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Health Insurance For Thailand And Usa


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I am living in the USA but for the past few years I have been spending a few months out of each year in Thailand. When I return to the USA I usually get a job that doesn't include Health Insurance so I have to buy it here and pay month to month which as many of you know is VERY expensive. (so at the moment I am one of the 33 Mil. without, scary!) I met a guy on an airplane that lives in Arizona who claimed that he bought a health insurance plan in Thailand that also covered him in the USA. He also spent just a few months a year in Thailand but this plan covered him year-round. He said that this plan would pay for things in the USA if they were small but for bigger things it would actually pay for a flight and fly him to Thailand for treatment. Does anybody know of health insurance like this and does anybody have a plan that they can recommend? I just emailed BUPA to ask this question but I havn't recieved a reply yet. Any other sugestions besides moving to Canada (or practically any other place for that matter).

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