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Aggressive Annoying And Barking Dogs


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especailly at night

how do you cope / deal with them???

here is a tip

besides standing tall avoiding eye contact and walking away:

you can stoop down and touch the ground like you are going to throw something

(or actually follow through)

they usually run away

it works like a charm!!! you will be amazed

got any more tips???

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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to :D

Just keep it cool and steady.. :D It cant be THAT annoying to listen to them bark since your only walking past them, no??!

But hey, if all else fails..

- Ready a sausage in you pockets (get to know the dogs) :D

Having to threaten the dogs over and over again, will just make them more aggresive, for instance the method of 'stoop down and touch the ground' .. :o

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deejah, how long have you lived here?

I've gotten used to them. There has been a howling chorus every few late nights lately, and I just laugh. Before coming here I'd chase away yowling cats with a bottle of spray water, but now I just notice it and forget it. There are so many noises in LOS that one is as persistent and uncontrollable as the next, so there is no choice but to accept.

If there was a single yapping dog right next door that never stopped, that might be a different story though. :o

I also use ear plugs at night for the air con noise, and everything else, when I sleep, so that helps a lot.


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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to :D

Just keep it cool and steady.. :D It cant be THAT annoying to listen to them bark since your only walking past them, no??!

But hey, if all else fails..

- Ready a sausage in you pockets (get to know the dogs) :DMake sure you've dipped the sausage in liberal amounts of rat poison first.

Having to threaten the dogs over and over again, will just make them more aggresive, for instance the method of 'stoop down and touch the ground' .. :o

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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to :D

Just keep it cool and steady.. :D It cant be THAT annoying to listen to them bark since your only walking past them, no??!

But hey, if all else fails..

- Ready a sausage in you pockets (get to know the dogs) :DMake sure you've dipped the sausage in liberal amounts of rat poison first.

Having to threaten the dogs over and over again, will just make them more aggresive, for instance the method of 'stoop down and touch the ground' .. :o

If you get a chance to knock them senseless, I don't think they will be more aggresive. Problem is that you ususally can't get close enough. My solution is to move to a location where they are not so numerous, such as a high rise condo or apt. Obviously, not everyone has that choice. I don't see much solution to this problem, until the locals start to realize these dogs are a hazard to people. Many areas have got packs of 6 or 8 running around day & night. If it were up to me, loose dogs would be shot on sight.

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I have exactly the same problem at the dead of night. Howling , barking , fighting & every other thing you can imagine on my Soi (dogs this is !) As I work with acid I often wonder how a jug of acid over them would move them on :D

Also cats. My probem is with screaming cats at night in my front yard. Also they sit on my motobike & have scratched the petrol tank, apart from the acid solution, can anybody give advice on how to stop them coming in my yard :o


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you have to make friends with them, then they will leave you alone everytime you see them. i always just stand still and hold my hand out for their head. talk nicely to them, maybe give them a little snack. easy peasy. this does not however work on a determined pack.

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you have to make friends with them, then they will leave you alone everytime you see them. i always just stand still and hold my hand out for their head. talk nicely to them, maybe give them a little snack. easy peasy. this does not however work on a determined pack.

i have a chorus of dogs barking every night ,and there all mine :o

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you have to make friends with them, then they will leave you alone everytime you see them. i always just stand still and hold my hand out for their head. talk nicely to them, maybe give them a little snack. easy peasy. this does not however work on a determined pack.

i have a chorus of dogs barking every night ,and there all mine :D

:o:D:D lol..

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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to :D

Just keep it cool and steady.. :D It cant be THAT annoying to listen to them bark since your only walking past them, no??!

But hey, if all else fails..

- Ready a sausage in you pockets (get to know the dogs) :D

Having to threaten the dogs over and over again, will just make them more aggresive, for instance the method of 'stoop down and touch the ground' .. :o

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to

Would you fancy a trip to Mae Hong Sohn? I can show you a place up there that me and the missus were nearly EATEN ALIVE by a pack of these scabby bastards...coming back from a few beers one night, it started with one or two, within a couple of minutes there were around 12 of them high tailing it across some land next to the road we were walking down.

The wife was quicker than me...she shouted to grab some wood from the fallen tree branches, to fend them off, I picked up a piece abot 5 foot long and 3 inches thick...the dogs were nearly on us at this time and going crazy.

Once they saw the wood they backed off... and we continued at a rather quick pace, I gave the ground a tap with the wood and it fell into powder....kinda lucky I didn't need to use it..sort of like Billy Connoley and the bottle of Barrs pop!

then again, much as I hate em, I don't think poisining them is the answer...Geng Om Mah...and about 700 baht for a fattish dog, have a bit spare land, maybe could set up a dog farm, premium dog steaks. (seriously though.. I saw a friend of mine's dog after some bastard poisened it, it is not a way you want to die, took nearly three hours and the thing was in terrible suffering, vet could do nothing, shot it with medecine probably SARA or Benda Hah Roi, did bugger all.

