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Bye Bye Thailand


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Yep, decision time! After a few years here I have realised that Thailand and the ever stricter 'rules' and never ending stream of <deleted> from Immigration isnt for me anymore, in fact I am beginning to resent people with the xenophobia so I'm getting out while I still have my sanity, as I dont see things here getting any easier for some of us. Anyone else thinking about making the move 'back home' or somewhere else? If you are thinking about it, post your thoughts here, good or bad, speak your mind and dont worry about the farang rak thai crowd here!

Bye bye Thailand, thanks for the memories good and bad! :o

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i can totally understand how thailand can frustrate a person to the point that they leave. i have felt this way too but my own country (the US) really isn't any better, and i can't think of any other country that i would rather live in! where are you going OP?

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I let my investors visa lapse this year as I would be turning 50 and eligible for retirement visa. There was about a 7 month gap between the lapse and my 50th birthday and I made a couple of trips to Vientiane to get the 60 day tourist visa. At the Thai Embassy there, as I looked at the assembled who'd been negatively affected by last years tightening of the visa rules, one thing sprang to mind : "whatever further tightening, that would cull about 50% of this lot, would be just about right."

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I am going to England, and I cant wait to go home, not! I know it is not a perfect place to be, as there isnt one, I guess its called 'compromise' and making decisions. I am happy to get out of Thailand before more rules kick in, I encounter more Xenophobia, either this year or next or the next after that, 3rd world countries aint for me anymore. Thailand can keep it, it aint so great anyway. :o Chokdee

as to above statement, this guy is right, just wait another 18 months, wait til the 'rules' are changed again, it affects you all. Just plan and be happy, and more importantly, be realistic.

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Hmmmm...........I'm sat here in my office in the Uk & it's around lunchtime - all the lights are on - and I'm looking out of the window. It's not raining now, although it has been and everywhere is still wet. It's not really cold but the dampness in the air makes it seem really chilly. It's grey, the low cloud covers the sky and the greyness seems to suck all the colours out of everything.

The big thing is............it's going to get much, much worse........over the next few months it's going to get darker, greyer, colder, wetter and more miserable.

In addition, petrols gone up to over £1.00/litre, beer prices are crazy, public transport=highway robbery, taxes through the roof, crime and the fear of crime are horrible and if you go to a restaurant you get mugged in the pocket for indifferent food served by surly staff.

Of course I generalise, simplify and possibly even exagerate a bit, but.............

I think you can maybe guess where I'd sooner be.

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Hope lannaafterbirth doesn't suffer from vertigo, arrogant prick.

C'mon John, if you've been there, you know what I'm talking about. The processing line smells like a distillery and it appeared about 1/3 of the applicants had Thai girls in tow.

There is really only one group of people that I feel for in this visa crackdown. That is the under 50, well capitalized, already retired, unmarried expat. Where once they had the investment option, that option has been removed. I don't think that's fair and I hope that option is re-established. Everyone else should be able to comply with whatever the current rules are.

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you guys are gr8, good luck in Thailand, more importantly remember your roots and take care of those who you love :o

I have been coming to Thailand since 1993 and lived here for around 8 plus the bits in between when I went to work elsewhere (currently I am in Papua New Guinea).

I left the UK in 1992 to work around and so other than my 29 year old son, a few friends, some relatives I haven't seen for donkeys years and my parents grave I have not roots in the UK where I was born.

My roots are in rural Thailand outside a small village called Klong Lan Pattana in Khampaeng Phet province. My two main loves are my 3 year old son and my 42 year old wife.

My aim is to go home next year and quit working (I will be 64) enjoy myself with my family and die peacefully at home with my family in about 20 years or so if I am lucky.

Thailand IS my home.

:D :D :D

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Hmmmm...........I'm sat here in my office in the Uk & it's around lunchtime - all the lights are on - and I'm looking out of the window. It's not raining now, although it has been and everywhere is still wet. It's not really cold but the dampness in the air makes it seem really chilly. It's grey, the low cloud covers the sky and the greyness seems to suck all the colours out of everything.

The big thing is............it's going to get much, much worse........over the next few months it's going to get darker, greyer, colder, wetter and more miserable.

In addition, petrols gone up to over £1.00/litre, beer prices are crazy, public transport=highway robbery, taxes through the roof, crime and the fear of crime are horrible and if you go to a restaurant you get mugged in the pocket for indifferent food served by surly staff.

