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Hey Thaivisa.com

Looking to possibly get some advice or information about this situation my wife and I are in as of now.

My wife (Thai) and I (American) were married in her hometown in Thailand sometime last year, we are both in our early 20's, hey young kids in love perhaps. Soon after I was on my way back to the states and she was unable to accompany me here, that really sucked, and upon my return to the states I began what was to be a long long process of paperwork and waiting for it to be shuffled around from visa center to INS and what not. This whole thing has taken over a year. It was not to long ago though that it had been sent to the Embassy in Thailand from the National Visa Center in New Hampshire. I got notice that the Embassy recieved these papers and they have scheduled my wife for an interview at the end of August. I was told my wife has been sent some papers and notification on when to go to the Embassy, and in this letter to my wife she was to be sent some papers she needed to fill out, a checklist of some sort. Anybody know what thats for? What she should expect when her interview date arrives, what she should be doing as of now, any reason why she may be denied a visa.

We have known each other for 3 years now, and I have been to Thailand on a number of occassions to be with her, and our marriage is legit as far as thai standards i guess. Any reason why she should get denied? What can we expect for this coming month, doesnt she got medical requirements, anything else she needs to do? Its just hard being in the states and help her when I am so far away. The Government wanted proof I could support her, proof of employment from me, and If I quit my job to go to Thailand and help her, then im screwed I guess. Its hard, and I guess I cant win either way, I hate to have her doing this alone, but what can I really do, I must keep my job. She should be alright doing this alone right?

Anyway, I think I threw a couple questions in there, lol, anyone have any answers for them. Please help, Id appreciate it.




There is probably a medical that she will have to take and police clearance. Believe there is a fingerprint requirement now also. The paperwork she receives should provide full information and there is probably a copy in Thai also if her English is limited.

Perhaps she could scan/email copies to you or even fax them? Normal phone calls are now only 7-9 baht per minute to USA so should not cost that much.

If there is not medical treatment needed or obvious misinformation she should not have any problems. Be good if she gets to know your family names/members/home etc as they are things that help establish your true relationship in the minds of interviewers. But you have gone through the hoops and that visa should not be a problem now - just a little longer. :o


First of all best of luck. I am sure all will go well for you. Yes, stay employed and be aware if your spouse is given conditional or permanent status.

Most you will most likely face is continued apprehension and frustration as long as she is not a criminal, has not "disease" issues and the relationship is both legal and vaild.

So you should not have much longer to wait.

I am assuming you are filing an I-130 "Petition for Alien Relative" given the short time you have been married.

generally the interviews are centered around what, if any, items the backgound checks may have uncovered, ie criminal, terrorist or affiliation with listed organizations and secondly around the issues of "marriage fraud".

Go here for ineligibilities issues. http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi_waivers.html

Go here to understand the catch 22 issues under Section 214(:o


A couple of other things are important:

1. Title 8, United States Code, Section 1325, states that any

individual who knowingly enters into a marriage contract for

the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws

shall be imprisoned for not more than five years, or fined not

more than $250,000, or both.

What are the penalties for committing marriage

fraud or submitting false information or both?

Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, states that

whoever willfully and knowingly falsifies a material fact,

makes a false statement, or makes use of a false document will

be fined up to $10,000, imprisoned for up to five years, or both.

Trust me, Fraud is rampant and every scam imgainable is being used.

You'd think as much as everyone seems to dog out the US these days, there would be less immigration both legal and illegal, but they keep pouring in by the millions both legally and illegally every year. T

hat's why you have to wait so long to get your wife in. The number of people wanting to study, work and or live in the US has increased every year even since 9/11 and despite the apparent ill will and rehtoric being widely vented toward it. I am amazed that such an evil place and people would be so popular a place to move to? Oops I digress.

Any how,

2. Pursuant to section 216 of the Immigration and Nationality

Act, your alien spouse may be granted conditional

permanent resident status in the United States as of the date

he or she is admitted or adjusted to conditional status by an

INS Officer.

This is generally applicable for marriage of 2 years or less.