Yes the dogs here are a pain, but where do they come from?????

Better off popping that rat poisened sausage into a certain Mr. Boonyara.....no I must stop myself....or I will end up banned again!

I is a bit dog eat dog here after all!

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If your walking, just completely IGNORE them..

- No eye contact

- No sudden movements

- No noises what so ever

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to :D

Just keep it cool and steady.. :D It cant be THAT annoying to listen to them bark since your only walking past them, no??!

But hey, if all else fails..

- Ready a sausage in you pockets (get to know the dogs) :D

Having to threaten the dogs over and over again, will just make them more aggresive, for instance the method of 'stoop down and touch the ground' .. :o

Just walk along, they will never charge in and attack you, unless they were trained to

Would you fancy a trip to Mae Hong Sohn? I can show you a place up there that me and the missus were nearly EATEN ALIVE by a pack of these scabby bastards...coming back from a few beers one night, it started with one or two, within a couple of minutes there were around 12 of them high tailing it across some land next to the road we were walking down.

The wife was quicker than me...she shouted to grab some wood from the fallen tree branches, to fend them off, I picked up a piece abot 5 foot long and 3 inches thick...the dogs were nearly on us at this time and going crazy.

Once they saw the wood they backed off... and we continued at a rather quick pace,later, I gave the ground a tap with the wood and it fell into powder...it wouldn't have killed a fly .kinda lucky I didn't need to use it..sort of like Billy Connoley and the bottle of Barrs pop!

then again, much as I hate em, I don't think poisining them is the answer...Geng Om Mah...and about 700 baht for a fattish dog, have a bit spare land, maybe could set up a dog farm, premium dog steaks. (seriously though.. I saw a friend of mine's dog after some bastard poisened it, it is not a way you want to die, took nearly three hours and the thing was in terrible suffering, vet could do nothing, shot it with medecine probably SARA or Benda Hah Roi, did bugger all.

Yes the dogs here are a pain, but where do they come from?????

Better off popping that rat poisened sausage into a certain Mr. Boonyara.....no I must stop myself....or I will end up banned again!

It is a bit dog eat dog here after all!

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Seems like you had a rough time with them.. :D

Anyhoo, i guess your right, BUT, if your telling this story from your experience, then you never know if they were going to bite you or not.. Since you or your wife made sudden movements to get to the 'weapons' and also shouted, i guess they would of gotten even more crazy.. Thats their nature.. :D

Its good to hear you both are alright tho :o

ps. double post :D

Edited by Mozikillah
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I used to live in Pattaya, still do from time to time, but at the end of my Soi a Thai guy used to own a big building and keep dogs, Thai Ridgeback dogs....these dogs are great, quite intimidating yet great when you get to know them.

I knew the Thai guy and used to play Badminton with him from time to time, I told him that sometimes I was intimidated by his dogs, we came from Badminton one day, he stopped his car, bought some chicken from the local stall and gave it to me and told me to give it to his dogs, they were very happy to see me every time after that, as long as I posed no threat they never even snarled at me!! :D

After that I got used to dealing with aggressive dogs, I park my car in a certain Soi, this Soi has Dogs that belong to the food vendors that walk around with boiled eggs and somtam on the beach, these dogs are pretty aggressive, I started giving them any leftover food I had, now they sleep under my car and only move from there when I come out, they are better than any car alarm, and totally loyal to me and never ever aggressive, not to me anyway.

In Thailand you can even bribe the Dogs to leave you alone, try it, it works! :o

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you have to make friends with them, then they will leave you alone everytime you see them. i always just stand still and hold my hand out for their head. talk nicely to them, maybe give them a little snack. easy peasy. this does not however work on a determined pack.


I tried what you mentioned, I invited 4 of the local celebrity bike chasing hounds around the other evening for dinner, in an attempt to gain their friendship, they arrived punctually as promised, casual dress, (flea bitten and minge infested with bald blood seeping wounds around their rear ends, some even sported the latest ARSE TUMOUR) We sat down to dinner around 7PM, raost lamb with boiled baby carrots and new potatoes, with a red wine sauce. After trying to get on friendly terms with them, by discussing the curent political situation and the excess of Farangs,they were quite receptive, and as ever in  good spirits, they even mentioned they preferred the shins of Farangs to those of Thai's..the meat was more tender and of a fairer colour.

They also mentioned how some of their friends were being persecuted (as a minority..surely this shou

d allow them entry to the UK under refugee status) by certain factions, leaving 

oisened food for them, and that they unfortunately were not entitled to the 30 B

ht healthcare plan instigated by Khun Thaksin

After dinner we retired for a brandy and cuban cigars, we retired to the smoking room where the less minge infested curr sat down on the sofa opposite me, while his friends gathered around him near his arse to politely sniff and lick it. After about 20 minutes we had a game of billiards, the guests were somewhat handicapped due to the lack of dexterity with their paws and holding the cues, but they managed to hold there own, despite the constant penis licking, and anal cleansing. What are friends for..if they can' lick your ass clean? We have a lot to learn!

