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British Visit Visa Interview

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Hi All,

I have read through the posts here and think I have it covered but any other advice is always welcome.

To summerize:

I have lived in Pattaya since Nov 06. I work here legally. My girlfriend and her daughter moved in with me in March 07.

We have known each other since Sept 05.

She has a job in a tour operator.

We have applied for a visit visa in November as I want to return to get a new Business Non Imm visa and want to introduce her to the family.

The application was submitted at the beginning of Sept and we have an interview scheduled for next week.

The comments on the form were "Evidence of cohab since Nov 06 and intervening devotion"

I am assuming from this that they want to see emails etc of our relationship since Sept 05.

Also, I don't think I made clear that she did not immediatley move in with me when I came here in Nov 06. She did visit and stayed regulalrly but did not "officially" move in until we got a house in March. How do I show evidence of this?

Any other tips or comments greatly appreciated.



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1.Discuss all the details with your gf before the interview.

You will be interviewed separately.

2.Be honest ,if you don't know ,you don't know,do not lie or prevaricate.

3.Mention that your gf works for a tour operator and you are sure that they will provide a reference.

4.Ideally,show some communication from your family looking forward to meeting your girlfriend in November,also mentioning where she will stay.

5.Provide what evidence you can to show you have lived together any letters showing her name,confirmation of move etc.If not again a letter from her employer showing her contact address.

If possible your gf's bank statement/passbook showing she receives income.

Good Luck ,you will be fine.

:o Wiley coyote

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In relation to evidence of co-habitation, submit what you do have: joint teanacy agreement/letters etc. However, if you have none, then your g/f can explain the reasons why this so; i.e. we live together, we have no need to either write or telephone each other. Additionally, as you have lived together for so long, the visa officer will expect your g/f to have a thorough knowledge of you and your family, so you should ensure that she's up to speed on family details etc.


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