Both you and your conditional resident spouse

are required to file Form I-751, Joint Petition to Remove

Conditional Basis of Alien's Permanent Resident Status,

during the 90-day period immediately before the second

anniversary of the date your alein spouse was granted

conditional permanent resident status.

Otherwise, the rights, privileges, responsibilites and duties

that apply to all other permanent residents apply equally to a

conditional permanent resident. A conditional permanent

resident is not limited to the right to apply for naturalization,

to file petitions on behalf of qualifying relatives or to reside

permanently in the United States as an immigrant in

accordance with our nation's immigration laws.

NOTE: Failure to file the Form I-751 joint petition to remove

the conditional basis of the alien spouse's permanent resident

status will result in the termination of his or her permanent

resident status and initiation of removal proceedings.

Good luck young man. I wish you and you Thai wife all the best. Mine and I have had 26 years of glorious union and I and she have loved every minute of it. So good luck.


My Wife is about to go to bangkok for a medical exam and police investigation, I have been waiting over 2 years now, I am so happy that it has started to maybe come to a close. I just got a second job just to make sure i can support her At least to show that i can.

It is just a waiting game, just be happy that is has finally started for you. I'll tell you one thing if another terrorist attack happens in the US. It will be really hard for anyone to come and that's including cubans.

You said something about your marriage being legit by that standards, :o If you registered your marriage at the local amphur then you have no problems The US government recognizes a thai marriage as a legal marriage.

well good luck

hey where do u live anyway I am in florida near orlando

  usatrader said:
Good luck young man. I wish you and you Thai wife all the best. Mine and I have had 26 years of glorious union and I and she have loved every minute of it. So good luck.

Wow I hope i have the same sorry for going off the thread :o

  usatrader said:
First of all best of luck. I am sure all will go well for you. Yes, stay employed and be aware if your spouse is given conditional or permanent status.

I got a letter forwarded to me from the national visa center saying it was a conditional, whats this mean, does that mean she has to go back to Thailand after a certain period of time? I was under the impression she would be able to stay with me here in the states perminantly.

I must admit that alot of this whole process has been extremely confusing, and I guess I should know more about these things, but i dont, thats why im looking for advice.

Yes im pretty sure the I-130 was filed at the beginning of all this, ive seen and filled out so many different papers, i believe this was one of them.


In one of the later paragraphs I included there is a description of the conditional status.

She, once given conditional Alien Residency status, is allowed to stay here with you but, "my words", big brother will be watching for the tatatale behaviors and actions that would show the marriage is a scam and a fraud.

That is why I included the price you and she could pay if it is a fraud in the eyes of immigration.

Read the information. She has 2 years as a conditional Alien Resident but she will be with you and have her "green card". Then in the last 90 days before the 2 years are up, you file the form I 751 I mentioned and if you two have keep out of trouble and the marriage shows all the signs of being legit the her status will go permanent and she is on the road to I485 and citizenship.

your conditional status can be revoked for "cause" under the act. I gave you some links that will be helpful in thios regard. Stay employed, stable and out of legal troub le for you and she and all will be fine.

Sounds like your wait is just about over. be patient, endure a while longer and play by the rules and all will be fine I think.


  Ronnie said:
Yes im pretty sure the I-130 was filed at the beginning of all this, ive seen and filled out so many different papers, i believe this was one of them

Wow Ronnie Didn't you make copies of everything?? You need to know what you applied for right an i-130 is an immigration visa K-1 is a fiance visa you need to marry withing 90 days of issuance of this visa and K-3 visa is for both a spouse and a fiance This vias is to help keep families together during the long wait for a visa


Ronnie a I-130 is the paperwork for an immigration visa the K-1 or K-3 visa is a non immigrant visa I know it is confusing there is a immigration website that has helped me alot just some advise maybe you should take a look also


Good luck and after you get her home, relax and enjoy the continuing journey.

A very reasonable and honest attorney in New Orleans ( Marc Ellis) ( and yes he can help in all States) can help you along if you need a referral.


