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Aggressive Annoying And Barking Dogs


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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :o

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to huh.gif

Wrong - I've been bitten exactly this way - followed me for a while then grabbed me behind the knee. I agree that they are less likely to bite if you show no fear, but sometimes they bite anyway. The 'reaching for a stone' trick works quite well. Useful to keep a couple of missiles in your pocket as 'reminders' that it isn't an idle threat.

My pet hate is getting stuck between two packs of street dogs on one of those bloody pedestrian cross over bridges.

Edited by Crushdepth
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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :D

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

My advice with regard to aggressive, annoying, barking dogs.........dress politely, smile, hand them your passport and wai...........

Oh.......you meant the other kind of dogs.........dogs are animals (so are we).....they evolved to hunt in packs........they want the "prey" (i.e., you) to run.....if you run that will make them even more aggressive.........if they look like they are about to chew you up, the thing to do is to freeze like a statue and simply wait for them to walk away or perhaps wait for help from a passerby. In many cases, this will totally confuse them..........you are not running, so you are not prey.

I have actually had to resort to this a few times..........I like to jog and sometimes dogs like to chase me......it works! It is contrary to your instincts.

Caveat: Pit Bulls are another matter........they will kill whether you run or not.........worst dog on the planet other than the aforementioned ones...... :o:D :D

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Back in Canada we use synthetic wolf urine ( I'm serious!) Spray it around the borders of your yard or house and you'll never see a cat or dog again.Now, as to whether a Thai soi dog can recognize a wolfs territory marker is an unanswered question. But maybe the soi dog will think " Hey, that smells like a bloody big dog thats just eaten a caribou!"

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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :o

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

OOOOoooooo a do gooder ! come on then, offer your idea on how to solve this problem.

BTW , I have never resorted to acid throwing or poisoning...Yet.

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deejah, how long have you lived here?

What's that got to do with it. I've been here a long long time and on the planet longer, and it still pi$$es me off to have a bunch of dogs barking continously, at nothing but each other, while I am on my patio trying to visit and enjoy a brew or seven. I made a rocket launcher out of a meter of 3/4 inch PVC pipe with a cap on one end. Drop in a lit bottle rocket and send it into the pack. They leave and most of those don't come back. After a few uses you begin to wish some would come around so you could fire off some more. Even worked when I lived on the beach. Maybe they don't forget this particular experience.

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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :o

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

OOOOoooooo a do gooder ! come on then, offer your idea on how to solve this problem.

BTW , I have never resorted to acid throwing or poisoning...Yet.

Well if a full grown man cannot handle thai soi dogs it is best for him to take poison himself.

For me, if I see agressive dogs coming, I first look around if there are stones or sticks, then look at the first dog in the eyes sternly, they usually stop about 10 meters away. Keep looking into their eyes and walk slowly away. It they don't stop, squat and pretend to pick something to throw at them they will run! Works 100% for me!

I don't think I have to mention about not to run, even 3 yr olds have heard of it, right?

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Ok I know its not the proper thing to do but I tend to go for the aggressive stance when confronted by a soi dog/dogs.

Stand still, look them in the eye and show them I am not afraid.

I have found the soi dog not to be the bravest animal in the world and they generally either take flight or become submissive.

Don't get me wrong I would not do this if confronted by a Staffy or the like but seems to work with the reasonably timid sio dog.

They are all bark and no bite in my experience.

The missus was bit once but she did the big no no, panicked and ran, it chased her and bit her.

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Baseball bats & sturdy, steel toed high leather boots would probably be good accompanyment while hiking. I will soon be acquiring such, since I was bitten by one residential dog while rounding the corner on my motorcycle. The dog usually was kept inside the house gate, but this time he was out. With the help of my good lady, the owner was told he could pay me some compensation, or he could talk to the police. He paid 2,000 bht.

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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :D

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

Yup matey that would be be... a nuckle dragging concerned parent. All kinds of ailments can be aquired by a thumb sucking toddler with catshit all over his little hands :o

I have also shoveled up dogshit from the grass verge outside my uk home, knocked on the door of the lazy <deleted> who let his dog leave it there, dumped it on his doorstep and told him, that as it belonged to him I was kindly returning it. Being a bit of a nuckle dragging chappie he would have gotten a slap with the shovel if he had dared protest. If it was down to me all stray's (including dogs that have owner's but are let out to shit all over the place) would be shot on site.

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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to :D

Just keep it cool and steady.

Having to threaten the dogs over and over again, will just make them more aggresive, for instance the method of 'stoop down and touch the ground' .. :o

This is the correct thing to do but bear in mind that there are no guarantees with ANYTHING in life.

