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Lao Beer's Big Introduction In Thailand Delayed Until 2011


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Sigh! That's another 3 years of no beer drinking. All the Thai stuff is hopelessly bland or verging on poisonous like Chang. Of Course as soon as anything vaguely decent reaches Thailand it is tariffed out of existence and we have to make do with an inferior local product or a neutered under license 'foreign' beer such as Heineken. Still, it's even worse for wine drinkers. :o

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Well what a surprise!! Thailand puts the skids under Beer Lao from being truly competitive! But that said when I'm in BKK I still pay the extra for it! Also on doing this I guess it'll be a while until you can have the real draught beer Lao experience in Thailand. The draught in my opinion is even better than the bottled brew - a 1 litre pitcher goes down all too well! :D

As for the comment about Beer Lao being the only beer - sorry to disappoint you but it isn't - at nearly all bars there is Heineken and others. Tiger Beer has recently been introduced, also if you visit any minimart you'll find quite a selection of Belgium and German beers (expensive like but they are available). But having tried basically all the beer I've seen available in Laos I would never buy any different!

In my opinion Beer Lao is one of the finest and consistant brews in the world, bold statement I know but I am talking about beer brewed large scale and not micro-breweries here. It's a preservative and chemical free beer so hangover free - well you feel a bit rough but you don't get stinking headaches! I lived in Holland for several years and have drunk many many varieties of Belgium, Dutch and German beer and there isn't many that really compare for freshness and flavour.

Each bottle is always as good as the next - which for a natural brew is a pretty ###### good feat!

But at the end of it all Thailand has just given Singha, Chang, Leo etc a few more years to try and produce something equal, otherwise I can see they are going to suffer a severe dent in there profits!

Oh good it buddhist day today - of to the family village shortly and will consuming numerous Beer Lao as is done in this neck of the world! :D:D:o

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Beerlao isn't the only beer available in Laos, Carslberg (also brewed by the same brewery) is readily available as well.

In Cambodia, Beerlao is also readily available, at rock bottom prices (higher then Laos but around 40 baht a can).

It's by far one of the best beers in SEA, and the Bia Sot version (draught) is even better. Beer Lao dark is now also available in Bangkok (Big Mango is one bar I know of) and is better than the original lager. By the way the prices of beerlao in Bangkok are pretty much the same as Singha or Chang.

I don't agree it being better then most of the Belgian or Dutch beers, totally different types of beer alltogether. As Beerlao is a lager, and in Belgium and Holland we don't drink lager. Even the Heineken in the Netherlands isn't lager beer, but a pilsener. Therefore the Heineken in the Netherlands is better then the stuff they sell outside of the Netherlands.

By the way Angkor Draught in Cambodia is also very tasty.

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I don't agree it being better then most of the Belgian or Dutch beers, totally different types of beer alltogether. As Beerlao is a lager, and in Belgium and Holland we don't drink lager. Even the Heineken in the Netherlands isn't lager beer, but a pilsener. Therefore the Heineken in the Netherlands is better then the stuff they sell outside of the Netherlands.

I actually agree with the rest of your post but splitting hairs over what is a pilsner and a lager is pointless! Heineken label all there beers 'Lager' regardless of country, the brew that is produced in Holland and around the world is a pilsner not just for the Dutch market. I know the local produce for the Dutch market is different - this is true. Pilsner is just another Lager. Take Becks for example - even though it's classes as a Pilsner it's marketed as a lager.


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Leo isn't too bad but you can keep the singh or chang.

When can one buy a mini keg of becks or the like in bkk??

Forget about it. you cant buy any imported beer in Thailand for any reasonable price, not to mention the fact that the imports are all out of date and would have been pulled from shelves in their home countries. We're stuck with the worst beer in the world, all thailand brewed. I agree that Leo is the best of this horrendous selection. Beer Lao would have been a step in the right direction

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