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While in LOS and since returning home I have been plagued by sore joints, in particular left wrist (most painfull),both shoulders, right knee, hips and sore groin.

It's not a temperature thing thats for sure and lately have been waking at night due to pain in my wrist (have to take 4 Paracaetomal for relief), the wrist is swollen slightly.

Any ideas, did I pick up a virus or something?

I will visit the GP this week as the pain in wrist is almost unbearable at night.

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might be something here that causes it.

I have never been bothered with joint pain til last year.

I had a frozen shoulder and the other was so sore that I could barely use the arm,My elbows were also stiff if not continually moved and would wake up hurting in every joint,coarse I have had [orthoscoptic cartliege??] removal from both knees so do not pay to much attn. to the pain there,but it is there. and lived on TYLENOL,seems to be getting better as now I can move my left arm after 6 months.

Kinda seems maybe something besides old age. :o

While in LOS and since returning home I have been plagued by sore joints, in particular left wrist (most painfull),both shoulders, right knee, hips and sore groin.

It's not a temperature thing thats for sure and lately have been waking at night due to pain in my wrist (have to take 4 Paracaetomal for relief), the wrist is swollen slightly.

Any ideas, did I pick up a virus or something?

I will visit the GP this week as the pain in wrist is almost unbearable at night.

We need Pepe here, let's hope he hasn't been banned.

I've got sore hips, I thnk it's musscle related. My wife says I'm spending too much time behind the computer. The pain is like needles being stuck into the flesh, I sleep bad from it. It could be my lower back too. Any idea what this could be?


Its call "getting old".

As Pepe would say, "take 2 aspirin, and open another bottle of "that red stuff".)

(Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyways, those over 50 will know what I mean.) :o

While in LOS and since returning home I have been plagued by sore joints, in particular left wrist (most painfull),both shoulders, right knee, hips and sore groin.

It's not a temperature thing thats for sure and lately have been waking at night due to pain in my wrist (have to take 4 Paracaetomal for relief), the wrist is swollen slightly.

Any ideas, did I pick up a virus or something?

I will visit the GP this week as the pain in wrist is almost unbearable at night.

Did yiur symptoms have a sudden or gradual onset?

Possibly a touch of Denge (spelling?) fever. As always I'm not there so I would reccomend being looked by some one you trust. You can get a very mild case of Denge fever that does not get to the hemorragic extreme.

I believe I had a touch of this on my last trip although I had very high fever and some delerium and dysentary like symptoms.

What I am concernered about is that it seems to see systemic articular involvolment. Unberable is generaly a cause for concern. Possible gout is another thought?

Again did it come on suddenly and how are the bowel movements

While in LOS and since returning home I have been plagued by sore joints, in particular left wrist (most painfull),both shoulders, right knee, hips and sore groin.

It's not a temperature thing thats for sure and lately have been waking at night due to pain in my wrist (have to take 4 Paracaetomal for relief), the wrist is swollen slightly.

Any ideas, did I pick up a virus or something?

I will visit the GP this week as the pain in wrist is almost unbearable at night.

We need Pepe here, let's hope he hasn't been banned.

I've got sore hips, I thnk it's musscle related. My wife says I'm spending too much time behind the computer. The pain is like needles being stuck into the flesh, I sleep bad from it. It could be my lower back too. Any idea what this could be?


"I wouldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member"

- Groucho Marx :o

Sounds like a case of sciatica dude. Are the pins and needles in the butt and radiating down your legs?


has got worse lately, is not gout, suffer from that and have never had it in more than one joint at a time.

bowells were loose and had been since going to LOS, firming up a bit, might be diet

Its call "getting old".

As Pepe would say, "take 2 aspirin, and open another bottle of "that red stuff".)

(Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyways, those over 50 will know what I mean.) :o

open another bottle of the red stuff



I am not so up on tropical diseases but there are some pretty exotic things out there. Here I might also think of Lymes disease fron deer tick bites.

They should run ANA Anti Nuclear Antibodies and Sedimentation rate and what ever else they do.

has got worse lately, is not gout, suffer from that and have never had it in more than one joint at a time.

bowells were loose and had been since going to LOS, firming up a bit, might be diet

If you have a history of gout as you know it is infamous for affecting the joint around the large toe. I can however go systemic.

Fresh fruits and veggies lots of them and force water.


As Dr. Pepe will tell you, we often ascribe symptoms to events of recent memory, when in fact, the event and the symptoms are not related, ie. maybe it is not Thailand related, but systemic in nature.

I had multiple joint pain in Hawaii for about three years, very uncomfortable from noon on, ate analgysics like mad. Had quite a medical workup and the best they could come up with was polymyalgia rheumatica, or multiple aches and pains involving joints. Akin to rheumatoid arthristis, another common ailment as you get older. Steriod treatment worked wonders and after a couple of years it went away. Common in those over fifty. I am sure Dr. Pepe's recommended tests shoud reveal if arthritis is your problem, although that only means joint inflamation.