Mr Vietnam :o


Thanks for all the info, yeah monster I made copies of everything.

hope everything goes well. She was suppose to recieve some papers from the embassy that she had to fill out and explain what she had to do, she hasnt recieved them yet. Her interview is in a couple weeks, I hope she gets the papers soon, and she has enough time to do what she needs to do before the interview.


Ok my wife recieved the papers from the embassy and she says there are alot of things she needs to do. One thing that has got me a bit angry is it says she needs to pay the visa application fee of 300 and some odd dollars. I was under the impression that I paid this a while ago. I remember getting a money order for the amount of $335 (payable to BCIS), and another one for the amount of $65 which was payable to another immigration office i cant recall, i dont have the papers directly in front of me right now. But I was under the impression that this was for the visa fee, am I wrong, or am I supposed to dish out another 335 dollars again?

She also said she has to do some medical requirements, and fill out some papers of some sort.

Ive tried to contact the embassy and find out exactly what she needs to do, and find out what they sent her, my wife cant explain it all on the phone, and she could send me a copy of all this i guess, but she is actually in her hometown right now and far from a copying machine.

Does anyone know what they sent her, or what she is required to do, do you know anything about this visa fee, am i supposed to pay more money if I already paid BCIS 335 dollars.

her interview is not far from now, a couple more weeks, and I really dont want to find out the day of the interview she didnt have everything she needed. The Embassy says there is nothing they need from me, and seem to not want to tell me what is needed from my wife. Am I paranoid or could they just want my wife to be unprepared so she gets denied?


well i sent my wife a copy of the reciept I had showing i did pay the 335 dollars for the visa fee. She is scheduled to be at the embassy in the morning, 7:00am. Think she will have any problems getting in, I hear there are long lines of people waiting in the mornings?

any last minute advice?

  • 1 month later...

ok, none of this worked out, marriage is officially on the edge of a cliff. Id like some divorce info now, anyone know the steps in getting a legal divorce to a Thai wife. I am in the States, she is still in Thailand, I really dont want to go there to get a divorce, Id rather just do it from here. I think the best thing to do is just put all this in the past, its a shame it worked out this way but being away from each other for so long are hearts arent in it anymore, we both agree its best to finish.

One of her friends, (Thai) is telling me to make it hard for her, and not give her the divorce so easy. She was lying to me the whole time, and sleeping around, real classy girl she is, and Im not so sure about Thai laws, but I am under the impression that if your spouse cheats on you then you dont have to pay her anything, or support her anymore, i could be wrong. She says she is going to send me a paper saying that she does not want anything from me, and all I have to do is sign the paper and send it back to her. Could it really be that easy? Personally I know I was faithful to her, so there is no adultury on my part, but she I found has been getting quite a bit of bedroom action this whole time apart, so if she claims she wants money, whats the chances of her getting any, and how would she even collect? I would just refuse to give her anything, Ive given her enough. I guess she could say I abandoned her, but I have spent the last year trying to get her here, and immigration was a pain in the ass, it was well over a year before she was even given an interview date. Anyway, I couldnt exactly go to Thailand to be with her, I had to show proof of employment, and if I went to Thailand to see her, then I would have had to finish my job, so that wouldnt have been easy to do.

Anyway, I just wanna get all this over with, Im tried of her asking me about this shit, and im tired of having to deal with her, she has turned out to be someone completely different than what I expected. Ive met a new girl, a girl from the states, much closer to me, and have tried my hardest to work out my marriage in the past, but enough is enough, I gotta move on.

She says that if I dont sign the paper she sent me then she is going to change her mind and say she wants money from me, the nerve of this girl. Is that even possible? She should be giving me money, I got western union receipts flyin out my ass from when i sent her money, and I paid for all the immigration fees and all that, she never paid a dime for anything. Can I get money from her? Not that I want to, but ######, if shes gonna threaten me, id like to counter attack, lol


Why would you even bother? You can get it done in the States without going to Thailand. Why would you think you need to go to Thailand? Cause she's there?

Your already separated. Just file the papers.

