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What Type Of Spider Is This?

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Found this a couple of nights ago, he was pretty docile until we put him in a plastic container. Kids were fascinated, but wouldn't like for a thousand little babies to start appearing around the house.

He was about body about 3/4 of an inch and diameter with legs about 2 1/2 inches.

Anyone know?

Picture won't upload for some reason. Thanks for the website link, I will check there

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Found this a couple of nights ago, he was pretty docile until we put him in a plastic container. Kids were fascinated, but wouldn't like for a thousand little babies to start appearing around the house.

He was about body about 3/4 of an inch and diameter with legs about 2 1/2 inches.

Anyone know?

Did it look like this?


This picture is a "male" CANE SPIDER". The female" is twice as big if you find one. Very docile will not bite unless really provoked or treatened. Bite is not fatal only painful. They are very fast, eat gekos and mainly cockroaches. Very welcomed visitor in the home. Just scary looking.

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Found this a couple of nights ago, he was pretty docile until we put him in a plastic container. Kids were fascinated, but wouldn't like for a thousand little babies to start appearing around the house.

He was about body about 3/4 of an inch and diameter with legs about 2 1/2 inches.

Anyone know?

Picture won't upload for some reason. Thanks for the website link, I will check there

Looks exactly like the tarantula on the website. Same size as the one next to the cigarette for scale.

What are the odds of there being babies around?

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Found this a couple of nights ago, he was pretty docile until we put him in a plastic container. Kids were fascinated, but wouldn't like for a thousand little babies to start appearing around the house.

He was about body about 3/4 of an inch and diameter with legs about 2 1/2 inches.

Anyone know?

Picture won't upload for some reason. Thanks for the website link, I will check there

Looks exactly like the tarantula on the website. Same size as the one next to the cigarette for scale.

What are the odds of there being babies around?

If so then it is a Haplopelma minax, commonly known as Thai Black Tarantula or Asian Bird eating Spider. They can grow up to 5 inches in size. They are common and often kept as pets. They are aggressive, nervous and very fast. All tarantulas have a certain amount of venom. This one not very but be careful as some people are very sensitive so handling is not recommended.

Hard to anawer your question re babies without picture. If it is a female then babies might be coming. Females are larger than males and have a slightly greenish brown color. Males are a light brown.

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Found this a couple of nights ago, he was pretty docile until we put him in a plastic container. Kids were fascinated, but wouldn't like for a thousand little babies to start appearing around the house.

He was about body about 3/4 of an inch and diameter with legs about 2 1/2 inches.

Anyone know?

Picture won't upload for some reason. Thanks for the website link, I will check there

Looks exactly like the tarantula on the website. Same size as the one next to the cigarette for scale.

What are the odds of there being babies around?

If so then it is a Haplopelma minax, commonly known as Thai Black Tarantula or Asian Bird eating Spider. They can grow up to 5 inches in size. They are common and often kept as pets. They are aggressive, nervous and very fast. All tarantulas have a certain amount of venom. This one not very but be careful as some people are very sensitive so handling is not recommended.

Hard to anawer your question re babies without picture. If it is a female then babies might be coming. Females are larger than males and have a slightly greenish brown color. Males are a light brown.

This one was light brown. Ironically we had the garden and house sprayed for termites and mossies the other day. The would probably knock any babies on the head, I HOPE? I hate bloody spiders and to have to handle a large one would be beyond me other than to hit it with a golf club I am sorry to say.

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This one was light brown. Ironically we had the garden and house sprayed for termites and mossies the other day. The would probably knock any babies on the head, I HOPE? I hate bloody spiders and to have to handle a large one would be beyond me other than to hit it with a golf club I am sorry to say.

You mentioned he was in a plastic container. Call me a sentimental but rather than "whack" him take him away from the house and let him go on his merry way. He will help in the long run in keeping some of the insects away from your house.

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I was helping clear some land in Buriram, i came across a fantastic spider, never seen before, this was the size of a tarantuala, a red and black body, same sort of colours as the mexican red knee, i will post a video i took later today.

Looking forward to the video. As you can probably tell I have a certain fascination and interest in creepy crawly things. Wife gets pretty worked up when I bring one in the house though. She hates em!!!

:o Works well to clear out the house if I want some privacy!

Edited by roietjimmy
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I was helping clear some land in Buriram, i came across a fantastic spider, never seen before, this was the size of a tarantuala, a red and black body, same sort of colours as the mexican red knee, i will post a video i took later today.

