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English Man Fathers Thai Child


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thinking about it again.

IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOOKER(male or female) to protwct themselves from preganancy or disease.

Be careful - thats two thoughts in as many days - it ewill be getting full in there :o

So this is a workers health and safety issue now is it?

OK then lets run with this absurd notion. A worker must take care and look into their environment and if an accident, industrial disease happens may have to take some responsibility.

However, his employer and colleagues or client has to do the same and provide a safe working environment.

Now was the guy the employer or the client - he had a requirement of duty too.

In your sojourns to the nightlife arena and the rumpy pumpy afterwards how many times do you use the hookers condom?

Not <deleted> many I bet

Stick to scraping a living playing poker on-line as thinking does not suit you.

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Thailand, as this post demonstrates, is filling up with foreigners who have either lost their moral compass, or never had one to start with.

I have not yet seen one single argument in this thread (or elsewhere for that matter) on the side of not taking responsibility for one's own child(ren) that is anything more than one of convenience.

The people here (and elsewhere) who argue that a father of a child(ren) has no responsibility for his child(ren) unless the child(ren) is conceived within tightly defined circumstances are perhaps offering an insight into the reason why the dregs of western society are increasingly heading to Thailand - To behave with impunity towards their moral obligations.

It begs the question, how many have also discarded children back west?

I say it is a moral obligation to take responsibility for, and care of your children - regardless of under what circumstances they are conceived and that moving across a national boarder is not an excuse to dump your morals.

If you think I'm wrong - Tackle me on my post #48.


Edited by GuestHouse
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its not the responsibility of the one providing services to protect themselves?

you guys are nuts!

the buyer should also protects themselves, but is he the one getting pregnant.

i said it is always the kid who pays for the stupidity of mama and papa. but whats new. happens all overthe world not only in pay for play.

hey theres enuff dreggy thai people so dont say its only foreigners.

i know wot you look like pra, i saw you in the bookstore. the only one there...............lol.

just curious mr pra of all the working girls you see can you tell us what percentage dont have protection. 80 out of every 100, 70 give us your best estimate.

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its not the responsibility of the one providing services to protect themselves?

you guys are nuts!

the buyer should also protects themselves, but is he the one getting pregnant.

i said it is always the kid who pays for the stupidity of mama and papa. but whats new. happens all overthe world not only in pay for play.

hey theres enuff dreggy thai people so dont say its only foreigners.

i know wot you look like pra, i saw you in the bookstore. the only one there...............lol.

Of course its not just foreigners - some of the scummiest people I have met have been Thai's but we will forget the "Nature Vs Nurture" debate and move on :o

Fact is if she can track him down, and prove the bairn is his and take him to court in the UK (not an easy task by any means) I am pretty certain under UK law he will be responsible and will be made to pay for the childs upkeep - anyone know for certain.

Thats the legal angle - morally - well people need to make their own value judgements and its obvious how this falls with some of the posters here. If it was me I would probably feel some moral duty to take care but I would also want to have an input into the upbringing too even if I lived thousands of miles away.

As I have said I have a pal who helps support a girl he thought was his and it turned out not to be. I was in his room in the September when she turned up and told him this was his present from last Chrsitmas

When he found out it was not his he still continued to help. He is quite well off and one of those gentle giants who men know not to rile. I know it hurts him that while the girl is going to an international school etc the mother is a waster. He can not buy the girl anything that the mother can sell as as soon as he laves its sold - she is an absolut shit - certainly one of the scummiest people I have ever come across in my life.

Bookazine - not been in there for two weeks but I should have a discount card by now - i buy almost any book about Thailand (and S E Asia) - read a few pages and if its <deleted> abandon it :D

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I thought pop_corn was a girl. Judging by the spelling in there and the time of the post I think we could safely guess it may be a PUI.

look, i didnt offend u in ANY way, so stop there cuz YES u are talking with a girl.

second... how can a guy trust the word of a prostitute? uhm???????

