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I find the guys who claim to have had a different woman in Thailand every night, to be very lonely people. These guys largely have never been able to maintain a relationship, and/or have never had a true long term relationship, nor known the feeling of having someone who is a best friend, confidant, lover, and partner.

I like your posts fella but this I don't agree with, I don't take a girl every night but I'm single and employed in Thailand so I guess I fall into that category.

I had a relationship for 3 years with my one true love [insert overture, heavy string section] and she broke my heart constantly and to varying degrees over that time, she was my best friend, confidant and lover and also a headbutting phsyco killer, rabbit boiling, nail spitting, volcanic angered vodka red bull fuelled fully insane cracker.

I loved her lots, she called me rabies.

She was one of the reasons I escaped TUKOGBANI to join the Thailand Foreign Legion. I fondly remember the time she broke into my house, crept into my bedroom and cracked my sleeping head with a saucepan, also the time she spent a shopping trip naked save for a jaunty hat, raincoat and boots.

My very loose point is that whilst I do fit into your sad lonely loser profile I have definately done all the other stuff that I'm not supposed to have done, and have the bruises (she called them lovepunches - sniff)

Anyway, the main reason I posted is to raise my virtual cricket bat to the crowd and salute my own half century. :D

Carry on.

Hehe Fair enough dude, but I did not call anyone a loser, and I was referring to the guys I know and have interacted with, I said largely, I spose I should have been more specific, so I will try again :o

The guys I have met here in BKK over the last 5 years, who's main aim is to have a different woman every night, have largely been incapable of actually having a relationship due to one reason or another, the reason I say this, is due to what they have actually reitterated in our chats, and how they described their lives.

Hope that was more clear, it certainly is not supposed to be a GROSS generalisation, Oh and go lick your own <deleted> Rod :D:D

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QUOTE (quiggs @ Fri 2004-08-06, 19:28:01)

"might i add though, there are ALOT of stunning girls in the world but very few fit men"

Where is this exactly? I do not find this to be the case.

In my world


If this is the case....don't you think the speciaes has a problem?

Anyway...about 5% of women are "stunning" if that. About 45% think they are... :o


Do some of the wives log on to Thai Visa and know your Thai Visa ID? Savage writes like he's got his wife looking over his shoulder.

A few years ago a survey asked a sampling of women and men what they would do if they were the opposite sex for a day. Lots of silly replies, like women wanting to try riding a bycycle to see how it's possible, and men who would spend the day giving themselves a gyno exam.

The best was the No.1 thing that women wanted to do if they were a man for a day -- Get a BJ !


See...... The Selfish Gene and River Out of Eden

Fascinating reading !!

Richard Dawkins is brilliant, and everyone should read his books. The world would be a better place if everyone read them and understood them.

I recommend 'Unweaving the Rainbow' as well as his others. Carl Sagan is great to.

Yes I quite agree, Dawkins is really good reading! And everyone should try to read at least one Carl Sagan book in their life! :o

Since we're talking about scientific explainations of male and female sexual behavior, might I also add a recommendation of checking out Martin Daly and Margo Wilson's Book, "Sex, Evolution, and Behavior" ... Especially Chapter 6, which would perfectly answer Kitty's orginial questions..... " Sexual Selection: Mate Choice", and the subchapters, "Choosey Female, Indiscriminate Male" -_- , and "Female Choice: Making the Males Pay" :D

( Yes, it's true, males DO have to pay for sex with females, in one form or another..It's just with Bargirls the transaction is very honest , simple, and straightforward! :D ) .......It's Good Reading... In those two subchapters , they used the Black-Tipped Hangingfly and Scorpionflies as behavoral examples, but It perfectly applies to Human Sexual Behavor in general, especially Human Sexual behavor in Thailand.... :D


Behaves like a Black-Tipped Hanging fly , but usually with only one other (female) Black - Tipped Hanging fly for a period of time! :wub::D

Some men are butterflies to feed their ego, yes.

Some men are butterflies because they are not very confident and suddenly in Thailand they find they are.

Some men may even be butterflies cause they are scared of falling in love.

Some men are butterflies because they want a girlfriend but have not found the right one and can not settle with just anybody, especially a Thai girl who is likely to fall in love and expect marraige and kids.

These butterflies are lonely but not sad, they can spend time alone but like to wake up with a girl at least twice a month.

These butterflies respect women, and are only butterflies with girls who are butterflies too - these guys don't take advantage of good girls or break any hearts when they are playing the field.

These butterflies would rather not be, but if they were not they may have to sleep alone for another ten years before the right girl comes along.

I am one of these.

This describes me also!!! Abso-frickin-lutely.

