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Elit Card Luanched On Samui

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I didn't and wouldn't buy the Elite card, but it's good to know that if I did... that I could get a cup of coffee during extension applications. It's also good to know that they are maintaining the Elite status of new purchasers, despite the reduction of benefits.

Edited by sriracha john
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One reason not to get the elite card now is that the Thai Airways privileges have recently been withdrawn. These included a free gold card, 2 for 1 business and first class international flight tickets and 25% discounts on all domestic business flights. One reason to still hold the card is the free limo to and from the airport combined with vip fast tracking through the airport (this is really very impressive).

I have held an elite card for the last 4 years and I believe I have just about had my Bt1m worth out of it even if it was stopped tomorrow - I dont use the 5yr visa as I am a PR.

If the Thai Airways ticket privileges have been completely withdrawn that will be a big blow to may Card holders I am sure - I have not seen any announcement however.

Plus, I thought the Elite card was not available to Residents of Thailand - or was that yet another another rule they subsequently changed?


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I was one of the first to buy the card, member #12 :o

When my passport expired last year I got the full 5 year visa again in my new passport which is now good until 2011. I already earned my 1 million back in savings on flight tickets and hotel stays by not having to do visa runs so it turned out to be a good investment :D

They had a slow start but have signed up a lot of new members recently, mostly Koreans, Taiwanese etc. who come to Thailand to play golf.

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It should be.

Why do you think so?

It's a chance for wealthy, younger people, far far away from reaching 50 years, who want a permanent option to stay in Thailand without depending on any other person such as Thai spouse or Thai business partners.

Imagine you are under 30 years old with money, dont't want to marry and be dependent on the spouse (even that way, for the 1 year extention now needing to show regular "income" instead of a fixed sum could be a big headache, having to pay yourself a salary from your offshore company into your countries bank account and pay tax on it in the worst case), then how many marriages these days last 20 years or more? Imagine you don't want these kind of headaches plus suspicions from your spouse, should it be a real marriage, you might have married for the visa.

Then you could spend the million on starting a business with a Thai partner, sure, be dependent on that partner and the 1 million investment for the company would not be enough to qualify the company to give a work permit to you because the registered capital needs to be at least 2 million Baht, without work permit no 1 year extention, so you also won't get 1 year extentions through your business, unless you invest at least 2 million in it, wait one year and do 90 day runs during that year, affecting your independent lifestyle, until you have your first years financial statements to even qualify for a 1 yr extention and work permit.

So maybe you think that's still less of a waste of money to start a 2 million business, but what if within the next 20 years you start to have some trouble with your business partner and want to move on, do something else? Then you're going to start a new business or marry, with the same problems over again, spending a few more million Baht in the process and worry about which rules have changed since last time to make it all waste more of your valuable time.

What if you want to do plain nothing, no business, spend your time in Thailand wherever and with whomever you wish at any time, come and go wherever you please and not when some 90 days are over, and not waste time with any paperwork, accounting, banks, financial matters, lawyers, accountants whatsoever?

Sure, there is no guarantee that this 5 year visa will be renewed under a new government, you still depend on the government, even that the 90 will be extended or that the spas and golf courses let you in for free, that there might be international pressure to discontinue it if less desired individuals abuse it to hide out in Thailand and damage it's image.

But it's a chance somebody who just wants no hassles and who can afford to part with 1 million Baht for the sake of peace and freedom might just be willing to take.

I would agree with what I read somewhere, the government would be likely to piss off a number of influential individuals by revoking the privileges that were paid for at the time the Elite member signed up. Should controversy and pressure arise, they might be more likely to stop accepting new members, restricting benefits, but honor past members privileges.

The Elite card is for life and is still currently honored & available. The visa is renewable every 5 years & is multi entry. They passed a law through parliament to allow this, so it is unlikely that they will change it in a hurry. They just see the 1 million x how many stupid farangs are there out there. Unlikely to change I'd say.