Im sick and tired of those thai woman always asking for money of this and that. I dont think she is pretty good person if she even tried to kill her child before, and THATS why she have this problem now. so she is even guelty about her child health that is in risk for all the shit that she drunk before. she is a bad one, so the guy is for been in bed with one.

and the only good person now that is paying the act of 2 irresponsables is u. you shouldnt get involve, after the woman will ask u for money and start to create new sickness, and stuff like that. but oh well, i forgot, u have prostitutes friends, I guess u r used to hear "i need money for baby" "i need money for abortion" "i need money for sex" "i need money, i need money"


so prostitution is legal in thailand? cuz as far as i know we cant talk about ilegal things in this forum. isnt?

ps. I reported u, u should learn some manners with girls.

Edited by pop_corn
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"and the only good person now that is paying the act of 2 irresponsables is u. you shouldnt get involve, after the woman will ask u for money and start to create new sickness, and stuff like that. but oh well, i forgot, u have prostitutes friends, I guess u r used to hear "i need money for baby" "i need money for abortion" "i need money for sex" "i need money, i need money"


yes, prostitutes who want money are the most disgusting on earth :o

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I realise that I don't know the full story from this woman - only parts.

I doubt anybody ever knows the full story of anything told by a Thai woman :o

My opinion is, if he knows about the child, and has chosen not to be involved, it isn't up to you to force his hand. To my mind, the best you can do is continue to look after her as best you can, and hope that as he grows up he will feel the need to become involved.

I don't think that him giving her money should really be an issue. I give Thai friends money from time to time.

If it was me, I wouldn't be able to sleep thinking about the child, and that would be the same if the mother was the most popular bargirl in Thailand, but that might be because I have two sons, and love being their dad.

Good on you for caring enough to care.



I doubt anybody ever knows the full story of anything told by a Thai woman - That is certainly an understatement!!!

DNA test??? If you can ever find the guy. Whose going to make him do it? Thai women need to be much more educated about these matters. Just take a look at all the abandonded young Thai women with babies, mostly from Thai men. Not a pretty picture.

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In NY under any circumstances proven paternity would land you paying for your child - which is the way it should be.

I realize that the idea of sex without responsibility might seem an attractive idea - but the bottom line is, you play you pay.

Just in case this was a P4P transaction here (we still have NOT really heard that from the OP, just that see did get some benefit from it -- this is not the same).

But I digress; if it was a P4P transaction, you do exactly that, PAY upfront so that future commitments are NOT your responsibility any more.

It is that simple really; we are not talking about relationships here, even though some here do not seem to be able to make this distinction.

If a taxi driver makes an accident, maybe even killing somebody, I as the passenger would not be responsible for the damage caused, even if there is ongoing financial help necessary for medical treatment of accident victims on the road.

When The Children are being involved, it is always very sad, but just out of PC lets do not get overly clouded over the facts in this issue...

So far we know:

- the mother was not using birth control but did sleep with a man (who actually used a condom)

- the mother did not want to have an abortion (albeit illegal, neither difficult nor expensive to get)

- she tried to kill the baby in an amateurish way (what in NY would land her in jail, would it??)

- after the home abortion did not succeed, she obviously saw still no cause to follow up with expert advice... now with serious risk that the baby might have birth defects and health issues

- she actually does not really want to track the father down, for unknown reasons

Rather confusing, and it definitely does not speak for the mother; very PC to speak of the fathers' responsibility, but I see criminal neglect of her duties and a confused personality badly out of whack. So who protects the baby from her?

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If a taxi driver makes an accident, maybe even killing somebody, I as the passenger would not be responsible for the damage caused, even if there is ongoing financial help necessary for medical treatment of accident victims on the road.

In certain parts of the world, you would!

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reunion twenty years down the road

Her: So you are my dad?

Him: Yep

Her: Why didn't you ever see me or care about me?

Him: I didn't plan on having you. Sorry, I just had sex for fun that night

Her: But what about me? I was just a baby. Why did you abandon me? A baby cannot get a job, it needs someone to care for her.

Him: no no no you are misunderstanding. sometimes one parent has no responsibility to a child.

Her: I saw in a movie they said fathers are responsible for their children.

Him: jeez, you must have inherited your mom's brain and not mine. let me explain, that movie you saw was about "The USA", but you are "Thai". This is Thailand. In Thailand, fathers aren't responsible.

