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Ie 7 Keeps Crashing(!)


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does the "mozilla firefox" support all websites codes and things like that?(java and listen to music and all this things or always need to play with it to adjust and set up to make it compatible?

Yep indeed it will, as the admins will tell you I even use the unix verion to boot (look at your access logs under this IP address and post it here plse to show him). It like anythng, does not like lazy MS web coders though, and god knows there are many of them.

The best cure for IS7=anything other than IS7

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I use both and I can still find websites that won't work under one or the other. Google doesn't work well for me under IE, but then there are a lot of sites, particularly in Asia, that do not work well in Firefox.

Also the last version of Firefox seems way less stable than prior versions. It hardly ever crashed until this last iteration. I have occassional problems with IE, but now that Firefox has caught up in instability, they're just about interchangeable. I get around this by opening certain sites in one and other ones in the other.

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Firefox or Opera.

You might use your brains a little, but once you get used to it, it doesn't hurt anymore.

Otherwise why not pester Bill Gates about IE instead of Thaivisa? We didnt' sell you this stuff.

Seriouisly - the amounf of effort and time that goes into fixing IE would be better invested in learning to use FF or Opera. Both browsers have options to open pages in IE if you want to.

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Firefox is great -- lots of good plug-ins to do things like keeping dangerous scripts from automatically running, etc.

I think the best general rule of computer software is to avoid using anything Microsoft whenever possible.

Edited by pattyboy
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I use the Opera 9.23 alot. with settings it can look and operate like IE but without the crashing. I like the vioce,download manager buit in and torrents built in. I also have and use the firefox, but I like the Opera enough I put it on my PClinuxOS 2007 which also never fails. :o

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now I remember.. I had firefox before 1 year I tried it and experienced problem with printing pages..

its not match as the ie6/7 as many websites (especiely thai websites) not compatible to other then ie.

:o haa microsoft.. how the release such a bugged product..

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Why is this problem not solved by microsoft?

Because whether or not IE is a good product doesn't affect MS' bottom line? As long as it's "good enough", it's fine. Making it any better will not sell more copies of Windows. That, and a general inability of MS to produce quality software.

Do us all a favor and please use Firefox.

Only the most retarded web pages don't work with FF these days. Yeah, they are still out there, but they are getting fewer by the day. If those happen to be the pages that you want to watch, you will have to use the IE plug-in or revert to using IE for those pages. Personally, I never use IE for anything except the Windows Update site.

In addition to being a much better browser overall, Firefox is also safer, less likely to catch a virus.

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Some pages look screwed up, but they always work anyway.

That's a good test if the webdesigner treats his site professionally or not.

Example - local BMW site warns that it doesn't work with Opera, but it does, very well, without a glitch. What does it say about BMW? Are their locally assembled cars as shitty as their local designers? They've got the same top management.

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