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Worried About Thai Women..help


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Q/ You are good man, why can't I find a man like you?...........................A/ Thank you, I hope you find a good man one day.

:D I wonder how many guys heard this sentence already. Just close your eyes and go to the same bars and you will hear the same sentences again and again with almost the same voices... :o

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This is one of the most unimaginative trolls.

But since we are on the topic:

Why worry? If he is the type to completely go off the rails in Thailand, he is seriously not worth your time. The quality men (relationship quality that is) that I've met during my time in Thailand I can count on one hand, and not one of them blinked in the face of ridiculous antics that followed them around 24/7. Yes, it is aggressive, and yes, it is everywhere. Women who view you with care will not blatantly disrespect you, but how many of these women know you? It can happen everywhere, but not with the frequency as in LOS.

The few men that I met that I seriously considered getting involved with were never there for the women anyway. And that, is the key difference. There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women. Contrary to what you will hear on this forum, there are Western men who have no interest in the shallow, simplistic interactions that are rampant in LOS.

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" There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women."

Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's posted expat groups I have heard of - of course not all like that but plenty of scandals involving them have been recorded.

I suppose its a bit like say catholic priests, boy scouts and the like - they opportunities provided can and do attract the wrong sorts.

There are absolutely loads of working expats and the like who never get involved in the local scene - not in isolated communities at all!

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Oh yeah, welcome to another undesirable aspect of Thailand -- white guys who trash white women! Smug in their newfound ability to get laid in the third world, they trash-talk the women who wouldn't give them the time of day at home.

But for whatever reason, white guys are the subject of much attention by Thai women in Thailand. If some of the sad cases here can be the center of attention, I can imagine that your boyfriend will receive his shares of advances as well.

Men who like Thai women as a "type" say that they love how hyper-feminine they are, and how they take care of their men. Men who don't like Thai women as a "type" complain they are superficial, childish and not very intellectual. (I'm not talking about specific individual people here, merely general tendencies.)

I had a conversation with a French woman with runs a restaurant with her French husband in Laos. The situation with Laos women is a bit more low-key than Thailand, but there are some similarities. She said that she had definitely stepped up her game in terms of seduction, keeping her husband interested and the spark in their relationship (they seemed quite happily married and in love to me), while keeping a watchful eye on Laos women around him. In the end, you can't do much about a man intent on cheating (other than dumping him and finding a better one) -- but everyone likes to feel appreciated, attractive and wanted. IMHO, I would personally put a bit of extra effort into keeping myself looking hot (Bangkok is a great place for spas, manicures, massages, shopping -- everything you need to look great!) and keeping the spice in my relationship to counter outside temptations.

Thai women are quite jealous, and won't put up with any bullshit from other women, so really, you shouldn't either. If all else fails, they also have a rather effective "punishment" for cheating boyfriends. (Thailand is #1 for penis reattachment surgery in the world, apparently. :-P

"Men who like Thai women as a "type" say that they love how hyper-feminine they are, and how they take care of their men. Men who don't like Thai women as a "type" complain they are superficial, childish and not very intellectual. (I'm not talking about specific individual people here, merely general tendencies.)"

Watch out when she is both feminine (though you say hyper-feminine, that sounds more like a personal issue) and without those superficial childish qualities as well as an intellectual. Then she is all things.....However, like most men I know, I will give up the second part to get the first; though I will eventually lose interest.

You're right about white women having to step up their game here, it is quite amusing to see white women adapt to their new environment. I have had a limited number of romantic encounters here in BKK with western women, I actually feel a little sorry for them, as they are not used to this level of competition. Even more difficult to date were Asians raised in the west, now living here for whatever reason, they truly have an internal conflict going on.

The thing is, Thai women are polite – you can walk up to almost any Thai woman and start a conversation – as long as you are polite and presentable. Every time I go back to the States I am horrified by the attitude of the women there; they put on this "I am aloof, how dare you think you can talk to me" attitude; which frankly, makes them extremely unpleasant to be around.