Her: Ok, now i understand. i just thought you were a selfish jerk, but now i realize that morality is based on geographic location. Sorry, I wont disturb you ever again.

Him: Thanks and say hello to your mom for me

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reunion twenty years down the road

Her: "[Withheld on the grounds that the conversation between daughter and father might contravene reference to a subject banned under TV Forum Rule No. 1]

Yes ditch your child and let her get ahead in life as best she can.

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I thought pop_corn was a girl. Judging by the spelling in there and the time of the post I think we could safely guess it may be a PUI.

look, i didnt offend u in ANY way, so stop there cuz YES u are talking with a girl.

second... how can a guy trust the word of a prostitute? uhm???????

Im sick and tired of those thai woman always asking for money of this and that. I dont think she is pretty good person if she even tried to kill her child before, and THATS why she have this problem now. so she is even guelty about her child health that is in risk for all the shit that she drunk before. she is a bad one, so the guy is for been in bed with one.

and the only good person now that is paying the act of 2 irresponsables is u. you shouldnt get involve, after the woman will ask u for money and start to create new sickness, and stuff like that. but oh well, i forgot, u have prostitutes friends, I guess u r used to hear "i need money for baby" "i need money for abortion" "i need money for sex" "i need money, i need money"


so prostitution is legal in thailand? cuz as far as i know we cant talk about ilegal things in this forum. isnt?

ps. I reported u, u should learn some manners with girls.

Wow what an angry response to nothing. Well done, you got my post deleted, to be honest I don’t see where my bad manners are.

I was at first defending you because someone said your comment was that of a male farang who probably came from the dregs of western society. I was just pointing out that you weren’t a male farang.

Secondly your posts are basically unreadable, anybody can use MS Word to spell check, nobody expects everyone to have perfect English as its not everyone’s native language (although it does show us the level of some Thai unis English levels) but a quick spell check can be done by anyone, if you cant be bothered to make your points readable then in my opinion its not really worth reading. And now that I have read yours my assumption was correct.

All your posts on this subject are missing one vital part, you are completely forgetting the little girl involved, you obviously think because her mum may have slept with somebody for money, even once, that she doesn’t deserve the same chances as another girl who’s mum didn’t receive any money. I’m sure that little girl will completely understand why her dad ran away and wont send any money so she can go to a semi decent school.

Please don’t be so easily offended again


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thank you mr hippo, I did actually follow my own advice and all it came up with was unis,farang and realise.

Yes, MS spellcheck has the facility to add words into the dictionary. What about para. 3 - 'its', same para. - 'cant', last para. - 'who's', same para. - 'wont'? That's only the spelling. I normally do not comment on spelling and grammar now but if you wish to criticize others, make sure that yours is almost correct.

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Right ok, I did say a quick spell check. I also said it doesn’t need to be perfect, just readable. The post I was commenting on was on a whole different scale to a few missing apostrophes. I think we should leave the exact spelling discussions here as it is going too far off topic.

Edit: I agree with you that my grammar is not very good these days, I have been away from England too long doing things that dont require written English.

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reunion twenty years down the road

Her: So you are my dad?

Him: Yep

Her: Why didn't you ever see me or care about me?

Him: I didn't plan on having you. Sorry, I just had sex for fun that night

Her: But what about me? I was just a baby. Why did you abandon me? A baby cannot get a job, it needs someone to care for her.

Him: no no no you are misunderstanding. sometimes one parent has no responsibility to a child.

Her: I saw in a movie they said fathers are responsible for their children.

Him: jeez, you must have inherited your mom's brain and not mine. let me explain, that movie you saw was about "The USA", but you are "Thai". This is Thailand. In Thailand, fathers aren't responsible.

Her: Ok, now i understand. i just thought you were a selfish jerk, but now i realize that morality is based on geographic location. Sorry, I wont disturb you ever again.

Him: Thanks and say hello to your mom for me

This whole saga cries out for morning after pill

The bloke should not be blamed for decisions he did not make. Let the OP pay

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I have not yet seen one single argument in this thread (or elsewhere for that matter) on the side of not taking responsibility for one's own child(ren) that is anything more than one of convenience.


