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Top Tip For Indian Tailors


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I really object to this invasion of personal space. I've recently noticed that they also put on the fake cockney accents that many Thai's do, thing is when Thai's do it it's funny, when these touts try it, it just doesn't have the same effect.

Edited by womble
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I really object to this invasion of personal space. I've recently noticed that they also put on the fake cockney accents that many Thai's do, thing is when Thai's do it it's funny, when these touts try it, it just doesn't have the same effect.

Same here - when they actually touch you its even worse - I piull my arm away and wipe it as though shit has touched me.

So they do it on Samui now - done it for a while in Pattaya

Being from up north there is not much more likely to put me off buying from them :o

Being called " awight mate" or "geezer" makes me want to vomit

In Pattayaland 2 on the way to the Shamrock we would sometimes throw in a "Get to F%^&" much to their annoyance - put them off for 5 minutes!

Edited by Prakanong
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I like to correct you on this there are less Indian tailor's in Koh Samui and all over THailand there are more of Illegal Burmese and Nepalese people thats why you can find the accent while they speak.

I was told in Pattaya a lot of them are Bangaldeshi - the guys working the punters on the streets. Indentured labour is how they were described!

The Indian tailors I use in Bangkok are Indian though albeit Thai citizens. Neither of the two i use has any touts - they do not need them as its only crap ones that do..

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