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The good woman of bangkok


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Hi all

Watched The Good Woman of Bangkok the other night - anyone seen it?

It looks at the life of Aoi a prostitute in Bangkok. It was actually quite sad, especially the reasons she went into the profession.

She makes the following comment: "I hate men. All men lie and cheat. They live to deceive. There are no sincere men. I have known so many men. Thai men and foreign men, I know them all. Every man: Thai or foreign. Every country. Only lie".

This scene is very sad and you can't help feeling for her. She says she was forced into the profession to provide for her family since her dad was an alcoholic and gambler and her husband left her for another woman - she has no trust in men and "hates" them. The interesting thing is the guy who made the film (an australian) bought her a rice farm so she could get out, but when he returned a few years later she was back working in the bars. When he asked her why, she said it was her fate.

I know this movie is one person's view and probably very subjective, but you can't help feeling for her and wishing she had a better life.

If you get a chance to see it I recommend it - it's worth the watch.

Nat x

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Hi Nat, I've just joined, find it fascinating to read all the forums and replies. Surely in this girls case no matter what help she got, there was never any doubt on the eventual  outcome. I think that you have to be a bit "worldwise" at times and if an Australian film producer hasn't got that, then what the #### is he doing in his job. Maybe someone should tell him that not every story has a happy ending.
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It sounds like a BBC programme that was on years and years ago.  I don't remember what the name of the programme was.  But the person presenting the programme then was English and he did the same thing to a bar girl in Thailand.  He just went to see her family, didn't sleep with her or anything like that, and asked what the problem was and why the woman had to prostitute herself.  The family had some debt and they were trying to buy the land they were farming on.  And the woman was prostituting to get enough money.

So this guy finally went back to the UK, raised enough money for the woman and her family to pay off the debt, buy the farmland and have a decent life.  So he thought the reason for her to go back to the bar would be removed.

Then he came back a few months afterwards to continue the second serie of the programme.  The woman went back to the bar, doing the same old job although the farmland was still there for them and everything.  So the guy was pretty shocked but just accepted it in the end.

Now, this was absolutely yonks ago.  I am sure it's a different one from what Nat has seen.  

It's pretty interesting though.  It'd be even more interesting to find out what exactly is the reason they go back.

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well, similar stories around the world... once in the 'business' hard to get out even help is provided.

could it not be just the fact that some 'bar girls' enjoy their job???

of course the first reason they might get into that scene would be out of poorness but surely not every poor girl could do that job and there must be at least some kind of talent to keep up in this business. what about the more interesting and easier 'lifestyle' ? or is it just greed for more money? compared to work hard on the farm in a boring village where they maybe have already lost their face and cannot get a decent husband anymore or have to go back to the one who sent them to the bar? once they have tasted the life in bangkok, pattaya etc. and are usually not well educated what would be their option to lead a life comparably 'interesting'? with still the chance to meet a nice farang who would marry them and maybe take them to Europe etc? I guess many don't want to change from nightlife and fun with friends and drugs etc to 'boring' farmlife and back to Mama and Papa,  especially when they are still young. Heard many of that kind of stories before, even guys gave them money for schooling or study after they had been begged for that, they just went back into business.

I don't want to generalize and I don't talk about girls having been sold to brothel owners and now are leading a horrible life in shack being held as sexslaves, I know there is a lot of misery.

but the bargirls you meet normally seem quite to enjoy their life if they are successful and are usually tough business women.

what do you think?

chok dee


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Hi all

Elfe you do make a good point that some girls may enjoy their work and the benefits that come with it. To be honest I don't know any bargirls so wouldn't know how true this is. However I did notice from the film that the protagonist did show a different character when surounded by other bargirls - even appeared quite happy and "proud" (not sure if that's the right word to use) about all the men she'd slept with.

I guess there may be quite a few bargirls who are shrewd business women and may even feel empowered in their profession. However, like with all things in life, there is another side to the coin. There are those who aren't as fortunate as their "colleagues" and driven into the lifestyle due to necessity.

