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I'm in the UK at the moment earning some dosh. Anyone else here that went to the Thai Festival in Battersea Park (London)?

It was a good crack. About a gazzillion people - mostly Thais and farangs with Thai over halfs, but also falangs too.

I drank a bottle of Mekong and more Changs than I care to remember. Wifey played her kim as part of the classical Thai music concert (second concert this month! - she is playing for one of the Thai Princesses later this year in concert, she's more nervous of that!).

The weather was hot - its 28 degrees here today, 34 estimated for Monday. It being England, and me being stupid enough to think that I should be acclimatised to tropical weather by now, took no sun precautions. Looked like a tomato for two days, now look like 'latex man with scurvey'. Facial dandruff. Being p!ssed meant I didn't notice I was slowly cooking.

They had good food. Seven Billion Thai restaurants in the UK all had a stall and were madly cooking. Chang and Singa tents.

Had a good chat with a few of the Monks stationed over here too.

Guy from a Thai TV Network was walking around with a camera man. Came over to film the farang sitting in the middle of 20 Thai girls (and 3 Thai blokes) drinking Mekong in the sun. May be I'll be on TV. I'm the fat git holding on to the bottle for dear life with umpteen Thai kids eating his picnic.

Good day anyway.

I drank a bottle of Mekong and more Changs than I care to remember. Wifey played her kim as part of the classical Thai music concert (second concert this month! - she is playing for one of the Thai Princesses later this year in concert, she's more nervous of that!).

What time was that? We arrived about midday and all I saw was some people limbering up for Muay Thai. Mind you, after buying some food we went outside and sat with some other families we know on the cricket pitch on the other side of the road through the park. I think the best one was the year they had a stage on the cricket pitch.

There may have been too many people. The car park was full this time and there was a very long queue at the Southerly entrance even at 3p.m., when there was a very brief shower.


Big Al and I got there about 2-00pm after a couple of quick ones in a local dum...err.. hostelry outside the park.A couple of years ago a crowd of us went there and we nearly had a heart attack when the beer Chang almost ran out about 4 o clock in the afternoon but this time No problems.. more than enough.

Made a lot of new contacts including having a chat to the organisers (Singha)who reconed that there had been over 10,000 visitors and this was only about 3-30pm.

As Wolfie says good crak,about 100 restuarants,Sing and Chang beer tents,Thai Airways,East West Travel and many others (say hello- Emerald-did I win the return flights to Bangers?? :o ) and loads of Thais (mostly f/ms) and when you consider the first "do" about 10 years or so ago the numbers have really increased hands over fists...def..a case of sanuk...or sing or chang :D

Had a chat to some of the punters from the Embassy but just missed H.E. (again)Trouble with the other ranks is if you ask a question they just smile and you ken fine that they dont have a clue what you are on about...however...MPR..

Also managed to coller the manager from the Bangkok Bank (London branch) and picked up some of their latest bumft/info on the "most economical and easyway funds and remittance transfer transactions-LOS"Havnt read it yet ,dont really need to but will have a shufty over the weekend.

He unlike the embassy chappies seemed to know what he was on about.

Talking about going on a bit must get down the pub before it shuts (11-00pm. :D )

Incid. everyone I spoke to had heard of Thai Visa and wanted to know if they were considering a stall/something for next year........over to u George...TTFN :D

Anyone else here that went to the Thai Festival in Battersea Park (London)?

Didn't make it unfortunately. Sounds like I missed a good time. Maybe next year. No excuses, but I'm not real good in big crowds unless with someone or with a group.

Did go to the Anglo-Thai Foundation (http://www.anglo-thai.org) in Morden Park south of London the weekend before. Lots of the same thing, but on a smaller scale. Same demonstrations, about 20-30 food tents, and also in support of a good cause. And only a thousand or two people.

I'm kind of new to the London area, but glad to see there is a close knit Thai community here, as well as many good restaurants.

I did notice that the festival food seemed to be much more authentic Thai, as compared to what I've seen a la carte in the restaurants. Anybody notice the same thing, or is it just me?

(wolf5370 @ Fri 2004-07-30, 19:02:12)

I drank a bottle of Mekong and more Changs than I care to remember. Wifey played her kim as part of the classical Thai music concert (second concert this month! - she is playing for one of the Thai Princesses later this year in concert, she's more nervous of that!). 

What time was that? We arrived about midday and all I saw was some people limbering up for Muay Thai. Mind you, after buying some food we went outside and sat with some other families we know on the cricket pitch on the other side of the road through the park. I think the best one was the year they had a stage on the cricket pitch.

There may have been too many people. The car park was full this time and there was a very long queue at the Southerly entrance even at 3p.m., when there was a very brief shower.

Rich, Classical was at 11am and 2pm in the peaked tent (half way up the first aisle). Car park is allways a problem, police don't help by coning the whole bl**dy area either.

Spee, I always go with a fair crowd (when I'm in country - that's most years at this time). Often people that don't know each other either. So, if you feel the need to 'be with others', then post something here before the event and we can all make arrangements to meet somewhere. I never heard of the Anglo-Thai org. Where did you hear about it?

Rinrada, I remember the year (2 years ago?) when they ran out of beer too. I thought it was about 1pm though. This year they had Chang and Singa tents stocked up and Thai wine for the more adventurous.

Katana/Reggie, Thanks for the links guys. I'll check out the cklips and see if I'm famous. :o

Spee, I always go with a fair crowd (when I'm in country - that's most years at this time). Often people that don't know each other either. So, if you feel the need to 'be with others', then post something here before the event and we can all make arrangements to meet somewhere. I never heard of the Anglo-Thai org. Where did you hear about it?

Okay with the get-together idea. Actually I'd be interested in getting a small group together to work on Thai language skills, whether reading, writing or speaking. Possibly this could be done around visits to local Thai restaurants, or something like that.

The U. Of London has a really good series of Thai language courses. I'm planning to enroll in one of the beginner courses starting early October.

As far as Anglo-Thai.org goes, I think I first saw it as a web-link advertisement at the top of the forum (or maybe one of the other Thai-related web sites). Then after I relocated to the UK, I did a Yahoo search for London Thai Festivals and it popped up again there.


I used to go to Wat Vahara in Plaistow (London) for free Thai lessons. Including reading/writing etc. No formal exams or anything and at your own pace teaching. My teacher (Ajarn - but I'll probably get flamed for that) was a monk by the name of Long Pee Somchai - really nice guy too. Kids had classroom lessons from Long Pee Peechit. :D

Unfortunatly, the charity that runs the Wat is under the control of an Indian council (originally set up by an Indian Bhuddist 30 years or so ago), is kicking the monks out so they can sell the land!!!! This is a central place for Thais and Anglo-Thai families to meet up and socialise from London, Kent, Essex etc. Embassy don't care, press run a few national stories, but courts are blind to that sort of thing. :D

I am in touch with the monks, and will post here (and www.thailand-uk.com) when and if they manage to get somewhere else - or get a successful appeal. :o

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