In addition, not only must one not show fear but one must also genuinely NOT be afraid. Dogs are now used at Sydney's Kingsford Smith airport to 'detect' fear in people.

If walking, slowing your pace helps. DO NOT smile at the dogs. DO NOT speak to the dogs. DO NOT give them food. If you choose to stand still, slowly fold your arms across your chest (so the dogs can't grab your hands), slow your breathing & think of something totally pleasant.

Flame can also be used as a deterrent but a cigarette lighter will not do the trick. High pitched loud noises can also work (one of those electronic devices).

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Some people think that dog is a mans best friend and and they give unconditional love and affection....



Stop feeding them and see how long they stick around.

As for the soi dogs I heard really loud piercing whistling scares the shit out of them. :o

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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :D

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

Yup matey that would be be... a nuckle dragging concerned parent. All kinds of ailments can be aquired by a thumb sucking toddler with catshit all over his little hands :o

I have also shoveled up dogshit from the grass verge outside my uk home, knocked on the door of the lazy <deleted> who let his dog leave it there, dumped it on his doorstep and told him, that as it belonged to him I was kindly returning it. Being a bit of a nuckle dragging chappie he would have gotten a slap with the shovel if he had dared protest. If it was down to me all stray's (including dogs that have owner's but are let out to shit all over the place) would be shot on site.

If your child is playing with cat feces to the point where it's hands become covered with it then;

1. You may wish to supervise your child more closely as a child that would get to that point is more likely to eat dirt, or garbage or bugs or to be bitten by a ground dwelling animal such as a snake.

2. The animal that left the feces may not be a cat as cat feces are often dry and dessicated due to the high protein and low water content. Cat feces are therefore usually hard and dry. It is somewhat difficult to make a mud pie with cat feces. Feel free to test the hypothesis and report back accordingly.

Exposure to ground bacteria and other "garbage" is considered an important component of building a child's immune system. Without getting into all the science here, early exposure does benefit the child.

Although you may wish to protect your child, keep in mind that the cat you kill may be some child's furry friend or the sole companion of a lonely old lady that has been abandoned by her family. The heartbreak that the person suffers is not pleasant. There are always consequences to acts of cruelty.

I have no issue with you taking up the matter with the custodian of the animal. I agree and support such a discussion. You are oozing charm, so I am sure you can convince the scofflaw to stoop and scoop. Please remember too, that if you support your local spaying and neutering program, the problem mught be solved within a matter of months.

Just as you wish you could kill all the stray animals, my colleagues would like to euthanize or at least spay and neuter some people. For some odd reason, the Thai guys always want to do this to farangs. Fortunately, the ethical review boards don't allow for this. Besides I think the general public might get upset if my colleagues embarked on such a campaign as it might impact upon the foreign tourist trade.

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If its a stray than, move it to a shelter somewhere.. Ring up a company that deals with them.. Im pretty sure there are some.. Or move them yourself to a temple.. :o But thats gonna be a tough job! LOL..

Killing is not the way, thats all i know..

But Thailand strays are mostly 'owned' by at least someone.. As in own, i mean, looks after, eg. giving food (Temple mostly) Dont go breaking some people's heart, that one day, that dog doesnt show up at that 'owners' place for food.. Or in your case, suffering.. :D

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. A mate told me to crush 4 XXXXXl in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :D

OOOOoooooo a smiley face, so it's sposed to be funny, right?

Dunno, but somehow accounts of cruelty and nastiness just say, oh look it's a knuckle dragger. One good thing about Thailand is that it's a land where Karma does come true. So for you, the acid tossing folks and devotees of painful poisonings, I will await your own painful horrific fates.

Yup matey that would be be... a nuckle dragging concerned parent. All kinds of ailments can be aquired by a thumb sucking toddler with catshit all over his little hands :o

I have also shoveled up dogshit from the grass verge outside my uk home, knocked on the door of the lazy <deleted> who let his dog leave it there, dumped it on his doorstep and told him, that as it belonged to him I was kindly returning it. Being a bit of a nuckle dragging chappie he would have gotten a slap with the shovel if he had dared protest. If it was down to me all stray's (including dogs that have owner's but are let out to shit all over the place) would be shot on site.

If your child is playing with cat feces to the point where it's hands become covered with it then;

1. You may wish to supervise your child more closely as a child that would get to that point is more likely to eat dirt, or garbage or bugs or to be bitten by a ground dwelling animal such as a snake.

2. The animal that left the feces may not be a cat as cat feces are often dry and dessicated due to the high protein and low water content. Cat feces are therefore usually hard and dry. It is somewhat difficult to make a mud pie with cat feces. Feel free to test the hypothesis and report back accordingly.