I guess if one feels empowered in their profession (regardless of what it is) they'll generally enjoy it.

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It's good to hear that they are producing the life and times of Thai bargirls on the tele...at least it gives those men who have zero experience of these bar girls a closeup of the lifestyles and culture of Thai bargirls. It might even save them a torrid time perhaps..

Based on my experience trying to perform a rescue act on a Thai prostitute...I must say that there may be many possible reasons for them to return to the "Trade" even when they have the opportunity to come clean...

Many of these possible reasons have been mentioned before and my suspicion is that the main reason is the lifestyle that this occupation provides that the life in the country cannot. Look at it this way...at least, they have the opportunity to meet many different people of diverse backgrounds from all over the world, expand their network of aquintances, satisfy their sexual needs, earn good money and ultimately live the kind of lifestyle they want - absolute freedom!

If they remain at home, their freedom will be lost as their actions are under the watchful eyes of the family and the whole village, they don't get to meet so many different people everyday, they earn a pittance, they limit their variety of choice for a life partner to only Thai men (sad), they must keep their sexual needs suppressed...etc

So if you are a bargirl who has experienced the city life and freedom that comes with the occupation (not mentioning the good money), what would you prefer? To go back to the dull countryside and be like the rest of the Thai women who are married to Thai men and spend the rest of their lives in the kitchen and caring for the kids (occasional abuse from the Thai hubbies) or continue their social and finacial liberation?

Food for Thought....


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  • 3 weeks later...
Also, the Thai made theatrical film "Goodbye Pattay" is about Bar girls.  Interesting thai books on the subject are 'pan maa baa"  (mad dogs?) - modern, and the classic "Mehr Bia" - (Hood of the cobra) and a great short story is the story in the series "Many Lives" titled 'prostitute' (in this one a young girl falls madly in love with a man she cannot marry (he rich she poor) and then sees him later, after she has been a prostitute, and instead of loving him, steals all of his money.)
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could it not be just the fact that some 'bar girls' enjoy their job???

yes I believe this. Thai people are lazy and if they can earn good money from prostitution some will. Some have no morals. Best to avoid the bar girls.

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  • 1 month later...

could it not be just the fact that some 'bar girls' enjoy their job???

yes I believe this. Thai people are lazy and if they can earn good money from prostitution some will.

Also many like it because they are amongst girls from the same background, so it is also a social activity as well as a job. Staying up very late chatting to friends outside the bar then boasting about how much a certain farang gives them.

Life up country seems dull in comparison.

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  • 2 years later...

I saw Good Woman a few years ago and wasn't that impressed.

The maker of the film, Dennis 'O Rourke got himself in some trouble over a later film, Cunnamulla, with the 2 girls/women portrayed taking him to court. I'm not sure what happened though.

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Hi all

Watched The Good Woman of Bangkok the other night - anyone seen it?

It looks at the life of Aoi a prostitute in Bangkok. It was actually quite sad, especially the reasons she went into the profession.

She makes the following comment: "I hate men. All men lie and cheat. They live to deceive. There are no sincere men. I have known so many men. Thai men and foreign men, I know them all. Every man: Thai or foreign. Every country. Only lie".

This scene is very sad and you can't help feeling for her. She says she was forced into the profession to provide for her family since her dad was an alcoholic and gambler and her husband left her for another woman - she has no trust in men and "hates" them. The interesting thing is the guy who made the film (an australian) bought her a rice farm so she could get out, but when he returned a few years later she was back working in the bars. When he asked her why, she said it was her fate.

I know this movie is one person's view and probably very subjective, but you can't help feeling for her and wishing she had a better life.

If you get a chance to see it I recommend it - it's worth the watch.

Nat x</font>

NAt, you seem to have missed the whole point of this programme/film..... This was on the Beeb a few years back, and while it was pretty sad, it really set out to show the thai sex industry from a particular viewpoint.