Am I missing something?

Mr Vietnam :o

  Ronnie said:
Ive met a new girl, a girl from the states, much closer to me, and have tried my hardest to work out my marriage in the past, but enough is enough, I gotta move on.

The nerve of your Thai wife - rumoured to be lying to you and sleeping around whilst married to you - good on you for your faithfulness! You should keep all your money for your next escapade and turn your back on the one you promised on oath to support through good or bad for the rest of your life. :o

  pnustedt said:
  Ronnie said:
Ive met a new girl, a girl from the states, much closer to me, and have tried my hardest to work out my marriage in the past, but enough is enough, I gotta move on.

The nerve of your Thai wife - rumoured to be lying to you and sleeping around whilst married to you - good on you for your faithfulness! You should keep all your money for your next escapade and turn your back on the one you promised on oath to support through good or bad for the rest of your life. :o

Ok is this sarcasm or what.

My wife promised and all that shit too, but she turned her back on this marriage far before I did. I was faithful, 100 percent, and did nothing but work all day, and worked on the immigration papers, and contacting anyone who can help me get the process done, any chance i had for free time went to talking with her and planning her arrival.

She wasnt rumored to have lied to me, she admitted it, told me everything, hows that a rumor. So i promised to take care of her for the rest of her life, through good and bad, so I should still take care of her, even if she got someone new, are you serious. We decided to get seperated a couple months ago, so yeah I did start getting involved with someone else, why not, what am i supposed to do, continue to be alone while she does whatever she is doing, come on get serious. Im young, i got married in my early 20's, im still in my early 20's, im supposed to keep waiting for something to happen, for us to get back together, shit aint gonna happen.

Its not me over here playing around on her, she is the one who has lied, all the way up to a couple days before the interview, after I tried to work it out after I found out she cheated before, believe me I have heard the bad news and tried to look past it, forgave her, and tried to move on with her and make it work, but she continued to do it, she'll be the first to tell you what she has done.

Mr Vietnam, did I say I was going to go back to Thailand to get a divorce? if I did, please quote me, or did I ask If I had to, becasue that is what I heard, but I assure you I am not planning to do so.

File what papers man, and where?

Yeah Im missing something

And kill the sarcasm

My wife promised and all that shit too, but she turned her back on this marriage far before I did. I was faithful, 100 percent, and did nothing but work all day, and worked on the immigration papers, and contacting anyone who can help me get the process done, any chance i had for free time went to talking with her and planning her arrival.
So you didn't even have time to start another relationship with your "new girl"?
We decided to get seperated a couple months ago, so yeah I did start getting involved with someone else, why not,

Hang on - weren't you asking advice about getting a visa for your wife to go to the States a couple of months ago (12th Aug to be precise)? You should not have got "involved with someone else" because you were married.

Im young, i got married in my early 20's, im still in my early 20's, im supposed to keep waiting for something to happen
Maybe you shouldn't have got married at 20, but you did, and marriage takes a lot of work, especially a long distance one, you cannot just wait for "something to happen"
believe me I have heard the bad news and tried to look past it, forgave her, and tried to move on with her and make it work, but she continued to do it, she'll be the first to tell you what she has done.

Perhaps she didn't want forgiveness. A relationship based on mutual respect and understanding would have been more helpful.

I am in the States, she is still in Thailand, I really dont want to go there to get a divorce, Id rather just do it from here.
Mr Vietnam answered your point - why are you not grateful for his advice? You do sound rather arrogant in your comments to him.
Yeah Im missing something

And kill the sarcasm

Yes, you are. Grow up!


Ok P. let me break it down for you in even simpler terms, since you obviously are confused about something.