For the OP, I know of a number of happy Western couples where as far as I can tell, the man is faithful. I also know of some happy couples where the husband cheats (maybe that's why their happy?) -- sounds a lot like the rest of the world, the differnce is availability. If you want to cheat, or have an inclination to do it - it WILL happen in Thailand.

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What is this, another case of Birkenstock syndrome? I am irked. :o

The quality men (relationship quality that is) that I've met during my time in Thailand I can count on one hand,

And many women offer the same comment in their native lands. There may be a very good reason for that aside from the view that all men are evil or pigs etc. Perhaps the women have some personal issues and it's not a probelem with the men.

Yes, it is aggressive, and yes, it is everywhere.It can happen everywhere, but not with the frequency as in LOS.

Nice broad sweeping characterization. Human sexual behaviour is not magically unlocked because it is Thailand. Nor are Thai women voracious sex beasts. I'd love for you to try that line on a couple ladies I know. Mardi Gras in New Orleans or a large sporting event in europe makes the Thai bar scene look like a chaste church picnic.

The few men that I met that I seriously considered getting involved with were never there for the women anyway.

Careful now, that could be interpreted as judgement of some people's lifestyle choices and we wouldn't want that now...... I sense the vultures of PC thought circling....

And that, is the key difference. There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women.

Please. NGO/UN and the like engage in the same behaviours as the common working fact that pay the salaries of these very important people. There isn't a large UN or NGO operation that doesn't occur without some disgusting report of inappropriate conduct. One would have thought the approx 200 claims of impropriety involving the UN /NGO workers in the Congo had caused there to be a tightening up of supervision. (Especially for those 17 implicated UN workers that had a lot of explaining to do.) .

The recent allegations of sexual misconduct by aid workers in Liberia demonstrated otherwise.

I do note that none of the allegations involving the UN or NGOs anywhere have ever implicated Thai nationals. One would have expected that with their alleged uncontrollable sexual urges the Thais would have done something but no, those Thais insisted on behaving in a professional manner. Maybe they need some "sexing up" if they are to live up to the myth of insatiable carnal desires. :D

Contrary to what you will hear on this forum, there are Western men who have no interest in the shallow, simplistic interactions that are rampant in LOS.

Gosh, does that mean that mean we have an epidemic in Thailand of "simplistic interactions"? Last I saw, the incidence was no different than in most other nations, but then I could be wrong as westerners are so well behaved in their home countries.

ed. for typo

Edited by geriatrickid
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The quality men (relationship quality that is) that I've met during my time in Thailand I can count on one hand

And many women offer the same comment in their native lands. There may be a very good reason for that aside from the view that all men are evil or pigs etc. Perhaps the women have some personal issues and it's not a probelem with the men.

Interesting how you could make the same comment about men who endlessly make derogatory comments about farang women. (Like, say, "birkenstock syndrome", just to pick a random example ...)

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"Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's

Nice broad sweeping characterization. Human sexual behaviour is not magically unlocked because it is Thailand. Nor are Thai women voracious sex beasts. I'd love for you to try that line on a couple ladies I know. Mardi Gras in New Orleans or a large sporting event in europe makes the Thai bar scene look like a chaste church picnic."


Oh right, I forgot that you are a public health expert, and by extension an expert on every facet of human existence, including all human sexual behavior. You are the one putting the derogatory characterizations in my mouth, which is a cheap shot, but not beneath you. I have qualified the statement with what I know and have experienced, and is documented widely in different areas of expertise, the disconnect between the inner, middle, and outer circle of Thailand. If you are on the latter, as in the general public, then yes, in Bangkok and many other places there is absolutely no respect shown to Western women in the company of Western men. It is like nothing I have ever experienced anywhere else before. Please all seeing, all knowing one, see into every past experience of every fiber of my being, and profess to understand every detail much more in "depth because of your superior, godly public health experience or degree, my lord.

If there is something wrong with me because of my observations and experiences in Thailand, then I'm quite happy with this "abnormal" quality and the "abnormally" great men that I've met since leaving.

