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Graffiti Walls In Bangkok


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Art? You mean the crap that vandals spray on public and private property? It is not as much of a problem as it is in some European and American areas, but it is getting worse. I would not mind if Thai authorities imposed the Sharia solution to theft to vandals and their 'art'. Perhaps some of the severed hands could then be incorporated into some performance artist's masterpiece. Now there's an idea...

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oh, come on now... take a trip through brooklyn (NY) and you will see that there is a lot of graffiti that qualifies as art. i agree that "tagging" one's name is utterly pointless and boring, but don't knock the entire genre.

there is not that much grafitti art in bangkok. there used to be a park across from MBK that had a lot but it has since been developed into a skyscraper. can't remember there being anything that impressive. seen it a few other places too but can't recall exactly where.

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Near the Asok BTS station, look at the wall adjacent to the empty lot btwn Soi Asok and Soi 19. Some nice art work there.

Also some art work from the Nana BTS station looking at a "see-thru" building btwn Soi 8 and 10. Mostly name tags here but a few pieces of "art".

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A lot of graffiti qualifies as art. In the city where I live, some store owners pay graffiti artists to paint huge murals on the side of their buildings. One Jewish restaurant has a graffiti mural of jewish immigrants arriving to the country.

I don't remember seeing a ton in Bangkok. I remember there was seeing cool ones close to Nana BTS, in a building where the construction seemed halted. Dunno if it's still there.

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A lot of graffiti qualifies as art. In the city where I live, some store owners pay graffiti artists to paint huge murals on the side of their buildings. One Jewish restaurant has a graffiti mural of jewish immigrants arriving to the country.

I don't remember seeing a ton in Bangkok. I remember there was seeing cool ones close to Nana BTS, in a building where the construction seemed halted. Dunno if it's still there.

If it´s requested and paid for then I also have no objections to it being called art............ but unwanted graffiti spraying is ugly and criminal in my eyes............ I too would chop off their hands (or even something else?????) if I caught them............ :o

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A lot of graffiti qualifies as art. In the city where I live, some store owners pay graffiti artists to paint huge murals on the side of their buildings. One Jewish restaurant has a graffiti mural of jewish immigrants arriving to the country.

I don't remember seeing a ton in Bangkok. I remember there was seeing cool ones close to Nana BTS, in a building where the construction seemed halted. Dunno if it's still there.

If it´s requested and paid for then I also have no objections to it being called art............ but unwanted graffiti spraying is ugly and criminal in my eyes............ I too would chop off their hands (or even something else?????) if I caught them............ :o

Agreed. If you want to do some graffiti either do it on your own property or find someone who will let you do it on their property.

To those thinking it's cool where ever it is; i wonder how you would feel if you woke up and stepped outside your house to find a 3 meter block of spray paint sprawled across your home.

If you still think it would be great why don't you just post your addresses on here and invite anyone to come and amaze you?

The low amount of graffiti is one of the things which i like about Bangkok. The subway and BTS are still so clean, i never see any unsightly paint or permanent marker.

Try taking a trip on the subway in NYC...disgusting...

Edited by dave111223
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Graffiti is one of the unfortunate influences that farangs have had on Thailand. When I first came here 27 years ago you didn't see it anywhere. Now you see it more and more, with the local MTV generation aping the mindless crap that defaces cities all over the US, Europe, elsewhere. If someone has permission to spray paint somewhere I don't have a problem with it, but when people spray on things that do not belong to them it is properly called vandalism, and it should not be condoned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like the Brits are taking a step in the right direction. I hope Thai authorities take note:

Outcry over graffiti artists' jailing gathers pace online

By Ciar Byrne, Arts and Media Correspondent

Published: 19 September 2007

Hundreds of people have joined an online campaign to protest against the lengthy sentences meted out to two graffiti artists.