I have had elevated uric acid, a precursor to gout and have medicated for over forty years. Have had three or four attacks, usually the large toe, but also known to attack joints that have suffered trauma, such as fingers, knees, etc. If it is gouty arthritis, the pain will be so acute, you won't be able to move.

Wrists are where carpal tunnel syndrome reveals itself, caused in large part by repetitive finger movement, ie. typing and computer data entry. Swelling and pain at the writst and up into the forearm are common systoms. A wrist splint is usually prescribed to relieve some of the stress on the wrist.

A good orthopedist should be able to diagnose your problem and put you on the road to recovery, at least give you some peace of mind.

I had a foot problem last year that was quite bothersome, went to the orthopedist at the orthopedic clinic at the hospital, he didn't even exam me, just listened to my complaints, gave me some exercises and sent me home, to recover in a few weeks.

Good luck and don't be disapointed if they don't give you a accurate diagnosis, at least you know it is not life threatening.

Its call "getting old".

As Pepe would say, "take 2 aspirin, and open another bottle of "that red stuff".)

(Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyways, those over 50 will know what I mean.) :o

No I really do not know what you mean, never had to many pains,but a lot of breaks,even after 50,,and the first to bother me was at 70.

feet ankles fine, right knee, hip joints shoulder joints, and left wrist and thumb.

Again you should also do an RA or RF depending on the lab to rule out rheumatiod

arthritis conclusively. If this hasn't been done it's important to do it now.

Everyone has got osteo arthtitis depends how bad it gats.

Check out the web for management of joint care and systemic acidosis.

Again you should also do an RA or RF depending on the lab to rule out rheumatiod

arthritis conclusively. If this hasn't been done it's important to do it now.

Testing rheumatoid factor in the blood does not rule out rheumatoid arthritis, since only about 50% of people with RA have a positive RF!


Went to Doc yesterday and he wasnt sure, seemed to think maybe some sort of rheumatic problem or maybe "Ross River Virus" a mosquito born disease found in Oz. He said there was a lot of heat coming from affected joints. Ordered blood tests, they took 5 separate vials of blood so he has probably covered all your avenues Pepe.

Treatment for the moment is "Voltaren Rapid 50" (diclofenac potassium), has done wonders in one day.

Will find out results next week.


Watch out for muscle tightness with that drug. It can increase the susceptibility of muscle strains in a lot of people. You should not take any anti-inflammatory for a prolonged period because they slow down the healing process and can lead to break down in cartilage and collagen fibers.

Watch out for muscle tightness with that drug. It can increase the susceptibility of muscle strains in a lot of people. You should not take any anti-inflammatory for a prolonged period because they slow down the healing process and can lead to break down in cartilage and collagen fibers.

it actually gives me a sore tummy too and I do take it with food.


You can avoid this problem if you take it with ranitidine (brand name RANI 2).

It's still not wise to take diclofenac for any longer than 10 days, however.


Should have results of blood soon so hopefully can start treatment for whatever ails me. The Doc has offered me that Rani option B4 I think.


Bronco, you have to be really careful of any extended use of non-steroidal anti-imflammatories. They all can damage your stomach. I met a guy who popped ibuprofen for a bad back and ended up with ulcers. If the diclofenac is giving you stomach pain you need to tell you dr. asap. And make sure to let us know the results!

I met a guy who popped ibuprofen for a bad back and ended up with ulcers.

Just like to add that Ibuprofen can also be bad for people who suffer with asthma


The tummy pain is a lot less than the joint pains and only lasts for an hour or so, will probably see the doc tomorrow (results should be back by then).


Have changed from voltaren to celebrex, much better, no apparent side effects.

Results of blood work, doc reckons my uric acid is up a bit, I think it was ecr up and something else was high, which tended to indicate possible viral prob, he is sending me to specialist, so still in dark.

Gout :o

Were you taking anything to lower uric acid? I have been on allopurinol at 300mg per day for last 15 years and so far no problem again (was in toe). All males in my fathers family have it and uncle has in knee (which doctors would not believe for a long time). I have had periods of knee pain myself but so far not enough to check further.

It is really unbelievable how much pain your toe can cause. :D

Gout :o

Did your specialist take fluid from one of your joints or xrays to confirm the presence of crystals? There are several other conditions (ie: Pseudo Gout or Chondrocalcinosis) that cause pain, redness, heat, and swelling in one or more joints.

Also, some medications such as Hydroclorothizide, (a diuretic or water pill often given to high blood pressure patients) can cause "pseudo gout" symptoms. Had this myself a few years ago. Pain, swelling and redness were in a middle toe. Cleared up 2 days after changing medications. Gout can occur in any joint, but likely to show up first in big toe, ankle or knee.

More info on Gout here, from NIH

I truly feel your pain. Good luck. Hope you recover soon.

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