Just the same, I think the nominee noodle vendors in a company you own is a great way to do it if you want to babysit the business and be tied to it as you get a 1 year visa & work permit. The 2 mil doesn't have to stay in the bank though, there are all those R&D costs you have to repatriate to your offshore financier! But if you don't want the work aspect, then the company avenue is about as big a waste of money as the elite card, cause your staff with repatriate your funds for you.

I think we can face it square on, that as Thailand starts to strengthen economically, it (they) doesn't really want a whole load of foreigners here for any more than just holidays.

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1 million baht for elite card which is only good for 5 years any one who is thinking about buying one take a deep breath and do it several times before plucking down your hard earned cash

because all it does is save you 20 visits to immigration for that you pay 1 mil.

I had a ret/visa now I am on married to thai visa I used my pension from the usa for my ret/visa

now I just have to bring in 40k a month which I was doing any way

here a better way buy a thai lady a house for 1 mil and at the end of 5 yrs some poor thai girl now has a house instead of corrupt goverment having your 1 mil

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I was one of the first to buy the card, member #12 :D

When my passport expired last year I got the full 5 year visa again in my new passport which is now good until 2011. I already earned my 1 million back in savings on flight tickets and hotel stays by not having to do visa runs so it turned out to be a good investment :D

They had a slow start but have signed up a lot of new members recently, mostly Koreans, Taiwanese etc. who come to Thailand to play golf.

One of the problems with the Elite card was that they never guaranteed anything ! It was all

smoke and mirrors but no guarantees whatsoever. Their website is full of vague promises. :D

So, if you have made all these savings as you imply perhaps you could tell us specifically what these savings were !

For example what price for hotel A compared to the standard rate.

Doubt you can though :o


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There's also the small (?) matter of going along to immigration every 90 days and paying 1,900 Baht !!

Uh ! ... Where did you get that information from ... a guy in the pub ?


I have an elite card and yes it is correct, its back to immigration every 90 days and 1,900 Baht.

How can you comment to posts Naka when you have no idea what your talking about.

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There's also the small (?) matter of going along to immigration every 90 days and paying 1,900 Baht !!

Uh ! ... Where did you get that information from ... a guy in the pub ?


I have an elite card and yes it is correct, its back to immigration every 90 days and 1,900 Baht.

How can you comment to posts Naka when you have no idea what your talking about.

What kind of 5 year Visa is this that has to be extended every 3 months?

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So, if you have made all these savings as you imply perhaps you could tell us specifically what these savings were !

For example what price for hotel A compared to the standard rate.

Doubt you can though :o


I saved money by not having to do visa runs which means not having to buy flight tickets and not having to stay overnight in a Singapore or Hong Kong hotel room, just to get a new stamp in my passport.

Since I only fly business class and stay in 5 star hotels, five years of doing visa runs adds up to a lot of money. The Elite card cost me the same without having to waste the time on traveling.

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1 mil invested (I have averaged almost 30% for the past 5 years but lets just say 10% is realisitc).. is still 100,000 per annum in wasted return.

4 trips per year 25k for one nights accomodation..

hmmm.. savings !!

The visa is renewable every 5 years and lasts for a lifetime, I think you are missing that point in your calculations.

I dont have to do a Visa run again ever.

I dont like to travel cheap skate so I fly business and stay in nice hotels so for me the 1M investment pays for itself and starts to even save money very quickly and of course a 20min trip for a 90 day stamp is a lot less bother that these crazy visa runs.

It might not suit everyone but for me it's already paid for itself and is begining now to actually save money.

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And of course accommodations are not required for a border run in any case - even if done by plane.

Of course but you might as well make a trip out of it while you're there and I usually did.

I bought the card for convenience sake, not as an investment or a way to save money. The savings on trips I don't have to take are just a nice side effect.

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I saved money by not having to do visa runs which means not having to buy flight tickets and not having to stay overnight in a Singapore or Hong Kong hotel room, just to get a new stamp in my passport.

Since I only fly business class and stay in 5 star hotels, five years of doing visa runs adds up to a lot of money. The Elite card cost me the same without having to waste the time on traveling.