The point being that , she did not go back to the bars, because it was her "fate" she went back to see if she could get another stupid tourist to buy her another rice farm!!! Yes she was pressured to do so by her dumbfounded parents who couldn't believe their luck! This sad woman of Bangkok was not in control of her own life, like so many women there, and until that changes I think "we" shouldn't try to help too much

Edited by ourmanflint
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Its a movie made out to be a documentary.

There are various theories as to why O rouke tried to make out this was factual at first.

Mine is that its a sensationalist piece on a contraversial topic. Nice little earner. It still suckers people in to this day.

Hi Prof, I can understand some one wanting to make a drama seem like a documentary but it is a 'bit dumb' to give credit to the actress playing the 'lead' role.

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NAt, you seem to have missed the whole point of this programme/film..... This was on the Beeb a few years back, and while it was pretty sad, it really set out to show the thai sex industry from a particular viewpoint.

The point being that , she did not go back to the bars, because it was her "fate" she went back to see if she could get another stupid tourist to buy her another rice farm!!! Yes she was pressured to do so by her dumbfounded parents who couldn't believe their luck! This sad woman of Bangkok was not in control of her own life, like so many women there, and until that changes I think "we" shouldn't try to help too much

No pressure from her 'parents' as in the film it explains the father was already dead. I often wonder where she ended up. She really did a number on the guy, probably sold the land as soon as he left Thailand. She was working in a massage parlor when he went back in '92. Depressing film, apart from the mozart soundtrack.

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If you think for a minute that 'The Good Woman of Bangkok' was a genuine documentary then you are very much mistaken.

It is well documented that Aoi was an actress named Yagwalak Chonchanakun and everything in the film was stage managed.

I never heard that before in all these years, pretty good acting then, but I never saw this woman in anything else. Pretty lazy filmaking, what is his explanation of the point of it all?

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<font color='#000000'>Hi all

Watched The Good Woman of Bangkok the other night - anyone seen it?

It looks at the life of Aoi a prostitute in Bangkok. It was actually quite sad, especially the reasons she went into the profession.

She makes the following comment: "I hate men. All men lie and cheat. They live to deceive. There are no sincere men. I have known so many men. Thai men and foreign men, I know them all. Every man: Thai or foreign. Every country. Only lie".

This scene is very sad and you can't help feeling for her. She says she was forced into the profession to provide for her family since her dad was an alcoholic and gambler and her husband left her for another woman - she has no trust in men and "hates" them. The interesting thing is the guy who made the film (an australian) bought her a rice farm so she could get out, but when he returned a few years later she was back working in the bars. When he asked her why, she said it was her fate.

I know this movie is one person's view and probably very subjective, but you can't help feeling for her and wishing she had a better life.

If you get a chance to see it I recommend it - it's worth the watch.

Nat x</font>

She met deceitful men in her line of work?!? Unbelievable. Sounds like an interesting show though alright.

Edited by robitusson
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I know a beautiful Thai girl - her beauty shines from the heart- who was once a bargirl. I remember how sad she was back then. Her eyes showed immense grief. She was given an opportunity to be "rescued" by a foreigner and ran with it. Her saviour and friend paid her training as a dive instructor, which she loved, and worked hard for the company who hired her. She did, however - to our horror -slip back into the bar scene. So my friend once again rescued her - for he had faith, he really believed in her.

She now has been offered jobs in the west because of her intelligence, English skills and rapport with westerners. This girl is an orphan from a young age, who spoke no English at all when I first met her a few years ago. I've watched her blossom and thrive to become a happy, professional career woman who is now proficient on a computer, a talented underwater film maker and media liaison talent.

I'm so very proud of her and so glad that my friend gave her a chance.... or two!

True story:)

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If you think for a minute that 'The Good Woman of Bangkok' was a genuine documentary then you are very much mistaken.

It is well documented that Aoi was an actress named Yagwalak Chonchanakun and everything in the film was stage managed.

Do you have any links to this, or links to some of Yagwalak Chonchanakun's other work?

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Katana, She pretty much disappeared off the scene after this. It is said she worked in Amateur Theatre for a while but then was unheard of.

There is a book called 'The Film Maker and the Prostitute' which offers varying points of view on the film and makes for good reading.