"Careful now, that could be interpreted as judgement of some people's lifestyle choices and we wouldn't want that now...... I sense the vultures of PC thought circling...."

[b]You seem to be more concerned with the PC stereotypes. I am more concerned with discussing my honest experiences and observations, which I'm quite confident of, so you're the one who should be careful.

"Please. NGO/UN and the like engage in the same behaviours as the common working fact that pay the salaries of these very important people. There isn't a large UN or NGO operation that doesn't occur without some disgusting report of inappropriate conduct. One would have thought the approx 200 claims of impropriety involving the UN /NGO workers in the Congo had caused there to be a tightening up of supervision. (Especially for those 17 implicated UN workers that had a lot of explaining to do.) .

The recent allegations of sexual misconduct by aid workers in Liberia demonstrated otherwise.

I do note that none of the allegations involving the UN or NGOs anywhere have ever implicated Thai nationals. One would have expected that with their alleged uncontrollable sexual urges the Thais would have done something but no, those Thais insisted on behaving in a professional manner. Maybe they need some "sexing up" if they are to live up to the myth of insatiable carnal desires. :D "

I am not discussing the stereotypes of sexual urges here. It is you who is interpreting the discussion this way. It's true about aid workers around the world and in Liberia, but there are many other factors involved that have to be examined such as the status of women and the power associations in the culture of the places in question. Most of these notable cases are among the peacekeeping soldiers and aid workers from environments that exploit women and girls from a culture of impunity.

"Gosh, does that mean that mean we have an epidemic in Thailand of "simplistic interactions"? Last I saw, the incidence was no different than in most other nations, but then I could be wrong as westerners are so well behaved in their home countries.

ed. for typo"

Yes, actually, you are wrong. I am not oversimplifying Western men to be completely well-behaved in their own countries, but obviously there is a large population of self-selected foreigners in LOS who are overwhelmingly there for the same reasons, with very narrow and equally predictable deviations (NGOs, UN, Multinational, dive instructor, teacher) etc. In addition, the overwhelming majority have self-professed hatred and/or serious issues with Western women. Does this mean every single man conforms to my experience - of course not. In fact, I am talking about the general pattern, which has been confirmed many times over for anyone that has been paying attention to a vast amount of experiences beyond me. You are the one with a PC hangup. (Oh golly gosh, are you the great moral defender of the land, in addition to the most pompous public health professional in the nearest hemisphere? What a coincidence!)

As I have lived in Thailand for 4 years and have dated many different men both here and in other countries including my own, I do think I can expertly comment on my experience, o thou most expert one :o

Edited by kat
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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

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" There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women."

Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's posted expat groups I have heard of - of course not all like that but plenty of scandals involving them have been recorded.

I suppose its a bit like say catholic priests, boy scouts and the like - they opportunities provided can and do attract the wrong sorts.

There are absolutely loads of working expats and the like who never get involved in the local scene - not in isolated communities at all!

You are quite right about this, but I am talking about my experiences with people from other facets of the "predictable" expat community, largely from NGOs, international development professions, and DJs at international venues (narrow but not so random, but then again who is random in LOS).

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

Yeah, and by a geriatric infantile, no less.

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The quality men (relationship quality that is) that I've met during my time in Thailand I can count on one hand

And many women offer the same comment in their native lands. There may be a very good reason for that aside from the view that all men are evil or pigs etc. Perhaps the women have some personal issues and it's not a probelem with the men.

Interesting how you could make the same comment about men who endlessly make derogatory comments about farang women. (Like, say, "birkenstock syndrome", just to pick a random example ...)

Not only that, but he stupidly claims that I made a generalization that I did not, while going onto generalize me as a woman with problems based this falsification. That is a desperate, burning straw man, o superior public health god, my lord.

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

Yeah, and by a geriatric infantile, no less.

Haha, did you see his other threads? He started flaming me on a thread I started about math competitions. Jesus.

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" There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women."

Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's posted expat groups I have heard of - of course not all like that but plenty of scandals involving them have been recorded.