The OP shows no particular interrest in reuniting the father with his daughter. His posts seem to seek help in extorting money to which I would offer no help.

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Of course its not just foreigners - some of the scummiest people I have met have been Thai's but we will forget the "Nature Vs Nurture" debate and move on :o

Fact is if she can track him down, and prove the bairn is his and take him to court in the UK (not an easy task by any means) I am pretty certain under UK law he will be responsible and will be made to pay for the childs upkeep - anyone know for certain.

Thats the legal angle - morally - well people need to make their own value judgements and its obvious how this falls with some of the posters here. If it was me I would probably feel some moral duty to take care but I would also want to have an input into the upbringing too even if I lived thousands of miles away.

As I have said I have a pal who helps support a girl he thought was his and it turned out not to be. I was in his room in the September when she turned up and told him this was his present from last Chrsitmas

When he found out it was not his he still continued to help. He is quite well off and one of those gentle giants who men know not to rile. I know it hurts him that while the girl is going to an international school etc the mother is a waster. He can not buy the girl anything that the mother can sell as as soon as he laves its sold - she is an absolut shit - certainly one of the scummiest people I have ever come across in my life.

Bookazine - not been in there for two weeks but I should have a discount card by now - i buy almost any book about Thailand (and S E Asia) - read a few pages and if its <deleted> abandon it :D

Sounds like a damm fool, probably an insecure tosser

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The girl tells me she was enouraged to dinner with a few friends and some farang men. One took a liking to her and one thing lead to another. She also got some money out of this.

She slept with him for money - I thought that topics about girls who did this were not allowed on this forum.


Thank you...

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I thought pop_corn was a girl. Judging by the spelling in there and the time of the post I think we could safely guess it may be a PUI.

look, i didnt offend u in ANY way, so stop there cuz YES u are talking with a girl.

second... how can a guy trust the word of a prostitute? uhm???????

Im sick and tired of those thai woman always asking for money of this and that. I dont think she is pretty good person if she even tried to kill her child before, and THATS why she have this problem now. so she is even guelty about her child health that is in risk for all the shit that she drunk before. she is a bad one, so the guy is for been in bed with one.

and the only good person now that is paying the act of 2 irresponsables is u. you shouldnt get involve, after the woman will ask u for money and start to create new sickness, and stuff like that. but oh well, i forgot, u have prostitutes friends, I guess u r used to hear "i need money for baby" "i need money for abortion" "i need money for sex" "i need money, i need money"


so prostitution is legal in thailand? cuz as far as i know we cant talk about ilegal things in this forum. isnt?


Thank You...

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Of course its not just foreigners - some of the scummiest people I have met have been Thai's but we will forget the "Nature Vs Nurture" debate and move on :o

Fact is if she can track him down, and prove the bairn is his and take him to court in the UK (not an easy task by any means) I am pretty certain under UK law he will be responsible and will be made to pay for the childs upkeep - anyone know for certain.

Thats the legal angle - morally - well people need to make their own value judgements and its obvious how this falls with some of the posters here. If it was me I would probably feel some moral duty to take care but I would also want to have an input into the upbringing too even if I lived thousands of miles away.

As I have said I have a pal who helps support a girl he thought was his and it turned out not to be. I was in his room in the September when she turned up and told him this was his present from last Chrsitmas

When he found out it was not his he still continued to help. He is quite well off and one of those gentle giants who men know not to rile. I know it hurts him that while the girl is going to an international school etc the mother is a waster. He can not buy the girl anything that the mother can sell as as soon as he laves its sold - she is an absolut shit - certainly one of the scummiest people I have ever come across in my life.

Bookazine - not been in there for two weeks but I should have a discount card by now - i buy almost any book about Thailand (and S E Asia) - read a few pages and if its <deleted> abandon it :D

Sounds like a damm fool, probably an insecure tosser

ROFLMAO - tell you what big man - come and say that to his face :D

He could buy and sell you many times over too!

Just a couple of questions?

Misogyny must have a root cause!

Who was it - mother, sister, ex-wife or girlfriends?

Edited by Prakanong
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