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His Thai Wife Cleaned Him Out !


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I'm married only in Thailand and have NOT bought any house or car in my Thai wife’s name so she can't rip me off!

Even if you had bought a car and a house in your thai wife's name she cannot rip you off. At least not from the car and house because they are her's already.

Seems to me you don't really trust your wife.

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For four years, I was bled of cash and more painfully, feelings. After my wife admitted the scam, I was devastated. She had stolen four years of my life along with millions of baht

Begs, read the above quote. The wife bled him dry of his earnings. When a sex tourist buys a bar girl for the night, he buys the bar girl for the night. He doesn't expect to be financially abused for the rest of his life. You are confusing the completely different situtations of marriage and one night of pleasure. When a woman accepts her hand in marriage, she stops being a whore, and becomes a wife. If she does not, it is her fault. She must surely know this. You must surely know this.

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I think you'll find the actual situation is not quite as black and white as you appear to think.

Yes I agree. Rod, your examples are totally black and white. It's like there are only two types of farang/Thai marriages in your myopic view. I find this rather shallow thinking.

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When a woman accepts her hand in marriage, she stops being a whore, and becomes a wife. If she does not, it is her fault.  She must surely know this. You must surely know this.

why most of u allways assume that all farangs that get problems with thai wifes married bargirls/whores ?

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Farangs duped by Thai wives

Dear Sirs,

Has any individual or organization ever taken any action to protect farangs from being duped by Thai wives or girlfriends? I would have thought that this should be a high priority since I am very concerned that others might have been taken in as I was myself. I would think that there could be a support group with someone (an ex-patriot) having Thai and English fluent language skills and legal knowledge to advise gullible farangs. The group could even charge fees, creating a job for a competent person.

Personally, I was unaccustomed to being lied to face to face by someone who I loved dearly. For four years, I was bled of cash and more painfully, feelings. After my wife admitted the scam, I was devastated. She had stolen four years of my life along with millions of baht. I have tried to get some legal action, but I am advised by a good friend in Bangkok that I would be throwing good money after bad. The divorce laws in Thailand are biased toward the Thai wife, so the farang always loses. The Thai lawyers at the law firm which I contacted in Bangkok are incompetent and slow to act.

A support group could publicize the vulnerabilities of such unions and try to foster some support in the legal and law enforcement cooperation in bringing justice. They could also recommend detectives and attorneys who have proved their worth. As it is now, I feel that the Thai legal system and the Thai police adopt an attitude of ‘Farang against Thai’, rather than in any interest in the pursuit of justice.

Best regards,

Michael J. Bowens

I quote the post since I wonder how some of you guys are giving such kind of statement without knowing anything .....

I cannot read that this guy was old, fat, bold, went to Thai to abuse of a weak girl (poor girl), ....

I don't understand where the statement that she was a BAR GIRL comes from, ....

Really some of you are really silly person.

You assume that all Thai wifes are sluts, bar girls, you assume that all farangs are fat, old, bald, losers, ..... this is weird!!!

The guy was looking for an advice, you "pianted" him as a maniac loser who went to BKK to marry a prostitute .....

May be I lost some other old posts where Micheal wrote he married a prostitite, 30 years younger than him, he has big bally cauz he is 60 years old and bold cauz ...

In my opinion this guy married a Thai, a normal Thai girl (I know, most of you do not believe Thailand has no girls who are not prostitutes, since may be you only know Soy Cowboy or Nana, aven after 20 years in LOS), and got his dreams of a normal life destroyed.

This can happen indeed with any girl from any country, but before shitting on him in such a way, at least, you should have asked for more information.

Anyway this is a public forum, you are free to think that all Thai girls are sluts, that all farangs are maniacs with big bally and shinig skull and over 60 years old.


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When a woman accepts her hand in marriage, she stops being a whore, and becomes a wife. If she does not, it is her fault.  She must surely know this. You must surely know this.

why most of u allways assume that all farangs that get problems with thai wifes married bargirls/whores ?

If you quote out of context, you will find yourself asking such questions.

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Well said duke69.

The comments at the start of this thread made my blood boil. And jumping to the last page it seems like the assumptions are still being made. The guy gave no real details about himself but the likes of begs meom (?) immediately jumped in with ( their?) preconceived ideas and said it served him right and he shouldnt have exploited her etc etc :o

Where at this point did they have the infromation to make these statements. What is the age gap, what did she do work wise before they were married, where were they married, where did they live, what happened to the momeny. None of this information was there. Been married to bar girls and been ripped off and still bitter about it? Seems that way.

