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Advice, Rattle In Right Ear


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I got some wax stuck in my right ear, its been there for about one month and starting to get annoying. Anyone know how to get it out ???? :o

You could maybe try tilting your head so your ear is upwards and put in a teaspoon of warm water and let it sit for a few minutes and then let it pour back out and then earbuds.

BTW if you ever have a blocked ear from water puting more water in and then letting it pour out works.

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Yes it is mighty hard to get a good look inside your own ear, I know this from experience.

If you don't want to go to a clinic to have it taken care of, you might try GENTLE repeated irrigation with a bulb syringe and warm water. I would suggest that you pull sort of up and backwards on your ear with the opposite hand (reach over top of your head). This will straighten out the ear canal so that the irrigation can be squirted in more directly.

Or you can have your girlfriend help you with the irrigation, (or your wife). Or they can take turns. :o (OK that was a joke!)

Here's what a bulb syringe looks like in case you don't know, usually you can find them in drugstores (the first one in the upper left).


You may put a towel on your shoulder and use a little basin to catch the water that comes out, it can make a mess!

Good luck!


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Please don't attempt this on your own; get an ENT doc to have a look first and confirm the diagnosis. You can cause lots of trauma to your ear canal and may even cause a rupture of your ear drum if too much pressure is applied.

There are ear drops you can use to "soften" the wax before attempting the ear syringing but you have to confirm that there is no underlying infection or even a prior defect in your ear drum before using this or it could cause lots of damage.

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