I said all I did was work and plan her arrival, this was for over a year, I was not involved with anyone else, can you understand this much. My wife was involved with someone else, In which I had no idea about until about April of this year. we spoke about it, and she and I decided we should get seperated, it was mutual. So I didnt talk to her for a month or so, until one day I decided to call one of her friends, just to maybe find out if my wife was ok, but my wifes friend hadn't spoken with her for that month or so either. Come to find out she was back in her hometown, broke, staying with her family. I decided to call her, and see how she was, and she was broke, about to lose her motorbike, so I decided to help her, because even though I was angry with her for lying to me for the last 10 months prior, I still at one time loved her and cared about her, and still did, so I sent her some money for her to get things situated. Slowly we began talking again, more and more through May and June, and It felt like maybe I could look past all of what she had done, I did show her respect, and understanding so dont throw me no bullshit about that. So yeah I understood we were so far away and she was lonely and it was bound to happen. Understand I was here to, lonely and waiting and had opportunities to fool around, but I DIDNT. We started finally getting some news about when she would get her interview in July, and it was set for the end of august. I sent her more money, send her a birthday present, and a bunch of clothes for her son, yeah she has a son, something alot of guys in there early 20's would have been scared off by, but I was UNDERSTANDING. Id send her most of my money to help her and at times I myself would be broke after giving her money, but I didnt care I wanted to make sure she was ok. If she said she needed it, I sent it to her, even things she didnt necissarily need, like Flowers, or letters for no reason, just to let her know i still loved her, and the waiting was almost over, and our future would begin soon, and once we were together we could both look past all of this and finally be together and not have to worry about being away from each other again.

Yeah August 12th, I was askin for information about her upcoming interview, because from the looks of things, everything was moving along good. She asked for some more money, said she needed it, said she had to do some medical check ups and get her background check and all of that done. So I sent her more than enough to get all of that done, and told her "Its almost time baby, I cant wait to see you, I love you, Good luck with the interview." Ok for a few days I couldnt find her anywhere, by phone or email or whatever. Ok maybe she is just somewhere where she cant talk, maybe a doctors office, or etc etc. Ok her interview date has already gone by, where is she. Ok a couple days after, I got an email from her, saying she didnt go to the interview, she Is on some island and has someone who can take care of her, and for me not to worry about because she is ok.

Ok so I trusted her after I forgave her over and over from the past. and over and over she shows ME no respect.

And this girl i am involved with now, this was after all was said and done, do you not understand that. Im tired of writing all this

Mr Vietnams advice was a good idea, "Just file the papers" , I truely appreciate that advice, but to add another question on top of that, what papers, and where?

So P, if you got any knowledge of divorce law, or how to go about the process, Id appreciate it also. But if all you got is these silly ass sarcastic remarks, and you just want to quote me 10 times and throw your 2 cents under the box, save that shit, Im lookin for someone who knows the processes, not some wise ass with a computer. Seems you got some growing up to do yourself.

Quote me


The scariest part of all this is.... the Embassy and American Immigration system actually works. Anyone who complains about the lengthy waits, the never-ending expenses, and the huge piles of paperwork should be referred to this thread.

As for divorce, you're much better off with a thai divorce versus american divorce. Cheaper, quicker, and less fuss.

  • 1 month later...
  sriracha john said:
The scariest part of all this is.... the Embassy and American Immigration system actually works. Anyone who complains about the lengthy waits, the never-ending expenses, and the huge piles of paperwork should be referred to this thread.

As for divorce, you're much better off with a thai divorce versus american divorce. Cheaper, quicker, and less fuss.

Each State has it's own divorce laws. I think most have what is called a "no-fault" divorce. In this kind of divorce, if you are both agreeing and she agrees she wants nothing (or you're willing to make some kind of "cash settlement"), then find yourself a local lawyer (in the US) and the lawyer will prepare the papers. You will then have to get the papers to her via mail, or send to a friend and hand deliver. She then will have to take the papers to the US embassy and have her signature "notarized". The person who does the notarizing may ask her if she understands what she is signing.

I went thru this myself awhile ago and I was living in Tennessee at the time. Lawyer costs/ court costs was $250. Neither she nor myself had to show up in court.

Good luck.

  a man with a plan said:
Wow, there's quite a lot of sarcasim round in these forums isn't there.  It is kind of funny though.

Welcome to the world of Thaivisa and don't be a troll in here :o

Explorer :D

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