of the vessel's authorised passenger limit.

This is typical in these stories, the first 'out of the chute' is usually wrong and the posters ignore the more reliable findings that often follow. We are often too quick to judge and jump to unwarranted conclusions.


here's a conclusion ,

as long as these incidents are forgiven as accidents they will keep happening ........................

here's a conclusion ,

as long as these incidents are forgiven as accidents they will keep happening ........................

While yours is a perfectly logical observation, it's not a conclusion. Accidents can and do happen, we should exercise patience and wait until all of the facts sre in before deciding to 'hang' the skipper or find fault.

I've now read a half dozen or more reports of this incident from sources all over the world. In only one of them, there's reference to the boat being licensed to carry 15 persons. I've also seen comments about the injured passenger having his leg cut off................

The following picture of the injured party shows otherwise:


Just shows how quickly we all jump to conclusions.............I count two legs.



Is the boat involved the same one tha operates from Phuket, the liveaboard Kingfisher?

Or different boat same name?

As for poster "Nobeleeeve", you wouldn't be so pathetic if it was one of your relatives that died, now would you?


perhaps i am wrong, but if that is the boat and that photo was taken yesterday ...... i dont know. i dont really think it is it. the sky turned grey/white at around 1pm when the storm closed in, and there was no blue sky at all for the rest of the afternoon. that sea looks too blue and calm for what happened yesterday. the background does not appear to be Koh Pida.

please feel free to correct me if i am wrong.


Another article, this time from an Israeli newspaper with a photo of the victim. The poor guy that died was on his honeymoon. He and his wife had been married just two weeks. My condolences to the family. What a horror it must be for the family. I can't imagine how painful it would be to lose a spouse on a honeymoon. The Israeli newspaper also alleges Thai media sources said the boat was overloaded. Having sailed through more than one major storm including a hurricane force mistral in the med in a small boat I wonder how the skipper failed to notice a swell as large as alleged coming at his vessel broadside. Not at all the ideal position for ride through a large swell.



Body of Thailand victim to be flown home

The body of the Israeli tourist who was killed on Tuesday when a ferry capsized in Thailand will be flown back to Israel on Wednesday evening.

The ferry, packed with tourists, overturned off the coast of Koh Phi Phi, killing 26-year-old Nissim Lugassi of Acre and seriously injuring a second Israeli.

An additional three dozen Israelis were rescued from the water, some by fellow tourists who were diving in the area.

The accident occurred approximately a kilometer from the coast en route from Maya Bay to Koh Phi Phi in stormy seas with waves up to four meters high, the local governor told the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Many of the survivors were left stranded for half an hour before they were rescued.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing smoke emerging from the engine area of the packed boat, which reportedly had a capacity of only 40 passengers. Shortly afterwards, the boat began to list strongly to one side, and when passengers realized it was about to capsize, they jumped to the relative safety of the open water.

Accounts differ as to whether there were insufficient life vests for the number of passengers or whether there were simply no life vests at all on the ferry, which was carrying tourists on a day cruise around seven Thai islands.

According to initial reports, Lugassi drowned after a blow to the head knocked him unconscious as the boat sank. Passengers reported seeing desperate attempts to administer CPR, but to no avail.

Lugassi was on honeymoon with his wife, Odelia, a trip that his family said he had promised her when they began dating three years ago. The couple was married only two weeks ago, leaving for Thailand shortly afterwards. Embassy officials said Lugassi's body would be flown back to Israel for burial as soon as the administrative procedures were concluded.

The Israeli seriously injured in the incident was rushed to a hospital in nearby Phuket, where doctors carried out emergency operations to stabilize him. The injured man's girlfriend was with him in the hospital Tuesday evening, together with the local Chabad representative.

Israeli Ambassador to Thailand Yael Rubenstein said doctors at the hospital had told her they would have a better idea of the injured man's condition on Wednesday.

Rubenstein also told The Jerusalem Post that she had dispatched the consul-general to Phuket to meet with Lugassi's wife, as well as with the girlfriend of the injured man. After that, she said, the consul would continue on to Koh Phi Phi to meet with the other crash survivors.

According to Rubenstein, the embassy planned to offer the Israelis buses back to Bangkok, where the embassy would provide a safe haven to relax and decompress after the trauma, as well as help them to quickly replace key documents - such as passports - that were lost when the ferry sank. The tourists would also be offered the opportunity to be flown home if they felt they could not continue with their travel plans.

When reports of the sinking reached the embassy, the Foreign Ministry and local representatives opened a situation room where concerned relatives in Israel could check their family members' well-being. Rubenstein said that although they had not had a plan in effect for such situations, the embassy had been in close contact with ministry officials in Jerusalem, with Thai officials and with the Citizens Abroad desk at the Foreign Ministry, which specializes in coordinating responses to emergencies befalling Israelis overseas.

"We have been in constant consultation, and we have been working very well together," said Rubenstein, emphasizing that she thought that the response had been coordinated very smoothly.

The ambassador added that she hoped that the incident would not have a negative effect on Israeli tourism in Thailand.

Each year, approximately 140,000 Israelis visit the southeast Asian nation.

- Jerusalem Post

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