Looking forward to the video. As you can probably tell I have a certain fascination and interest in creepy crawly things. Wife gets pretty worked up when I bring one in the house though. She hates em!!!

:o Works well to clear out the house if I want some privacy!

Jimmy, Same here, i love em, having breakfast one morning, windows open, next thing had a mate land on the side plate, he was a cracker, every move i was making his yellow eyes would follow, a real character, a Preying Mantis, about 4 to 5 inches long, one of my favourite insects in Thailand, the other been a firefly.

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Here it is guys. Anybody know the breed of this beautiful spider? Sorry about the shaky video, had camera in one hand a Beer Chaing in the other :o

The quality YouTube has compressed this video too is rubbish, the original video shows all the orange on the legs much better.

Edited by Thaicoon
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Here it is guys. Anybody know the breed of this beautiful spider? Sorry about the shaky video, had camera in one hand a Beer Chaing in the other :o

The quality YouTube has compressed this video too is rubbish, the original video shows all the orange on the legs much better.

That's a trapdoor spider , very nice !

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I was at a small pub one night with Thai friends and two young English tourists, one of whom needed the toilet. He went and came out freaked, saying there was a HUGE spider in the loo and could he go somewhere else. ??? Back lane was also out of the question for him. A bit later, I went to the loo, looking for a HUGE spider. While squatting down, I looked up and saw a death mask spider (dunno, guys, the white one with the skull and crossbones design on its back) hanging on the wall about a hand's breadth from my face. Oh, nice spider, I thought, and then noticed it was missing a few legs. Mr Spider took no notice of me, I finished my business and went out to join the table. Noted I saw a spider (body as big as two peas, leg span maybe a big hand span). Ya! The young English lad was going crazy with fear. What? I had spiders everywhere in Thailand. Never bothered me, took care of bugs in the shower room. That side is yours, this side is mine, except when I clean. Never a problem.

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We had a giant spider in our bathroom once. I was sitting on the toilet when i saw him (or her) and thought, "hmm, thats a big one, maybe I should take it outside" when a cockroach appeared and the Spider ran out and promptly captured it. Mr Spider stayed :o

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Hope you do not mind me putting this link of your spiders, they are amazing, a few years ago i had a Mexican red knee and a chilean rose. the rose was massive, thinkng of getting another.

guys look at Chonobuts spiders, never seen some of these before, amazing.


Also great pic of a Mantis......

Edited by Thaicoon
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Hope you do not mind me putting this link of your spiders, they are amazing, a few years ago i had a Mexican red knee and a chilean rose. the rose was massive, thinkng of getting another.

guys look at Chonobuts spiders, never seen some of these before, amazing.


Also great pic of a Mantis......

Glad you like the photo's sir !


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I found this one


Can somebody please tell me what kind of spider it is.

It was about 1 1/2-2 inches.


Looked on google etc, cannot find no info, i would also be interested to know what spider this is. i wonder if there is a book published in Thailand on creepy crawlies, as i have one on snakes and lizards which is good.

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This spider thread (no pun intended) reminded me of two spider experiences. The first involved a spider very similar to the cane spider pictured earlier in the thread. I caught it when i lived in Japan. At that time, a knowledgeable friend identified it as a wolf spider and it had about 20 eyes clearly visible on the top of its head pointing forward, sideways, and some to the back. It was extremely fast and I can't beleive I was able to catch it! My girlfriend at the time had very serious objections that it be allowed in the house (i caught it outside) but i was able to convince her since it was placed in some "unbreakable" plasticware and the plastic container was placed 'out of the way' so she wouldn't have to see it. I went out of town for an emergency and forgot the spider, not just until I came back but altogether even after I returned. I found it months later and was sure it was dead. I shook the container.....it didn't move. Certain it was dead, I opened the lid and to be sure, I blew on it. It came up out of that container and I felt it run across my arm and then bounce off the side of my face. The store had never seen the unbreakable plasticware broken and so there was a bit of a debate regarding the limited lifetime warranty covering spider/adrenaline damage.

Many years ago, playing cards at a friends house, his wife said she must be having an acid flashback because she saw the cactus plant in the center of the table move. Everyone just laughed until about half an hour later, we all saw the same flashback! the cactus (a typical barrel cactus about 6 inches across) started to pulsate...like it was breathing. we all sat there and watched for a minute then the top of the cactus erupted in millions of baby spiders flowing out of the cactus like shiny silver water. didn't even know they were spiders at first, but when we did, the collective heebeejeebees was incredible.

That reminds me, I'm all out of bug spray :o

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