Of course I generalise, simplify and possibly even exagerate a bit, but.............

I think you can maybe guess where I'd sooner be.

I hear you, and thanks, I can relate and understand exactly what you are saying as I have lived there in the UK for 20 years - my worst line is "the grass isnt always greener" You have to remember also that whilst the UK is shit, yes it is, for many reasons and Thailand was my dream also, and I worked hard to try and make it here, but after a while I realised I never could really find a good job, buy a house or land, I can speak thai but will always be a farang and never fully accepted, I cant open a bank account without a job etc etc the list goes on, too much to mention, but its ok I wont miss it until I go home. I will miss Thailand so much, but I know like others we have to make the right decision in the end, come here and live for a while and you will understand things better.

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Yep, decision time! After a few years here I have realised that Thailand and the ever stricter 'rules' and never ending stream of <deleted> from Immigration isnt for me anymore, in fact I am beginning to resent people with the xenophobia so I'm getting out while I still have my sanity, as I dont see things here getting any easier for some of us. Anyone else thinking about making the move 'back home' or somewhere else? If you are thinking about it, post your thoughts here, good or bad, speak your mind and dont worry about the farang rak thai crowd here!

Bye bye Thailand, thanks for the memories good and bad! :o

Where you come from says a lot about yourself, although in all honesty, I've never known anyone from 'outer space', re: your profile

After only three years you're throwing in the towel? The first years are definitely the most difficult. It's pretty much the same no matter where you go, there's a break-in period. For some it takes less time and for others, many years if at all. I know it's not the easiest place to live but I guess I've enjoyed the challenge for the past twenty years that I've lived here, going back 'home' one time, ten years ago.

In the beginning and possibly for years after, one misses what they've grown accustomed to. I mean, we're only human and by-products of our own civilization where everyone speaks and dresses alike. 'Human conditioning', not human nature.

Well, Thailand, in case you hadn't noticed, is very similar wherever you go. I would assume because most everyone is a Buddhist. America has how many religions? I'm not a fan of religion although I recognize that it does bring people together.

Everyone came here for different reasons. Myself, I really like the idea of not having to work full time my whole life and live a relatively good life that's far cheaper than the states. I've been fortunate to get good paying jobs in surrounding countries that afford me to play & explore more than half the year and work the other half, of course I'm busy learning new things and trying to improve on the old ones that have meaning to my life.

We are all survivors, well almost all. Some chose to take the easy road that bears little fruit but I think we all know in our hearts what makes us happy with ourselves. The feeling of satisfaction from a project that you put your heart and soul into....hmmm?

Indeed, living in Thailand can be very rough and uncomfortable at times if one hangs on to their conditioning. The key I believe is leaving all that extra baggage where you came from. Of course the baggage I'm talking about is "They would never do that in Texas" or "That's against the law" or "why is that guy driving on the wrong side of the road?", etc., etc., etc.

If one takes the initiative to learn the language then the picture is no longer just black & white. You can go places without a babysitter/interpreter and understand the country and it's people more.

Fortunate is the man or woman who finds their mate and lives a reasonably happy and good life here (or anywhere).

I personally like Thai people for their honesty, even when they lie...

for their perseverance and dedication to their family and friends. I can't say I haven't learned a great deal from Thai people. Maybe living in Issan things are different. I've lived in the south, north, east and west and Bangkok and from where I sit, Issan without a doubt is the easiest of places to live in the Kingdom.

The old adage, "you reap what you sow" is relevant in Thailand also.

anyway, good luck and bon voyage

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Have a nice trip home. You need a break and now is a good time to make the change. No need to let Thailand get to ya!

Always see people come and go for whatever reason(s). Guess it is what we do best. We can always retreat and return. :o

Wish you complete happiness in your position.



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Good luck to you.

I am thinking Thailand for one more year maybe (totaling 2 years in all) before i consider my next destination. Maybe will head to another Asian country but prob will eventually head back to Argentina to my bro and his family. Cant see myself being back in Europe tho. My family are Italian and Irish, but I was born in Scotland, then lived in Europe, so heck i still duno where 'home' is :o . Its good that you have roots, i certainly wish i had some. USA and Caribbean dont seem to be my bag either (of what little time i lived in parts of them). Anyway..im enjoying Thailand for now, but i can understand your frustration. As others have said, you can reconsider later. Life is not set in stone :D

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As I sit here in the U.K. waiting for my next flight to Thailand in 4 weeks or so, the sun is shining with a cold Northerly wind.

