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Kids Muay Thai....

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:o A few years ago my little boy who loves to watch Muay Thai asked if he could learn to box, I explained how dangerous it was etc but he just went on and on and on. I told him when he was 10 I would find somewhere he could go and train and experience how hard it is.

Guess what he's ten this year and we are back in Samui / Kpg at Christmas. He has not forgotten unfortunately, and again he is going on and on, six years later.

Does anyone know of a gym / camp where he could go and train for a few hours on either Samui or Kpg, obviously I am willing to pay and don't want something for nothing.

Thanks for all your help in advance.

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On Koh Phangan I recommend Marisa at the Jungle Gym in Hadrin -- she is from New Zealand and is a good teacher. She also used to be the women's world champion Muay Thai boxer in her weight class, so does know her stuff.

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