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German Has Enough Of Muslims Chanting


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It's obvious that you super liberals never lived near muslims who insisted on making sure everyone had to suffer from their loud speakers spewing whatever they spew. I plotted all sorts of things to destroy their sound system but moved rather than go to jail for mayhem or possibly murder. If you want to pray, that's certainly up to you but have the courtesy to do it in private without upsetting the entire neighborhood. That noise blaring out over loud speakers is inconsiderate beyond belief. If you think it was only the crotchety old farangs bitching you are VERY much mistaken. I know exactly how the old German felt.
Me too, but if you dont like the smell of shit you dont move downwind of a farm do you ? :o
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The proportion of muslims i n the German population is as great as in the UK population - they are from Turkey, the Balkans, Afghanistan and so on, whereas a large proportion of the UK muslims are from the Indian sub-continent.

In Germany they do not stand out from the rest of the population so much, but are less accepted there than the muslims in the UK. And that shows the attitude. Same attitude in the Scandinavian countries, where there is a smaller percentage population, but it is still not welcomed by a large section of the population.

Interesting conclusion you draw there, and I wonder what lead you to this statement, expressing that Germany and Scandinavian countries should be less tolerant against Muslims than people in the UK.

Firstly I simply doubt that and secondly those general statements are not a the point. Could you e.g. think of the fact, that most muslims in the UK come from former English colonies and mostly speak English, which is a totally different thing with immigrants from Turkey or the Balkans. Certainly the language skills does make an integration much easier.


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I'll bet a pound to a penny that if he wanted to play some German folk song for hours on end or even 5 times a day next to their house with speakers blaring it into the street, they would shut the <deleted> up and just ignore it, in any country. Not.

The problem is that they insist on forcing their banal teachings on people who would rather just ram their koran down their throats and get them to shut up. Tolerance has to work both ways which does not sit well with 21st century mullahs.

Edited by torrenova
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It's obvious that you super liberals never lived near muslims who insisted on making sure everyone had to suffer from their loud speakers spewing whatever they spew. I plotted all sorts of things to destroy their sound system but moved rather than go to jail for mayhem or possibly murder. If you want to pray, that's certainly up to you but have the courtesy to do it in private without upsetting the entire neighborhood. That noise blaring out over loud speakers is inconsiderate beyond belief. If you think it was only the crotchety old farangs bitching you are VERY much mistaken. I know exactly how the old German felt.

As I already stated I lived with these speakers in Saudi and just accepted it as part of the culture. In the village where I live now they also have a speaker system where anouncements most mornings at six. I live across from the school and the national anthem is played. I just accept it because it is the culture. I have never considered going to the school and breaking things and if I did I doubt I would get much sympathy here if I did.

It is sad to see so much Islamaphobia here on TV. GBW and FOX news would be very proud.

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Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day

he should be happy and count his blessings. the stupid chap is lucky not living next to a Hindu temple :o


because there the chanting combined with eardeafening shrill instruments (cimbals) goes on modt of the time all night during a puja.

Roch bands rehearse, Re-heads rev their cars ,youth plays their music, old women chatter, young women prattle on mobiles, kids go beep beep beep with their games and old farts with views 3 goose-steps to the right of Adolf Hitler drone on on Thai Visa - what you gonna do?

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It's obvious that you super liberals never lived near muslims who insisted on making sure everyone had to suffer from their loud speakers spewing whatever they spew. I plotted all sorts of things to destroy their sound system but moved rather than go to jail for mayhem or possibly murder. If you want to pray, that's certainly up to you but have the courtesy to do it in private without upsetting the entire neighborhood. That noise blaring out over loud speakers is inconsiderate beyond belief. If you think it was only the crotchety old farangs bitching you are VERY much mistaken. I know exactly how the old German felt.

As I already stated I lived with these speakers in Saudi and just accepted it as part of the culture. In the village where I live now they also have a speaker system where anouncements most mornings at six. I live across from the school and the national anthem is played. I just accept it because it is the culture. I have never considered going to the school and breaking things and if I did I doubt I would get much sympathy here if I did.

It is sad to see so much Islamaphobia here on TV. GBW and FOX news would be very proud.

Islamaphobia ?? If christians pulled that same inconsiderate crap, I'd be wanting to stop it too. Islamaphobia indeed! :o

I lived in a nice quiet housing estate in Bangkok. All the homes were built around a small lake. It was a very nice place to live until those idiotic noisemakers moved across the lake. They are inconsiderate bastards no matter what race or religion they are.

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"If christians pulled that same inconsiderate crap, I'd be wanting to stop it too. Islamaphobia indeed! bah.gif " - what load of bogotted self-centered clap-trap!

I don't know what bogotted is but if you meant bigot, you wouldn't know a bigot if it bit you in the A$$. :o

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That German needs to be more considerate! As an infidel he should not even have been setting foot in their prayer area. Those good Muslims are simply trying to spread the word of god to the heathens. If they are stopped from doing this then that German should have a Jihad put on his ass. :o

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That German needs to be more considerate! As an infidel he should not even have been setting foot in their prayer area. Those good Muslims are simply trying to spread the word of god to the heathens. If they are stopped from doing this then that German should have a Jihad put on his ass. :o

This type of sterotypical potraying of Muslims is disturbing. It reminds me of how the catholics were demonized in Northern Ireland. This type of potrayal of their beliefs as something sinister made it east for bigots to hurl abuse at school children and burn neighbors out of their homes. I find it sad that Westerners are importing their bigotry into a predominately Buddhist country famed for its tolerance of other religions.