Exposure to ground bacteria and other "garbage" is considered an important component of building a child's immune system. Without getting into all the science here, early exposure does benefit the child.

Although you may wish to protect your child, keep in mind that the cat you kill may be some child's furry friend or the sole companion of a lonely old lady that has been abandoned by her family. The heartbreak that the person suffers is not pleasant. There are always consequences to acts of cruelty.

I have no issue with you taking up the matter with the custodian of the animal. I agree and support such a discussion. You are oozing charm, so I am sure you can convince the scofflaw to stoop and scoop. Please remember too, that if you support your local spaying and neutering program, the problem mught be solved within a matter of months.

Just as you wish you could kill all the stray animals, my colleagues would like to euthanize or at least spay and neuter some people. For some odd reason, the Thai guys always want to do this to farangs. Fortunately, the ethical review boards don't allow for this. Besides I think the general public might get upset if my colleagues embarked on such a campaign as it might impact upon the foreign tourist trade.

1) In my own fenced off, well kept garden, free of garbage, no snakes, dangerous bugs etc, the biggest health risk was catshit. I shouldnt have to supervise my kid every minute in my own little patch of england.

2) On many occasions I saw the offending creature and IT WAS INDEED a cat.

3) Dont try and tell me that there is any benefit to be gained by a child ending up with catshit in his mouth....DRIED OR OTHERWISE. On the other hand I can see some benefit to be gained by a nasty stray dog ending up with a steel toe-cap boot in its mouth.

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Posts have been deleted. We are not here to discuss how to poison or otherwise kill animals --as many of these dogs are owned by someone I suspect it is illegal to kill someone's animal.

Final warning --next time posters will be warned and the thread closed.

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  • 3 months later...

i am baaaaack

i feel more confident about the dogs

never been attacked but the barking and being approached is annoying and scary when going for walks

especially alone at night, and especially when there are packs

but often that is the best time to catch some peace and quiet and cool fresh air

i caught this great tv show on national geographic called the dog whisperer

this man is a master of taming out of control dogs

i wonder what cesar millan (the host) would do to shut these annoying dogs up,

if its possible at all

after all they are just protecting their territory

i suppose a doggy treat would help but that would mean carrying around a lot of treats

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especailly at night

how do you cope / deal with them???

got any more tips???

training............. of dog owners....... and idiotic sypathisers that feed temple/soi dogs...... If they really care, they will clean dogs up, give them a home, and find out the best method to avoid all night barking........

I personally love dogs, I treat my dog like a family member, he sleeps inside the house where barking is out of the question during acceptable sleeping hours.

What I hate more than cats is a temporary carer who brings second hand rice and and chicken bones to the front of the temple every day thinking they are helping out the poor Soi dogs with there lot. No health issues considered, no tick control, no breeding control, no bathing, no nothing, just keeping the mongrel breeds alive long enough to breed another litter, carry rabies another mile, to keep the streets plastered with worm infested fesces, to ensure heartworm remains indemic, to ensure Paravirus continues unabated and last but not least to make sure some poor kids end up with Leptosporosis...........

So my suggestion is local councils start a pound. Fill it with kind old ladies, eratic government workers, good samaritons who think that by "just" feeding Soi/Temple dogs there doing the world good!!!!!!!!!

PS. I just re-read my own post, it sounds really nasty, but how do you get the concept through to these people...............

PSS. A dog roaming the streets is not a good dog.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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Has anyone tried the barking deterrent machines? I have looked at them on the web and they say that they emit a sound, unpleasant to dogs, up to 50ft away when they bark. This stops the barking. On the Pavlov principle repeated use will condition them not to start singing in the doggie chorus.

They are 60 dollars but before I invest in one would like to hear others experiences.

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i am baaaaack

i feel more confident about the dogs

never been attacked but the barking and being approached is annoying and scary when going for walks

especially alone at night, and especially when there are packs

but often that is the best time to catch some peace and quiet and cool fresh air

i caught this great tv show on national geographic called the dog whisperer

this man is a master of taming out of control dogs

i wonder what cesar millan (the host) would do to shut these annoying dogs up,

if its possible at all

after all they are just protecting their territory

i suppose a doggy treat would help but that would mean carrying around a lot of treats

Cesar Millan is fantastic. My guess is that he would project a calm, dominant image. He would avoid eye contact.

Have you thought about carrying a bright torch when you walk at night, to shine in the soi dogs' eyes? Not sure if this would work, depends on their environment, what they are used to, etc.

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