Begs et all, I salute you for your sympathy to your common man. And by the way, if you ever get knocked down by life, it must be your fault and I hope you expect no help or sympathy from anyone else on the board.

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Begs et all, I salute you for your sympathy to your common man. And by the way, if you ever get knocked down by life, it must be your fault and I hope you expect no help or sympathy from anyone else on the board.

Hahaha........... :D

Ok, i will try not to lose too much sleep over it. :o

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Every man that comes to Thailand, with the intention of exploiting another human beings financial vunerability for the purpose of Sexual activities, deserves to lose every Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen, Swiss Franc, Krona, that he loses, and then some more.


You must be a reborn Christian! Are you the guy that angrily reads the bible allover Bangkok? lol! :o:D:D

there is nothing wrong in having sex with different partners. i do this in my home country, I do this here. There IS something essentially wrong in stealing or cheating. Okay, one must be smart enough to find out his own set of tricks to figure out the other s cheats and lies etc, but the language and cultural barriage doesn t make it particularly easy on farangs.

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So many big, fat, old men, with young beautiful girls. What are they thinking? It makes me sick.

I am only 29 years young. I enjoy very much my TGF s. I also enjoy seeing an elder farang or Thai man walking proudly with the beautifull girl he met at the Go Go the day before.

I find this such a hypocrytical remark about -the elder man-. Where is your respect for the elder? You think you are not gonna grow old? You think you will be looking so athletic? Arrrggh. And more so: YOU think you won t be CRAVING for some beautifull young girl (18+ please). What makes you so sick? The idea you will be having these same ideas? Now, that hypocrisy makes me SICK!

Be honest to yourself, please. :o

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BEGS ,you bullshitter



  "  ITS ONGLY 700-800 000 BAHT" . This week you post,COST LESS THAN A WEEK WAGES .HEY BULLSHITTER THAT'S NOT 80000

The land was 82,000,

The house that is not built yet will cost 700 to 800,000.

Your understanding of the English Language is obviously as good as your written English. :o

begs, I wander if anyone is intrested in your wage, your land or your house. I am definetely not, I couldn t care less about it. I am intrested in sharing visions with others, not in showing off -virtually- on the net. Please stick to the topic or go for a beer in a bar or something, maaaaannn.

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So many big, fat, old men, with young beautiful girls. What are they thinking? It makes me sick.

I am only 29 years young. I enjoy very much my TGF s. I also enjoy seeing an elder farang or Thai man walking proudly with the beautifull girl he met at the Go Go the day before.

I find this such a hypocrytical remark about -the elder man-. Where is your respect for the elder? You think you are not gonna grow old? You think you will be looking so athletic? Arrrggh. And more so: YOU think you won t be CRAVING for some beautifull young girl (18+ please). What makes you so sick? The idea you will be having these same ideas? Now, that hypocrisy makes me SICK!

Be honest to yourself, please. :o

You enjoy seeing an elder farang or Thai man walking proudly with the beautifull girl he met at the Go Go the day before.

What exactly do you enjoy about it?

What has he to be proud of? The fact that he is rich enough and she is desperate enough to make the exchange? I fail to see anything to be proud of.

hypocritical - professing feelings or virtues one does not have

I actually do have those feelings. I do feel repulsed by the sight I described. I have no respect for the elderly simply because they are elderly. Being elderly is no to demand respect. Being elderly and having some outstanding quality’s or a good character will get my respect, as will being young with the same quality’s.

It’s not the ideal situation that any women should sell her body. Its bad enough to see them doing it with young men, but at least that’s a situation that is something close to natural i.e. young people getting together. The sight of an old, bald, beer bellied, badly dressed man with a young girl is completely unnatural. It’s a very sad sight.

I can't ever see myself being proud of acting out some of the sights I see wandering around Pattaya after dark. I understand every man has urges, but that doesn't make it right, and it’s certainly nothing to be proud of or brag about.

Being honest with myself is exactley why I say these things. If you are being honest when you say you enjoy seeing elderly men with girls picked up at go go bars the night before I can only say you are very strange and in my opinion are not the best type of person to benefit the image of the farang in Thailand.

