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Didnt read the whole thing but anything that promotes meditations is a good idea to me.

Most AA members do use meditation,but not the way that it is done by the monks, Not many americans or in fact other folks except buddhists truly understand meditation.

Didnt read the whole thing but anything that promotes meditations is a good idea to me.

Most AA members do use meditation,but not the way that it is done by the monks, Not many americans or in fact other folks except buddhists truly understand meditation.

I was using a form meditattion taught be the foundation of human understaning--a group founded by roy masters.

his method was to clear the mind of everything-not to substitute with chants.

That was years ago and i still can feel the benefits.


If you want the thread to develop into a discussion about meditation you might like to join us on the Buddhism board. :o

There are many many different methods of meditation, both within and outside Buddhism. The very term 'meditation' is actually a medievel Christian word originally meaning 'contemplating Christ' and is a regular practice by Christian monks.

Staying on the AA theme, I lived for a year in a Buddhist monastery in the UK where the abbot attracted alcohol and drug abusers to enter the monastery and take monastic vows. In that safe environment under strict monastic rules they would practise meditation and other Buddhist practises. Although few stayed in robes for more than three years as far as I know very few returned to having abuse problems.


Thanks Andy, But I just posted the thread so folks would know about the convention, and being a long time member of AA, and some members talk of meditation, I will not get into that from an AA standpoint as we have no opinions on outside issues, We have but one primary purpoes, To carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. And for that I am responsible.



Interesting site Kevin, thanks.

AA has similarities with Buddhism, however why are there so many drunks in Thailand( a buddist country)?. I personally know a lot, some in my family, who try to use the Buddhist religion to beat there "illness", to no avail. The average Thai person does not know of, and has never heard of AA.

We have but one primary purpoes, To carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. And for that I am responsible.
This is obviously not working in Thailand!!
Just for information, The Thailand AA convention in Pattaya next year is 25

- 27 February. I know some of you are thinking of visiting Thailand, this is

a good one to include in your Itenary.

How many suffering alcoholics are going to jump on a plane and go to an AA convention in Pattaya?

This, in my humble opinion, will not help the alcoholic who is still suffering(primary purpose). I know my father-in-law would run a mile if he were to meet with a large group of farang who say they can get him sober. Ask all the people at the convention, "how many Thai alcoholics have you helped?" I bet you could count all the Thai newcomers people there on your fingers.

Just in my opinion, AA would be better going out in missionary type groups to country areas of Thailand, where there is a huge alcohol problem. Not use Thailand as a meeting place for recovered drunks from around the world.

Also, I thought AA was a spiritual program. A bit ironic having it it in Pattaya, not exactly the spirtual centre of Thailand.

The temples here used to detox drug addicts and alcoholics do not have a high LONG_TERM success rate. Maybe AA should try to work with these institutions.

Interesting site Kevin, thanks.

AA has similarities with Buddhism, however why are there so many drunks in Thailand( a buddist country)?. I personally know a lot, some in my family, who try to use the Buddhist religion to beat there "illness", to no avail.  The average Thai person does not know of, and has never heard of AA.

We have but one primary purpoes, To carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. And for that I am responsible.

This is obviously not working in Thailand!!

Just for information, The Thailand AA convention in Pattaya next year is 25

- 27 February. I know some of you are thinking of visiting Thailand, this is

a good one to include in your Itenary.

How many suffering alcoholics are going to jump on a plane and go to an AA convention in Pattaya?

This, in my humble opinion, will not help the alcoholic who is still suffering(primary purpose). I know my father-in-law would run a mile if he were to meet with a large group of farang who say they can get him sober. Ask all the people at the convention, "how many Thai alcoholics have you helped?" I bet you could count all the Thai newcomers people there on your fingers.

Just in my opinion, AA would be better going out in missionary type groups to country areas of Thailand, where there is a huge alcohol problem. Not use Thailand as a meeting place for recovered drunks from around the world.

Also, I thought AA was a spiritual program. A bit ironic having it it in Pattaya, not exactly the spirtual centre of Thailand.

The temples here used to detox drug addicts and alcoholics do not have a high LONG_TERM success rate. Maybe AA should try to work with these institutions.

Here is a copy of a letter I got from a guy in the USA,,


Wow, that is some article !! It sure would be nice to come over for the February AA convention, see the country and of course get to visit with you........

No promises as work is really squirrelly this year, but it is one my wish list....

Hope all is well with you.""

Now to answer some of your questions,

AA has similarities with Buddhism, however why are there so many drunks in Thailand( a buddist country)?. I personally know a lot, some in my family, who try to use the Buddhist religion to beat there "illness", to no avail. The average Thai person does not know of, and has never heard of AA.""

AA is something that you have to want, and you have to be ready to come and do what is required to "get sober", AA can help, but AA can not get anyone sober that would rather be drunk. No member of AA will ever say that they can get anyone sober again their will. If you do not come for yourself then there is nothing anyone can do, And as hard as some religions have tried,they never seem to work,only by coming to AA meetings and doing what is required can an alcoholic ever recover, AA really has nothing to do with any organized religion.

I have been to meetings where there were Thai's and they seemed to be doing OK,but that is up to the individual. I have been sober over 22 years and I can get drunk if I want tomorrow and there is no one that can do anything to keep me sober if I so choose. And you do not cure alcoholism, it is a disease for which there is no known cure, and the only relief possible is absolute abstinance.

,""Just in my opinion, AA would be better going out in missionary type groups to country areas of Thailand, where there is a huge alcohol problem. Not use Thailand as a meeting place for recovered drunks from around the world.

Also, I thought AA was a spiritual program. A bit ironic having it it in Pattaya, not exactly the spirtual centre of Thailand."""

AA will never"go out in missionary fashion" AA is a program of recovery and attraction rather than promotion, AA is not for everyone,,only for those that want to be sober. We share our experience, strenght,and hope with each other that we may help others to recover from alcoholism.

And there are AA conventions in different places all over the world as a place for alcoholics to assemble and talk and enjoy life, there will be dozens of them in different areas just for the members to get together and enjoy each others company and meet new friends.

"""The temples here used to detox drug addicts and alcoholics do not have a high LONG_TERM success rate. Maybe AA should try to work with these institutions.""

AA does work with them,only AA does not come and hustle members,,Most every sucessful alcoholic recovery foundation in the world that really wants to help people to recover,does tell their people that they are now sober and if they want to stay sober upon leaving the facility,that they must have an ongoing program to maintain sobriety and that AA is the only one that works,so if they want to maintain,then they should go to AA. And AA ideals are always the basis of any recovery program, if it is to work with any success.

In fact I am only talking for myself, I do not speak for AA as a whole. I can only state what AA has done for me.

according to the traditions of AA,

#10=Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues,Hence the AA name should never be drawn into public contraversity.

#11=Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than ppromotion,We need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films

#12=Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

So you see anything I have said is my own personal opinions and not those of AA.

But if you want to help someone,then you should try to get them to go to an AA meeting,Get a Book called Alcoholics Anonymous from any meeting place as they are for sale for $5 or less and read it,especially chapter #3 if you are having trouble and that is about all I can do for you..

But as you wanted to know how many Thai I had helped to get sober,,I really can not say as we have no AA here in my area,and I have given away all the things that I had that were in Thai script, But I have helped hundreds of people to get sober in my travels around the world. as there is meetings in over 110 countrys.

Here is a link to Thailand AA info.http://www.theagapecenter.com/AA/Thailand.htm

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