5 years, 20 visa runs eliminated, >1million baht saved. So you are saying you spend 50,000+ baht for a visa run. I have to tell you something; in all honesty anyone else could perform a 5-star visa run for a fraction of that amount very easily. You are a perfect match for the elite card, more money than sense, and that sounds like an arrangement that is working well for both parties so more power to you.

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So you are saying you spend 50,000+ baht for a visa run.

3 day trip to Hong Kong with girlfriend? Fly business, stay in Peninsula, eat in 5 star restaurants.... 100,000+ easily.

I have to tell you something; in all honesty anyone else could perform a 5-star visa run for a fraction of that amount very easily.

Or for an even smaller fraction one could take the minibus to Cambodia, what's your point?

You are a perfect match for the elite card, more money than sense

Better than having good sense and being broke my friend, ignorance is bliss :o

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1 million baht for elite card which is only good for 5 years any one who is thinking about buying one take a deep breath and do it several times before plucking down your hard earned cash

because all it does is save you 20 visits to immigration for that you pay 1 mil.

I had a ret/visa now I am on married to thai visa I used my pension from the usa for my ret/visa

now I just have to bring in 40k a month which I was doing any way

here a better way buy a thai lady a house for 1 mil and at the end of 5 yrs some poor thai girl now has a house instead of corrupt goverment having your 1 mil

Well, you probably didn't read about this subject before.

The visa is for 5yrs... renewable for another 5yrs... and another 5yrs... and again... and again... till you die.

But we understand that you are not informed since this is not a product you would need.

It is a good product for wealthy people, who are not married, and too young to have a retirement visa (and who also don't need to work, of course :o ).

Thank you for giving us the very good and charitable idea of buying a Thai lady a house.

However, besides the fact that not everyone comes to Thailand to overcome loneliness and to find young ladies, most people would think twice about your suggestion. There is a high probability you would enjoy your (very small) house for less than 5yrs... This is another subject, I know :D

In any case, TE members would certainly invest much more than a lousy million in a house, without counting the money they spend, and there are better ways of being charitable.

Also, when someone buys a TE card it is most probably not with "hard earned cash"... (This seems impossible for the brain of many to understand).

There are lots of losers, cheap and insignificant foreigners in Thailand (which I don't say you are) but also some quality people. Among these, there are young(er) and wealthy guys who do not have to "work hard" to "cash a lot" (Believe it or not, there are many of those)... These people might have a different perception of how much is a million (not much for sure).

The money cautious people all go for cheaper (and most boring) alternatives, no problem with that. Nobody tells you what to do with your money, so I reserve myself the privilege to spend it the way I want too.

I should congratulate the past government that started this program. It made me stay in Thailand and the concept was certainly a very bright idea.

Since I became a member (I am one of the early ones too) I spent lots of time in this country, and a serious amount of money (probably insane in the eyes of the frustrated posters). I would never have intended to stay in Thailand if I had to pass through all the headaches of 1yr visas, visaruns, WP, "work", fake company, teaching (irk!), or any similar "zig zag".

My presence here is certainly totaly to the benefit of the Thai people since I do not "take" anything away (not even a girlfriend) from the country... Besides hapiness, of course, which in my opinion has no price.

TE could be better, yes. But it is great as it is.

Keep all barking at TE... while we enjoy to be members :D

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He,he - every time we discuss the Thai Elite card here the discussion end up like that! :D

I agree that the card has value for the group we talk about (young/don't want to work/got the money) - it is in reality a paid for "PR" with some extra bonusses (discounts/golf/whatever) and NO hassle/looong application process and tough requirements. PR cost about 200k+lawyer fees Etc. (and Thai classes Etc.). A bit more expensive :o but certainly easier!

Yeah, the card is a disaster from a "biz" point of view, but even if card stopped/priviledges reduced - it would be simple/cheap for gov. to maintain simply the visa.

From the point of view of "return on investment"; if one anyway plays some golf/get a massage weekly, fly to home country yearly to renew a non-O or non-B(invitation letter) and travel a lot the card will surely quickly earn itself back (as long as those priviledges are there :D ).