I suppose its a bit like say catholic priests, boy scouts and the like - they opportunities provided can and do attract the wrong sorts.

There are absolutely loads of working expats and the like who never get involved in the local scene - not in isolated communities at all!

You are quite right about this, but I am talking about my experiences with people from other facets of the "predictable" expat community, largely from NGOs, international development professions, and DJs at international venues (narrow but not so random, but then again who is random in LOS).

Then there might be a third group which is alluded to in a post above

Guy's who indulge in the local scene, 'Because its there and they can" - be it p4p or other there are so many guy's who do participate I bet who never would in their home country.

They have not gone to Thailand for the women but maybe participate in the bar scens at its there so to speak and its easier than getting into a longer term relationship with a Thai women for wahtever reason.

The Suzy Wong Phobia among western women is just as strong as the Suzy Wong "Phile" is among many western men though - its not just Thailand as I have said where women moving to asia fear for the predatory seductress from the east :o

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

Yeah, and by a geriatric infantile, no less.

Haha, did you see his other threads? He started flaming me on a thread I started about math competitions. Jesus.

:o No, I haven't - please post a link so we can all share the entertainment.

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

Thanks sbk, and other mods for your tireless and good work.

I am so tired of this too. I can hold my own in an argument, but DEAR JESUS would it be nice to be able to say something, anything on this forum without being the target of every <deleted> with an axe to grind about farang women. As I was mentioning to Kat, one of the more obnoxious posters on this thread recently tried to flame me in a thread about math competitions. MATH COMPETITIONS!

Honestly, it's like some of them can't deal with the idea of women having any opinions at all. Well, tough luck. :o

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

It does seem to be a two way street though as was pointed out further up the thread and acknowledged by another moderator.

Women seem tobe quite capable of their own generalisations but some people seem to be blind to this! :o

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" There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women."

Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's posted expat groups I have heard of - of course not all like that but plenty of scandals involving them have been recorded.

I suppose its a bit like say catholic priests, boy scouts and the like - they opportunities provided can and do attract the wrong sorts.

There are absolutely loads of working expats and the like who never get involved in the local scene - not in isolated communities at all!

You are quite right about this, but I am talking about my experiences with people from other facets of the "predictable" expat community, largely from NGOs, international development professions, and DJs at international venues (narrow but not so random, but then again who is random in LOS).

Then there might be a third group which is alluded to in a post above

Guy's who indulge in the local scene, 'Because its there and they can" - be it p4p or other there are so many guy's who do participate I bet who never would in their home country.

They have not gone to Thailand for the women but maybe participate in the bar scens at its there so to speak and its easier than getting into a longer term relationship with a Thai women for wahtever reason.

The Suzy Wong Phobia among western women is just as strong as the Suzy Wong "Phile" is among many western men though - its not just Thailand as I have said where women moving to asia fear for the predatory seductress from the east :o

Yes, I understand what you're saying here and may not disagree. But here's the thing: in Asia, the phobias are more apt to be grounded in genuine occurrences, not only between foreigners and Asians, but between Asian women themselves as well. There is just a history of mistrust and male-dominated attitudes towards polygamous relationships.

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" There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women."

Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's posted expat groups I have heard of - of course not all like that but plenty of scandals involving them have been recorded.

I suppose its a bit like say catholic priests, boy scouts and the like - they opportunities provided can and do attract the wrong sorts.

There are absolutely loads of working expats and the like who never get involved in the local scene - not in isolated communities at all!

You are quite right about this, but I am talking about my experiences with people from other facets of the "predictable" expat community, largely from NGOs, international development professions, and DJs at international venues (narrow but not so random, but then again who is random in LOS).

Then there might be a third group which is alluded to in a post above

Guy's who indulge in the local scene, 'Because its there and they can" - be it p4p or other there are so many guy's who do participate I bet who never would in their home country.

They have not gone to Thailand for the women but maybe participate in the bar scens at its there so to speak and its easier than getting into a longer term relationship with a Thai women for wahtever reason.