A discretion I overlooked in accordance with my new FRIENDS.

I was a little pertubed when the youngest memeber decided to draw up his hind legs around his neck and scrape his arse across my Axminster, leaving a trail of dry excrement and intestinal worms twixt the shagpile. Nevertheless, having been in Thailand a number of years, I understood the need for Krai Jeng...like that knowledgeable sage writes in the BK Post.

Later, after a few rounds of bridge, the obvious "Kam Nan" who lost to Queens Knight, Bishops buttocks West of North East, decided it was about time to retire.

 We thanked each other for what was an enlightening evening, and as they retired to bed, they paid their respects for the evening by pissing on my car tyres and leaving a couple of DUMPS on the way out.

Not to be a snob I didn't point out that I found them to be lacking in basic hygiene and manners, they smelled a bit of well how can one describe it "DOG" and he constant itching at the dinner table was a little off putting, not really the sort of friends one wants to associate with i

 one wants to stay ahead here, and the vicars wife appeared a little shocked at the leg humping ceremony on their way out, never mind I thought, Attack will remove the stans if not the smell.

However, I heard that that <deleted> Quentin whatever his name is from the British Embassy enjoys regular get togethers with some of the Soi dogs. And has them as regular bed companions.

Sorry, maybe their is a little white lie in here some where...another 7 day ban..or 14..or 21?

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Seems like you had a rough time with them.. :D

Anyhoo, i guess your right, BUT, if your telling this story from your experience, then you never know if they were going to bite you or not.. Since you or your wife made sudden movements to get to the 'weapons' and also shouted, i guess they would of gotten even more crazy.. Thats their nature.. :D

Its good to hear you both are alright tho :o

ps. double post :D

Yes we are bothe HIV/Rabies  free,

however should you wish to test your theory as to whether they bit or not, please feel free to accompany me, you can walk down the path, I'll sit in the car, see how long till you ask for the "stick"....oh they are just playfull...as they rip off your feet...not me mate, they are definately in the eat or be eaten category!

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Seems like you had a rough time with them.. :D

Anyhoo, i guess your right, BUT, if your telling this story from your experience, then you never know if they were going to bite you or not.. Since you or your wife made sudden movements to get to the 'weapons' and also shouted, i guess they would of gotten even more crazy.. Thats their nature.. :D

Its good to hear you both are alright tho :o

ps. double post :D

Yes we are bothe HIV/Rabies  free,

however should you wish to test your theory as to whether they bite or not, please feel free to accompany me, you can walk down the path, I'll sit in the car, see how long till you ask for the "stick"....oh they are just playfull...as they rip off your feet...not me mate, they are definately in the eat or be eaten category!

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Seems like you had a rough time with them.. :D

Anyhoo, i guess your right, BUT, if your telling this story from your experience, then you never know if they were going to bite you or not.. Since you or your wife made sudden movements to get to the 'weapons' and also shouted, i guess they would of gotten even more crazy.. Thats their nature.. :D

Its good to hear you both are alright tho :o

ps. double post :D

Yes we are bothe HIV/Rabies free,

however should you wish to test your theory as to whether they bite or not, please feel free to accompany me, you can walk down the path, I'll sit in the car, see how long till you ask for the "stick"....oh they are just playfull...as they rip off your feet...not me mate, they are definately in the eat or be eaten category!

If you say so.. :bah: Dogs can tell if your a kind hearted man or not.. and so, i guess, ill be doing just fine! :bah:

BTW, have you happen to have killed a dog or eaten one before?? :D

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I have exactly the same problem at the dead of night. Howling , barking , fighting & every other thing you can imagine on my Soi (dogs this is !) As I work with acid I often wonder how a jug of acid over them would move them on :D

Also cats. My probem is with screaming cats at night in my front yard. Also they sit on my motobike & have scratched the petrol tank, apart from the acid solution, can anybody give advice on how to stop them coming in my yard :o


Used to have a cat sh1t in the garden back in the UK. Most unwanted as I had an 18 month old kid crawling around at the time. A mate told me to crush 4 parecatamol in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :D

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Used to have a cat sh1t in the garden back in the UK. Most unwanted as I had an 18 month old kid crawling around at the time. A mate told me to crush 4 parecatamol in a saucer of sardines. I tried it and the cat eat the lot and I never saw it again. :o

Like the sound of that. I bought one of those ultrasonic buzzers 5 or 6 years ago, and it's been very effective, but it seems to have packed up, and sure enough,within weeks you've got their lousy sh1t in the beds. 4 paracetemol is a lot cheaper than the £40 it costs for another unit.

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