Thomas "TJ" Dolan, 20, and Thomas Whittaker, 18, were sentenced for 15 months and 12 months respectively at Manchester Crown Court last month for vandalising railway property. Since then, more than 1,600 people have signed an online petition calling for the sentences to be reduced. An appeal has been lodged and the men are waiting to find out if it will be granted.

The pair spray painted murals on trains, stations and other railway property across Greater Manchester. Dolan used the tag, or name, Krek, illustrated by a cartoon cat called Kreky, while Whittaker used the tag Mers. Between them, the men, from Macclesfield in Cheshire, caused £13,000 worth of damage. They were caught when British Transport Police found images of their work on websites which they used to trace their email addresses.

Friends and supporters have rallied to condemn the length of the sentences, which they insist are unfair compared to lesser punishments handed out to sex offenders and dangerous drivers. More than 1,600 people have joined the Facebook group Free Krek and Mers, while many more have posted messages of support on MySpace.

On Saturday, about 200 people gathered in central Manchester for a skate and graffiti jam to raise awareness of the case. A music gig, at which Dolan's brother Danny and his band, The Virgin Marys, will play, is planned at some point over the next couple of weeks and T-shirts bearing the legend Free Krek and Mers have been selling quickly.

Danny Dolan said: "Every time we see him in prison we're shocked. The campaign... keeps everybody going. Fifteen months is a complete joke." Earlier this month, the Manchester Evening News reprinted a letter which Dolan sent to his family from Deerbolt Prison in County Durham, where the pair is being held. In the letter, he said he was "very worried" about Whittaker, adding "I am really concerned about how he will be coping as he won't tell anyone how he feels."

Philip Heathcote, who is leading the campaign, said: "I don't see how you can jail a graffiti artist before a rapist. TJ has held his hands up – they both have – and said they've done wrong. They've tried to put it right."

The judge who sentenced the pair admitted they were "decent" but insisted their behaviour should be punished as a deterrent. Judge Anthony Ensor said: "You are decent people who have a talent, but those who scar railways and other people's property have to be deterred. This kind of behaviour is carried out for self-indulgent gratification."

Dolan and Whittaker have applied to prison bosses to help run art workshops at the jail and teach reading and writing to fellow prisoners.

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I'm quite happy to wake up in the morning and see that no-one has spray-painted some mindless <deleted> on the wall opposite my house; or run a key down my car; etc.

You can take Western ghetto-isation of urban areas and all its inherent devolution and hand-wringing apologists, and shove it, thanks. :o

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Don't see how this is in any way related to Thailand, seem to just a trolling post looking to start a flame war.

You need to brush up on your reading skills. The OP asked whether or not there were any 'graffit walls' in Bangkok as he had an interest in that and was doing research (FYI, Bangkok is in Thailand).

The debate that has followed the OP is over whether or not 'graffiti' is something to be desired in Bangkok (which again, is in Thailand).

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Don't see how this is in any way related to Thailand, seem to just a trolling post looking to start a flame war.

You need to brush up on your reading skills. The OP asked whether or not there were any 'graffit walls' in Bangkok as he had an interest in that and was doing research (FYI, Bangkok is in Thailand).

The debate that has followed the OP is over whether or not 'graffiti' is something to be desired in Bangkok (which again, is in Thailand).

I was not referring to the entire thread, but merely to your last post, which dragged this topic back up.

Your post does not illustrate whether graffiti is to be desired in Thailand, but only shows that it is not desired by the courts in Manchester.

I guess i could search through a forum about Guatemala for "graffiti" and also put your post there as it would go to the topic of "Whether or not graffiti is to be desired in [insert country name here]". By your logic it would be impossible for anything to be non-Thailand related.

Edited by dave111223
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  • 4 years later...

An interesting abandoned type building at Sukhumvit 44/1 - down towards Rama IV road. On the ground floor, there are sellers sellers (some looking not too friendly :ermm:) selling second hand shoes and clothes. If you speak some Thai language, ask if you can go up to the second floor. Up there, there is some interesting graffiti about elephants and other things.

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