Since coming back several weeks ago to sort UK problems out, I have had the constant urge to be back in my Thai apartment. I know Thailand is not as wonderful as the LOS it is painted by some but on the other hand it does - amongst all the problems - have a h_ll of a lot going for it and I think you will miss it badly after being back in the UK for a while. I am happy to keep my home base in the UK and always will do for various reasons but as for the future my extended trips to Thailand are what I look forward to and enjoy.

Here's hoping you make the adjustment back again and do not get too down about being back in the UK when reality of life here kicks in.

Best of British to ya :o

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Yep, decision time! After a few years here I have realised that Thailand and the ever stricter 'rules' and never ending stream of <deleted> from Immigration isnt for me anymore, in fact I am beginning to resent people with the xenophobia so I'm getting out while I still have my sanity, as I dont see things here getting any easier for some of us. Anyone else thinking about making the move 'back home' or somewhere else? If you are thinking about it, post your thoughts here, good or bad, speak your mind and dont worry about the farang rak thai crowd here!

Bye bye Thailand, thanks for the memories good and bad! :o

good luck tootah ,thailands not for everyone

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Good luck to you.

I am thinking Thailand for one more year maybe (totaling 2 years in all) before i consider my next destination. Maybe will head to another Asian country but prob will eventually head back to Argentina to my bro and his family. Cant see myself being back in Europe tho. My family are Italian and Irish, but I was born in Scotland, then lived in Europe, so heck i still duno where 'home' is :o . Its good that you have roots, i certainly wish i had some. USA and Caribbean dont seem to be my bag either (of what little time i lived in parts of them). Anyway..im enjoying Thailand for now, but i can understand your frustration. As others have said, you can reconsider later. Life is not set in stone :D

Dear me Eek, you must be a nightmare when your drunk.

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Good luck to you.

I am thinking Thailand for one more year maybe (totaling 2 years in all) before i consider my next destination. Maybe will head to another Asian country but prob will eventually head back to Argentina to my bro and his family. Cant see myself being back in Europe tho. My family are Italian and Irish, but I was born in Scotland, then lived in Europe, so heck i still duno where 'home' is :D . Its good that you have roots, i certainly wish i had some. USA and Caribbean dont seem to be my bag either (of what little time i lived in parts of them). Anyway..im enjoying Thailand for now, but i can understand your frustration. As others have said, you can reconsider later. Life is not set in stone :D

Dear me Eek, you must be a nightmare when your drunk.


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Good luck pal-for sure you will need it! I left the UK earlier this year and would never go back! It is not the same place I was born in now and is just a multi-racial cess pit!

Highest taxation ever- NHS a shambles a police force that has been undermined by political correctness- and politicians that are just liars and thieves and make the ones here seem honest by comparison.

Depends how long you have been away but I guess you will return here asap.

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Good luck to you.

I am thinking Thailand for one more year maybe (totaling 2 years in all) before i consider my next destination. Maybe will head to another Asian country but prob will eventually head back to Argentina to my bro and his family. Cant see myself being back in Europe tho. My family are Italian and Irish, but I was born in Scotland, then lived in Europe, so heck i still duno where 'home' is :o . Its good that you have roots, i certainly wish i had some. USA and Caribbean dont seem to be my bag either (of what little time i lived in parts of them). Anyway..im enjoying Thailand for now, but i can understand your frustration. As others have said, you can reconsider later. Life is not set in stone :D

Dear me Eek, you must be a nightmare when your drunk.

Yeah she sounds complicated.

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Good luck pal-for sure you will need it! I left the UK earlier this year and would never go back! It is not the same place I was born in now and is just a multi-racial cess pit!

Highest taxation ever- NHS a shambles a police force that has been undermined by political correctness- and politicians that are just liars and thieves and make the ones here seem honest by comparison.

Depends how long you have been away but I guess you will return here asap.

I here you, yet taxes aside, do you really think you will it have it much better in Thailand? a multi racial sess pit?... You think people in Thailand are better than that? You think Thailand is such a great place with no racism or xenophobia? You mention a police force undermined by politics, and politicians being liars - welcome to Thailand. Stay here for a few years and see if you can try to understand the way things are done here. Its <deleted> wherever you go, just cheaper or more expensive as you make it.

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