It is also interesting to read some of O Rourke's own explainations about the film which at times sound like the ramblings of a lunatic as he vainly attempts to varnish over the fact that he got rumbled for trying to cash in on a nice juicy topic.

As for her name in the credits, that only came a while after. The original film ends with 'A film by Dennis O Rourke' One popular train of thought is that O Rourke reneged on an agreement and/or payment to Yagwalak Chonchanakun and she exposed him.

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<font color='#000000'>could it not be just the fact that some 'bar girls' enjoy their job???</font>

<font color='#000000'>yes I believe this. Thai people are lazy and if they can earn good money from prostitution some will. Some have no morals. Best to avoid the bar girls.</font>

Ouch. Talk about tarring all with the same brush. The reasons people (both men and women) go into prostitution are many and varied.

You could be talking to one girl in a bar who does that type of work because she has a drug habit, or because the money she can earn far outweighs what she would otherwise get from a regular job and helps maintain her lifestyle (note I am using a female as an example but exactly the same applies to men).

In another instance the girl sitting on the other side of you might of been sold into a brothal when she was younger and after many years does not know any other life.

Then you have the individuals who as you point out do enjoy what they do.

My experience of Thai people shows they are no more or less lazy than any other kind of people.

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This film was recomended to me and It has been impossible to find. I was in USA and found it at one Library but didnt get to the library to rent it. To order it from the website is like $300!! Or some outrageous price. iT is not in local video stores and i have not found it on p2p/torrent sights, yet.

WHere can i see it? My friend said in his film class they watched it as an example of a very good documentary.


Just curious about this "she was given an opportunity to be "rescued" by a foreigner and ran with it. Her saviour and friend paid her training as a dive instructor, which she loved, and worked hard for the company who hired her. She did, however - to our horror -slip back into the bar scene. So my friend once again rescued her - for he had faith, he really believed in her."

My Thai friends earn 30,000-40,000 baht a month as dive instructors. why would she SLIP back into that industry? Was it becasue the diving industry was to much work? Seems a bit hard to understand why she had to be rescued 2 times, if she loved her diving job. LUcky girl to be given 2 chances.

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This film was recomended to me and It has been impossible to find. I was in USA and found it at one Library but didnt get to the library to rent it. To order it from the website is like $300!! Or some outrageous price. iT is not in local video stores and i have not found it on p2p/torrent sights, yet.

WHere can i see it? My friend said in his film class they watched it as an example of a very good documentary.


Just curious about this "she was given an opportunity to be "rescued" by a foreigner and ran with it. Her saviour and friend paid her training as a dive instructor, which she loved, and worked hard for the company who hired her. She did, however - to our horror -slip back into the bar scene. So my friend once again rescued her - for he had faith, he really believed in her."

My Thai friends earn 30,000-40,000 baht a month as dive instructors. why would she SLIP back into that industry? Was it becasue the diving industry was to much work? Seems a bit hard to understand why she had to be rescued 2 times, if she loved her diving job. LUcky girl to be given 2 chances.

Do you people ever go out and look at what is really going on with a bar girl? How they live and breathe every day doing their "job". Some of them do not know anything else and wishing to do something else but really do not care for anything. The family home is just a fantasy grasp to hold on to, for a life of nonsense and drunkenness. Does a mother that left her baby to the elders in the family and gets off to work as a bar girl really know life as a mother after a life of a prostitute. Just do math and one knows what is going,

-Massage girl, works 300 days and has average 6 customers per day for 10 years = 18,000 hand jobs

-Parlor girl, , works 300 days and has average 6 customers per day for 10 years = 18,000 body washes and 18,000 intercourses

-Bar girl, works 300 days and has average 1 customer per day for 10 years = 12,000 lady drinks, 200 marriage proposals, 1,500 boyfriends and some 3000 intercourses

And this is low calculation, I know some girls who do allot more than this. :o

How can a human feel so much for life after this?

But still they manage to tell the customer “I will always remember you, you are special baby” :D

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