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Annoying Posts In This Forum


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Hi everybody,

I am thinking of complaining to the mods about this forum: it has the most annoying posts in whole TV! As soon as there is a new thread out I rush in and YES, there it certainly is: another picture of a cute, cuddly, absolutely adorable kitten/pup/whatever. And some of them to be given away only to good people. My problem: I am a good people, but I have no space ! (and an old jealous dog, too :D ) Whenever I see those photos I contemplate moving to the countryside somewhere, renting a house with garden and taking them all in. My suggestion: Couldn't this forum be moved to a place where I would not look? Maybe the golfing section? Less temptation, less heart-break for people like me.

But now seriously: I just LOVE looking at your pets; they must be very fortunate. If you can't find a home for your loved one it is probably not because nobody likes them or wants them, but because there are people like me who would, if they only could :o .


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Well, I wholeheartedly agree with you there. I wish I could ban those cute cuddly kitty and puppy photos too :D

I have 3 jealous female dogs (two of whom like to hunt) and an old male dog that wouldn't be fair to introduce another male dog into the household to deal with.

My dream, as a child, was to buy a big farm and then rescue all the animals at the local SPCA. Still have that dream, just no place for it :o

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Mobi, I don't believe you got two laptops. Cookie looks unamused. 555 Livin, that is one cute pup. Thai?

Cookie's a bit jealous, but she's coming round.

She draws the line at Yoghurt taking her bone out of her mouth though :o

They have started playing together, and will be company for Cookie when I'm away.

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Here's a gal who won the dog lottery. She was dirty and skinny, running around my parents' farm, when my evil stepfather saw her and started chasing her to go away. Fortunately, my sis and BiL were visiting and managed to stop him before he got the shotgun out. Sis & BiL took her back to the city and were going to drop her at the SPCA as they have two rugrats and two cats already. However, it was a Sunday, so they took her home and she took over one of the lawn chairs. She got a home-cooked meal and treats, probably her first in a few weeks. Well, they didn't take her in the next day or the day after, and then Lucky Lil just kind of moved in. Her favourite parking spot is in front of the fridge. I called my sis one night and she said they were going out for dinner. Oh. Well, we can't open the fridge door, because Lillian is sleeping in front of it. Yep, won the dog lottery.


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Here's a gal who won the dog lottery. She was dirty and skinny, running around my parents' farm, when my evil stepfather saw her and started chasing her to go away. Fortunately, my sis and BiL were visiting and managed to stop him before he got the shotgun out. Sis & BiL took her back to the city and were going to drop her at the SPCA as they have two rugrats and two cats already. However, it was a Sunday, so they took her home and she took over one of the lawn chairs. She got a home-cooked meal and treats, probably her first in a few weeks. Well, they didn't take her in the next day or the day after, and then Lucky Lil just kind of moved in. Her favourite parking spot is in front of the fridge. I called my sis one night and she said they were going out for dinner. Oh. Well, we can't open the fridge door, because Lillian is sleeping in front of it. Yep, won the dog lottery.


lovely! :o

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Here's a gal who won the dog lottery.

That would go well with a pig that won the pig lottery. (Unfortunately I have no pic with me now) It lives in a remote forest pagoda. Was given to a nun there for her healing a child. The parents did not have anything to give to her but a piglet. This pig is grown now and so spoilt it only eats PEALED bananas! I did not want to believe it and tried to give it an unpealed one. It just looked away. Then I peeled the banana, which then was accepted with much grace :o .

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As a naturalist and avid wildlife photographer I feel there is far too much anthropomorphic sentiment and cringe inducing terminology and imagery on this Forum but I'd never dare say so.



Didn't you just say so????

To each their own, patrick. I like cute dogs and cats. I know they aren't human, but I do believe they have a deep understanding of us. Something developed from living for thousands of years with humans and adapting their behaviors to humans. Not typical of wildlife as they most certainly are not that :D

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As a naturalist and avid wildlife photographer I feel there is far too much anthropomorphic sentiment and cringe inducing terminology and imagery on this Forum but I'd never dare say so.



Didn't you just say so????

To each their own, patrick. I like cute dogs and cats. I know they aren't human, but I do believe they have a deep understanding of us. Something developed from living for thousands of years with humans and adapting their behaviors to humans. Not typical of wildlife as they most certainly are not that :D

I was Posting in concord with the Topic title - specifically the sub-title.

I'll press the "subtle" and "ironic" keys more firmly before I submit my next contribution :D !


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As a naturalist and avid wildlife photographer I feel there is far too much anthropomorphic sentiment and cringe inducing terminology and imagery on this Forum but I'd never dare say so.



Didn't you just say so????

To each their own, patrick. I like cute dogs and cats. I know they aren't human, but I do believe they have a deep understanding of us. Something developed from living for thousands of years with humans and adapting their behaviors to humans. Not typical of wildlife as they most certainly are not that :D

I was Posting in concord with the Topic title - specifically the sub-title.

I'll press the "subtle" and "ironic" keys more firmly before I submit my next contribution :D !


Guess I forgot the little whistling smiley guy too, I was just teasing you :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

One month has passed and Somchai and Yoghurt have now been with us for 2 months. Somchai is now 9 months old and Yoghurt is five months. (cookie is 2 years , 1 month)

The three are now settling in really well and sleep with each other, play with each other and even lick each other dry if one of them has been washed. The games can be really rough, and I worry if Cookie is hurting them but they never yell out and certainly seem to be enjoying the rough and tumble - in fact the Shih Tzus sometimes give as good as they get.

When I come home, it is the funniesst sight in the world to se them all waiting for me by the car, -Cookie, Somchai and Yoghurt, waiting in line, in order of size.

But they vie for my affection. Cookie is jealous if I pick up Somchai, and Somchai tries to jump on my lap wheneven I make a fuss of Cookie. Yohgurt is more independant and oblivious of all the fuss.

Here they are - the 'headless' woman is Mrs Mobi, and the other lady is my 21 one year old daughter on hioliday from England.

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