Hey kitty and all you fembots....are you capable of understanding this nuanced description of a man? ARE YOU? Have you ever spent even 2 minutes trying to understand what a man IS?


You think we're either cavemen or metrosexual muppets.


I know you are wielding your tired feminist sword here Kitty....but it's been used too many times by women like yourself....the blade has been over-used and now it's blunt and ineffective.

Por lau!

... but because what I needed was the warmth of her body next to mine and the light of her innocent spirit washing over the burned-out blackness of my own to make it through the night. Strange as it may seem, working girls understand this need.

Thanks Rod, well-written and substantial.

My English is not so good, but I read in it that it is about 'affection' which is often mixed up with helpless sex.


I sure that it won't happen, but kitty, you should quit now, not while you're ahead (cos your not even close to being ahead) but where you now is as far as your gonna get get on this subject. The wheels have fallen off your bike and your argument

Man A, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"

Man B, "I'm not sure, What was her maiden name?


I think you have misread me :o

I was mearly asking for your views, as i stated when i opened this post.

And, i am greatful for your replies..

I certainly do not tar all men with the same brush, as i know many nice men who don't sleep around or hurt woman. I was asking views from those of you who do and why?curiosity... :D

By the way, this isn't a game to me and i'm not trying to "get ahead"...


as i know many nice men who don't sleep around or hurt woman.

Nah! Are you saying that men who sleep around with women are bad? I would like to sleep around with women if possible.(that is if no one gets hurt) :o

as i know many nice men who don't sleep around or hurt woman.

Give it up already kitty.....your attitude is a throwback from the '80s/'90s feminist era.

Stop judging for once in your life!

as i know many nice men who don't sleep around or hurt woman.

Give it up already kitty.....your attitude is a throwback from the '80s/'90s feminist era.

Stop judging for once in your life!

i love the attitude of some people in here :D

ridiculous! :o

I didnt mean all men who dont sleep about are nice and all those that do hurt people :D

And i do not have closed views at all, we are all different and i appreciate that, i asked a question thats all...

im not defending myself anymore, take me as you want, it seems u have a closed view on who i am!


Kitty, I learned when I came to Thailand that the saying "A woman has sex, so she can fall in love and a man falls in love so that he can have sex" was invented here. :o

Sorry but true!!

I didnt mean all men who dont sleep about are nice and all those that do hurt people :o

But surely when sleeping around with bar girls you are hurting someone. Do you think its good for them to have to sleep with different men every night for months, or years, on end? Do you not think these girls would like to be normal and to be loved? If they are lucky they might find love eventually, after a couple of hundred men. Can anyone seriously think that because they smile and chat they wouldn't rather be doing something else? They smile and chat because they are desperate enough to actually want to settle down with a whoremonger, and because they know nothing else.

Would it be ok if your daughters were doing the same thing as long as they appeared to be smiling? Your daughter being paid to sleep with countless fat, thin, average, tattooed, ugly, young, old, black, white men. No harm done.

Men like sex with beautiful young girls. The hookers are always going to be there as long as there is poverty. There’s always going to be exchange, but surely there must be a slight feeling of guilt and sadness for the unfortunate girls and their situation. Maybe that’s how people convince themselves that the girls like it, so that they don’t have to feel the guilt.


Each to his own. One way might work for some. But might not work for the others. I also had my own reasons for having some one-night stands. Now that I've been pretty stable for quite some time, I only sleep with the one I have feelings for, or at least I have a connection with. I would probably get hurt again (or I have already?) if the feelings were not mutual or things went wrong or he was just using me (Please note that I'm NOT having a go at men at all). But that would be the price I had to pay or the risk I'm willing to take. Now I have chosen lovemaking with the one I care for over a quick shag with anyone else. Yes, it got empty after a while.

And mouse's right. A lot of women use sex to buy love. I proudly admit that I was one of them. :o


Thanks to LC for being blunt about these facts of life.

Sorry to hear that lovemaking to your hubby got empty after a while, but that's also pretty standard I guess? Women using sex to get love - somehow I knew!!!!

/// dfw


Hehehe.. maybe I shouldn't have jumped in. I'm not married yet. But yeah, I think it's normal. Sleeping with the same old person for years tends to fall into a routine. There must be some ways to get the sparks back. :o


Of course! I'm in your school. Staying with your partner can be great if you want it to be and give it a go...it really should be great...

Sleeping with the same old person for years tends to fall into a routine. There must be some ways to get the sparks back

Yes sad isn’t it?

The lonelyless of forced companionship.

The pathetic fumblings between the sheets at night as the flame of passion slowly withers and dies…..

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