While I don't agree with you about the Suzy Wong issue (I think this is largely vanity on the part of farang men with a strong preference for Thai women -- they fancy themselves a great loss to farang women everwhere when I doubt that's how we'd consider it, in most cases), I do agree with you about the third category, although I think it applies more to younger, relatively attractive guys, who wouldn't visit a prostitute at home because of the stigma, but find it easy to fall into in Thailand. The ones I've known seem to consider it one choice among many and don't seem to have this hatred of farang women displayed by others.

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

It does seem to be a two way street though as was pointed out further up the thread and acknowledged by another moderator.

Women seem tobe quite capable of their own generalisations but some people seem to be blind to this! :D

Only thing that dont seem to be a two way street is the forum-rules...................... :D

But op topic:

Should a western woman be worried leaving her boyfriend alone in Bangkok??

If he is gay, or completely uninterrested in sex, id say: no worry.

Otherwise: Get serious! You cant possible mean the question??

Seems to me that the whole thread is started to get the conversation started and the "femi-nazists" (now that word is allowed,its brought here by a moderator), to get the chans to once again claim how "fantasticly intellegant and interresting" they are compared to Thai-beuties.

And why not? Let them do it.

Their life in asia is not so easy with all the competition. Id say we leave this thread for the feminists. We have our paradise already, guys. :o

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" There are isolated communities of foreigners who have nothing to do with the dating culture of LOS, such as NGO/UN people and the like, and some ordinary Western men that are fed up with the bullshit and are desperate for the company of Western women."

Thats funny as the NGO/UN type has a much worse reputation around the world for being predatory fiends than any oversea's posted expat groups I have heard of - of course not all like that but plenty of scandals involving them have been recorded.

I suppose its a bit like say catholic priests, boy scouts and the like - they opportunities provided can and do attract the wrong sorts.

There are absolutely loads of working expats and the like who never get involved in the local scene - not in isolated communities at all!

You are quite right about this, but I am talking about my experiences with people from other facets of the "predictable" expat community, largely from NGOs, international development professions, and DJs at international venues (narrow but not so random, but then again who is random in LOS).

Then there might be a third group which is alluded to in a post above

Guy's who indulge in the local scene, 'Because its there and they can" - be it p4p or other there are so many guy's who do participate I bet who never would in their home country.

They have not gone to Thailand for the women but maybe participate in the bar scens at its there so to speak and its easier than getting into a longer term relationship with a Thai women for wahtever reason.

While I don't agree with you about the Suzy Wong issue (I think this is largely vanity on the part of farang men with a strong preference for Thai women -- they fancy themselves a great loss to farang women everwhere when I doubt that's how we'd consider it, in most cases), I do agree with you about the third category, although I think it applies more to younger, relatively attractive guys, who wouldn't visit a prostitute at home because of the stigma, but find it easy to fall into in Thailand. The ones I've known seem to consider it one choice among many and don't seem to have this hatred of farang women displayed by others.

I do not think its just among young men - they may say it is and have heard it from them myself but its just as common among any age of men who went to Thailand "not just for the women".

In fact I would go even further - in the group of men who did go to Thailand just for the women I bet its the minority who would have been indilging in the p4p scene prior to Thailand. I have no facts to back this up but its a hunch.

As for the Suzy Wong syndrome - you really think its more so in Asia that what? - men stray with the locals or they are predatory?

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

It does seem to be a two way street though as was pointed out further up the thread and acknowledged by another moderator.

Women seem tobe quite capable of their own generalisations but some people seem to be blind to this! :o

Really? I find that myself, and other female posters on this forum are usually quite careful to qualify our statements by saying "in some cases", or "some people", but many male posters are rarely so kind and careful in their qualifications of farang women.

As well, although many women here are in relationships with Thai men, or have been in the past, I have NEVER (which isn't to say it hasn't happened, but it's at least very rare) seen farang women post statements like "all farang men are crap, Thai men are so much better, bla bla" -- statements which are commonly made here about Thai women and farang women. So at the very least, many of us seem able to enjoy our own taste in mates without feeling the need to denigrate every single other group that is not to our taste.