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Hi Goodgirl,

You are right for most of your issues. Only i like to correct in the thread here that Elite card is a life time status. So the investment of 1 mio THB amortizes differently if you are 35 or 75 .... However, if you make it a ten year deal that is only 100,000 B a year which is not so bad if you can afford it. Also you gvet a lot of goodies such as gold status with Thai airways (and all star alliance partners), access to private clubs, golfs, clinics etc... However there is one big issue to this elite club... that is that it is a private company, not a govment agency and obviously making big money from rich people. There would not be much wrong to it on the condition that:

1. They would follow Generally (internationally) accepted accounting practices and publish financial statements that are transparent enough for any candidate to decide weather he wants to invest 1 MIO THB in that company. IN their accounting i would expect to see a significant amount of reserves that are meant to cover their liability to members in the case of early or abrupt termination of their operations. For example, based on a 10 year write off, iw ould expect that Elite card put 900,000 THB of the 1 mio i pay in reserves the first year, then keep only 800,000 of that the second year and so on so that they can refund me part of my membership if they fail to supply the service after a number of years.

2. There should be some kind of contract or guarantee between the Thai Govment and EliteCard about their rights to market this product and the rules behind it. As a European citizen i would expect that such a guarantee could only be in the form of a legally voted law followed by the allotment of the 'contract' to elite Card for 30 years or something. As a govment i would also ask the executing company a very solid financial guarantee in the form of a bank guarantee. Something like you do before you allow a bank or an insurance company to operate in the civilized world.

I visited their office in Sukhumvit asking for extensive information and contractual guarantees but could not be satisfied. On the opposite, i had a strong feeling that the 'deal' between elite Card and the Thai govment is something between 'persons' (read friends who are in the right positions both sides) as no legal grounds could be shown to me. One worrying point is that when you divide their assets by the number of card members there is not really much of a refund to expect should they fail next year....and they are a far cry away from number of members x 1 mio THB.

Finally for any business man who needs or likes to travel (and stay) to/in Thailand the Embassies abroad do issue so-called business visas and i have been consistently using those. You get a 3 year visa with multiple entry and up to 90 day free stay. On a few occasions i had those 90 days extended locally without problem, however i am mostly more likely to have been traveling abroad at least once during that period. At the end of the 3 years i usually also replace my passport which cannot extend more then 5 years total and get a fresh passport with 3 year visa in it. So the business visa is not as good as the Elite status (for the time being) but it doesnt cost you an arm and a leg either :o

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Interesting points of view... but I suppose at the end of the day... the number of sold cards reveals its true value.

... as the number of repetitive, negative, useless and groundless posts regarding this subject reveals the true value of those who wrote them.

Taking into account the average (low) quality of the expat community living in Thailand, the number of cards sold can be seen as a great success :o

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Interesting points of view... but I suppose at the end of the day... the number of sold cards reveals its true value.

How do you know how many cards were sold ? Did you count them ?

And please, one last time for people who can not read and/or understand English.

The visa part is 5 years + 5 years + 5 years until you die.

So in my case if I live to be 100, I will get 65 years of use.

Think about that on your next happy Jippo van ride to Cambodia LOL or whatever you do to avoid paying anything over the basic minimum.

Your funny :-)

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Interesting points of view... but I suppose at the end of the day... the number of sold cards reveals its true value.

How do you know how many cards were sold ? Did you count them ?

And please, one last time for people who can not read and/or understand English.

The visa part is 5 years + 5 years + 5 years until you die.

So in my case if I live to be 100, I will get 65 years of use.

Think about that on your next happy Jippo van ride to Cambodia LOL or whatever you do to avoid paying anything over the basic minimum.

Your funny :-)

Seems that enjoying elite status has also an impact on emptying your mind ... :o or did you have to miss some brains to begin with buying the elite card?

Ha, data on how many cards sold is supplied by elite card in themselves.

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Interesting points of view... but I suppose at the end of the day... the number of sold cards reveals its true value.

How do you know how many cards were sold ? Did you count them ?

No... to my knowledge, they've never published the exact number of cards they sold (not given away).... which sort of re-emphasizes flyer's comments about their lack of openness and accountability.