Edited by garro
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This type of sterotypical potraying of Muslims is disturbing. It reminds me of how the catholics were demonized in Northern Ireland. This type of potrayal of their beliefs as something sinister made it east for bigots to hurl abuse at school children and burn neighbors out of their homes. I find it sad that Westerners are importing their bigotry into a predominately Buddhist country famed for its tolerance of other religions.

i am with you Garro! slightly off topic: quite a bunch of postings in this forum reveal an interesting fact. the more unhappy an OP is with his own life/fate/situation (or whatever one wants to call it) the more he concentrates on bringing up unrelated and completely irrelevant topics to vent his frustration, displeasure or anger.

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Well after all, his reaction might have been human after a bad day and a couple of drinks too much...but....it can not be tolerated at all.

Take it easy. Religion is Religion and it is a very personal right to believe in anything you like. For myself, certainly I would not like stay close to a mosque, but even at home, Sunday morning's church bells drove me crazy from time to time...

That is what I really like about Buddhism....there is no preference of religion, you are free to believe in whatever you want, but you should tolerate another's religions.

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I find it sad that Westerners are importing their bigotry into a predominately Buddhist country famed for its tolerance of other religions.

More than mere tolerance.

Thai laws provide for muslim holidays for government employees , eg ramadan special days and mecca pilgrimage; there are literally hundreds of mosques in Bangkok alone; thai muslims have reached the very highest ranks of thai society (eg a certain General Sonthi.)

The evidence is that in Thailand muslim thais are accepted to be as thai as buddhist thais. And this sentiment is shared across thai society.

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The evidence is that in Thailand muslim thais are accepted to be as thai as buddhist thais. And this sentiment is shared across thai society.

Ya OK, that is why the Kraut was not locked up as if he would have been if he did anything of that nature to a Buddhist Temple.

Take off your rose colored glasses.

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Well after all, his reaction might have been human after a bad day and a couple of drinks too much...but....it can not be tolerated at all.

Take it easy. Religion is Religion and it is a very personal right to believe in anything you like. For myself, certainly I would not like stay close to a mosque, but even at home, Sunday morning's church bells drove me crazy from time to time...

That is what I really like about Buddhism....there is no preference of religion, you are free to believe in whatever you want, but you should tolerate another's religions.

Its a shame people cant keep it Personal, be a lot less war and aggro around the world.

The guy should not have gone about it like that. but he dose have a point.

Noise pollution in a residential area is not funny.

You lot have turned this into a religious thing, it's not its a Noise pollution issue.

Dont think you lot would all have the same view if it was next to you.

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Well I can understand the guys frustration! I lived just next to a mosque and had to move away from my lovely place because I was awoke EVERY 5am by the mosque... It does get VERY annoying being awaken every early morning at 5am!!!

Why do they have to put speakers around the mosque, why cant they just keep their noise pollution to themselves INSIDE the mosque..

Yes, Its religion or whatever, but when living next to a mosque and having to move away due to the noise, It gets extremely annoying and I can understand how the guy could have felt after having a beer, although what he did was totally OTT.

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Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day
he should be happy and count his blessings. the stupid chap is lucky not living next to a Hindu temple :o

because there the chanting combined with eardeafening shrill instruments (cimbals) goes on modt of the time all night during a puja.

Yes indeed,

Just go down around the corner from the Australian Embassy in Bkk and you'll know what we're talking about.

There's a Hindu Temple there with loud speakers blasting Raga meditations and other all day long.

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Got back from Buriram about a month ago where at a crowded ( hundreds of people ) temple the head monk spoke of government members who were muslim having freeby trips to mecca paid for by taxpayers and the atrocities carried out against monks in the south, seems even usually tolerant people are getting a little discontented.....not just our german friend!!

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Wake up ! Islam is not a religion, it is a cult! Left wing liberals have ruined Europe and it will eventually become one huge islamic state. Good old german for doing something to express his feelings about this <deleted> called islam.


These screeching, panic stricken nutjobs are always entertaining. :o

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The proportion of muslims i n the German population is as great as in the UK population - they are from Turkey, the Balkans, Afghanistan and so on, whereas a large proportion of the UK muslims are from the Indian sub-continent.

In Germany they do not stand out from the rest of the population so much

Perhaps understandable in a country with a record of sticking folk who do stand out onto Trains heading East :D:o ........as a visible immigrant it would make even me think twice before trying to impose my beliefs on the locals...........

Edited by Jersey_UK
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Why do they have to put speakers around the mosque, why cant they just keep their noise pollution to themselves INSIDE the mosque..

Yes, Its religion or whatever, but when living next to a mosque and having to move away due to the noise, It gets extremely annoying and I can understand how the guy could have felt after having a beer, although what he did was totally OTT.

Yes, good point. I have no idea why it has to be so noisy. I don't know enough about Islam, but yes, I would find it also quite annoying to wake up each morning at 5 am.

Thailand itself is not that tolerant about religion anymore, considering the ongoing troubles in the south. I get very angry to read in the newspapers that monks get killed by fanatic muslims and many Thai people think that way too, although that is rarely outspoken. Not Islam as a religion is a problem, but what few(!) radical leaders do with it.

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.
Bit like moses with his motorbike ! ".moses Triumph could be heard all over the valley ":D Edited by mikethevigoman
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