Personally, I've enjoyed the company of men in all spheres of my life, and they seem to seek out and enjoy mine as well. I don't hate men, and outside of TV, trust me, they don't hate me either. :D I don't suffer fools and idiots gladly, though, but I hardly think men and idiots are synonymous.

I've NEVER met a farang women, either in Thailand or on in this board, that I would think of as "man-hating", I've rarely seen a farang woman out of the blue post anything derogatory towards men, farang or otherwise, but I have seen A LOT of posts like this from men on TV. (Granted, there are more male posters on TV, but still.) I have made sharp remarks to posters who slag off women, because I'm so sick of that bull*, but I wouldn't post something out of the blue talking trash about men.

I find it funny to be accused so often of having "issues" with men on TV, when it doesn't seem to me that women are the ones doing the hating on TV.

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Haha, did you see his other threads? He started flaming me on a thread I started about math competitions. Jesus.

:o No, I haven't - please post a link so we can all share the entertainment.


It's gets awesome at about the part where he starts lecturing me about what mathematics is. :D :D

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What amazes me is that there are loads of threads about this and similar topics but yet, they never fail to get so many replies. What are we on 5 pages now?!

No, what's even more amazing is how nasty they always turn, and in such a predictable manner. We have the "all farang women are aggressive, fat feminazi" brigade and women who defend themselves against such broad and ill-mannered generalizations. And, by doing so, find themselves attacked for being aggressive PC feminazis.

I, for one, am tired of this argument.

It does seem to be a two way street though as was pointed out further up the thread and acknowledged by another moderator.

Women seem tobe quite capable of their own generalisations but some people seem to be blind to this! :D

Only thing that dont seem to be a two way street is the forum-rules...................... :D

But op topic:

Should a western woman be worried leaving her boyfriend alone in Bangkok??

If he is gay, or completely uninterrested in sex, id say: no worry.

Otherwise: Get serious! You cant possible mean the question??

Seems to me that the whole thread is started to get the conversation started and the "femi-nazists" (now that word is allowed,its brought here by a moderator), to get the chans to once again claim how "fantasticly intellegant and interresting" they are compared to Thai-beuties.

And why not? Let them do it.

Their life in asia is not so easy with all the competition. Id say we leave this thread for the feminists. We have our paradise already, guys. :o

:D Competition for what? - That's my point - there's not much there, with the exception of very few. We for sure can't be any less fantastically intelligent and interesting than your completely imbecilic and predictable post.

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:o Competition for what? - That's my point - there's not much there, with the exception of very few. We for sure can't be any less fantastically intelligent and interesting than your completely imbecilic and predictable post.

Here's a secret guys: Ferraris couldn't care less about being rejected by guys shopping for Hondas. :D

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Their life in asia is not so easy with all the competition. Id say we leave this thread for the feminists. We have our paradise already, guys. :o

Not for long, it seems. Have you seen the new visa regulations?

Hey, how are the chicks in Cambodia? :D

Well, im married with a thai-woman so i wont have to check out either cambodian girls or anything else, but i would think they are better than the ones from canada if i had a wild guess, :D .

Also, the reason why you never hear anybody saying that "thaimen are better than farangmen" is probably tht they are not. According to every thaigirl i spoke to in my whole life, they get a complitely different treatment from western-guys than from thaimen.

Maybe thats the possitive side of the whole feminism-thing in the west, that we learned how to treat women good, i dont know?

I only feel sorry for the women in the west in that matter because when they were busy teaching the men how they want to be treated they forgot to treat the men the way they want to be treated. Perhaps that is the main reason why so many westerners have good relationships over here?

But realy, i dont see the point in speaking bad about westerngirls in a forum, it realy shines through how miserable your situation is and i dont think there is much hope for a change either.

We can always hope in a near future all thaigirls get uggly and put on a feministic attitudem but i just dont see that happen so sorry, canadiangirl, maybe cambodja has less competition?? I dont know.......

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