Best estimates are in the hundreds based on their published numbers of those issued (not sold). The thing is and what has been said here and what Thaksin also knew is that there are millions of people around the world with $25K to burn... and he set his membership goal at just one million of them to buy it.... what my point above is .... is that it is very telling that so few people around the world chose to buy it.

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Interesting points of view... but I suppose at the end of the day... the number of sold cards reveals its true value.

How do you know how many cards were sold ? Did you count them ?

No... to my knowledge, they've never published the exact number of cards they sold (not given away).... which sort of re-emphasizes flyer's comments about their lack of openness and accountability.

Best estimates are in the hundreds based on their published numbers of those issued (not sold). The thing is and what has been said here and what Thaksin also knew is that there are millions of people around the world with $25K to burn... and he set his membership goal at just one million of them to buy it.... what my point above is .... is that it is very telling that so few people around the world chose to buy it.

Possibly. Not sure about the money to burn part tho. It's more about staying in Thailand Legally and in fact (as long as it remains) it will save me a fortune.

I really only had three options.

1. Stay in Thailand long term illegally by claiming that I was a tourist and living in hope on back to back tourist visas like many do. Your not a tourist when your main home is in Thailand lol, those pple make me laugh.


2. Get one of these again illegal Business visas that people like Hull seem to throw at anyone who has no intention of business activities but instead get a Business visa to avoid getting Tourist Visas for the above reason.

(I know they are legal but I'm sure the Thai govenment will crack down soon on Tourist visas issued to "non tourists" and business visas that are issued to people with no legit "business purpose")


3. Pay the Government the required fee for a totally legal visa that allows me to stay here for life. Reading the previous posts the TE is not suitable for those who are either too lazy to spend just 10 mins at immigration every 3 months (Its really fast for TE to get another 90 day stamp) or for those who cant afford the 1,900 Bht fee on their tourist visas.

Another thought of course is that if you are planning to move your whole life to any other country and you have not got the spare 25K to give you some stability then you should really be staying in your own Country. My rent in a year is more than that, never mind anything else.

So in my situation, It was far from a waste of money but rather a money saver. It has already paid for its self so I'm actually in profit now thanks to not having to travel every 90 days. Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :o

It might not be for everyone and I would have been really pissed if I bought it for the Thai Air benefits that no longer exist. I only found this out AFTER paying the fee so I would have been pretty mad if I needed this because it is still advertised on their website !

However, I'm happy. No more visa runs.

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Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :o

The forum membership does appreciate your trolling this forum worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments.

Thank you.

It is a bit amazing that you feel you have already achieved the full value in the cost within just a "few months" as your other forum posts indicate the length of time you've apparently had it.... but still, if you feel you have, that's good for you, I suppose.

Edited by sriracha john
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I didn't and wouldn't buy the Elite card, but it's good to know that if I did... that I could get a cup of coffee during extension applications. It's also good to know that they are maintaining the Elite status of new purchasers, despite the reduction of benefits.

Didn't , wouldn't , couldn't........

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Plus I think the biggest benefit is not having to troll forums such as these worrying about getiing another 30 day stamp :o

The forum membership does appreciate your trolling this forum worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments.

Thank you.

I wasn't trolling, I was looking for a car and I stumbled on this thread where 90% of the posts were full of duff information, So I decided to answer a few with some truthful statements since most of the posts seem to think that the TE visa was only valid for 5 years.

Apart from the Visa part, the rest of the TE is bullcrap I totally agree like for instance the withdrawal of Thai Air benefits etc that are only clear AFTER you have paid.

So your comment about "worrying about the Elite Card receiving adverse comments" is very amusing LOL.

You think I'm a rep or something ? Uff, Even when you post your own personal experiences in this forum someone accuses you of being something that your not.

Nice try 'sriracha john'

I'm not a troll or a rep, Just giving honest information to people who may actually use this forum as a source of information rather than personal slander / pointless / false information.

My personal views of TE is not actually what you think it maybe but negative advice or comments never help anyone.

As for trolling, what possible advice could you give people in a thread related to a TE when you don't have one ?

And you call ME a troll ? LOL

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