Have you ever met any Thai people ouside the go go bar seen? They really don't hold the people you enjoy seeing in very high regard.

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Well said duke69.

The comments at the start of this thread made my blood boil. And jumping to the last page it seems like the assumptions are still being made. The guy gave no real details about himself but the likes of begs meom (?) immediately jumped in with ( their?) preconceived ideas and said it served him right and he shouldnt have exploited her etc etc :o

Where at this point did they have the infromation to make these statements. What is the age gap, what did she do work wise before they were married, where were they married, where did they live, what happened to the momeny. None of this information was there. Been married to bar girls and been ripped off and still bitter about it? Seems that way.

Begs et all, I salute you for your sympathy to your common man. And by the way, if you ever get knocked down by life, it must be your fault and I hope you expect no help or sympathy from anyone else on the board.

Don't take all expressions to literally. It's not really relevant whether the guy married a bargirl, straight girl or whatever kind of girl.

Only I don't agree that he blames her for being duped. Why should she be sole responsible for his ignorance or stupidity.

I have no relation to Begs btw.

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BEGS ,you bullshitter



  "   ITS ONGLY 700-800 000 BAHT" . This week you post,COST LESS THAN A WEEK WAGES .HEY BULLSHITTER THAT'S NOT 80000

The land was 82,000,

The house that is not built yet will cost 700 to 800,000.

Your understanding of the English Language is obviously as good as your written English. :o

begs, I wander if anyone is intrested in your wage, your land or your house. I am definetely not, I couldn t care less about it. I am intrested in sharing visions with others, not in showing off -virtually- on the net. Please stick to the topic or go for a beer in a bar or something, maaaaannn.

Hey Speedy...........

Someone else bought that into this thread, ok. Seems like you are easily confused.


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I can't ever see myself being proud of acting out some of the sights I see wandering around Pattaya after dark.

Why are you out after dark in Pattaya?

You should be at home in your carpet slippers sipping a cup of cocoa. :o

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I think the trick is to educate oneself so one is aware of the potential problems, knows the red flags to keep an eye out for, and does not subsequently become a victim.

Tricks...Education..Red Flags...............Just dont try to exploit another persons vunerabilities, cos when you do that, how can you then complain about being exploited by your own victim?

Personally i like to see the girls do well, i never ever have sympathy for the guys. If anyone has ever been poor, they will understand that.

I think I got it worked out.

You're a fat falang tart who hates falang men who come to los and enjoy their lives. Yeah, I knew it.

Only a fat feminist falang slapper could ooze poison like you do.

Either that or somewhere down the line a falang stole your girlie. Hahaha.

I think the first one though. :o

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I think the trick is to educate oneself so one is aware of the potential problems, knows the red flags to keep an eye out for, and does not subsequently become a victim.

Tricks...Education..Red Flags...............Just dont try to exploit another persons vunerabilities, cos when you do that, how can you then complain about being exploited by your own victim?

Personally i like to see the girls do well, i never ever have sympathy for the guys. If anyone has ever been poor, they will understand that.

I think I got it worked out.

You're a fat falang tart who hates falang men who come to los and enjoy their lives. Yeah, I knew it.

Only a fat feminist falang slapper could ooze poison like you do.

Either that or somewhere down the line a falang stole your girlie. Hahaha.

I think the first one though. :D

If what you don't know can't hurt you, you're practically invincible. :o

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I can't ever see myself being proud of acting out some of the sights I see wandering around Pattaya after dark.

Why are you out after dark in Pattaya?

You should be at home in your carpet slippers sipping a cup of cocoa. :o

I went to try to find a bingo hall and some where to get my flat cap cleaned.

Flat cap that is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Farangs duped by Thai wives

Dear Sirs,

Has any individual or organization ever taken any action to protect farangs from being duped by Thai wives or girlfriends? I would have thought that this should be a high priority since I am very concerned that others might have been taken in as I was myself. I would think that there could be a support group with someone (an ex-patriot) having Thai and English fluent language skills and legal knowledge to advise gullible farangs. The group could even charge fees, creating a job for a competent person.

Personally, I was unaccustomed to being lied to face to face by someone who I loved dearly. For four years, I was bled of cash and more painfully, feelings. After my wife admitted the scam, I was devastated. She had stolen four years of my life along with millions of baht. I have tried to get some legal action, but I am advised by a good friend in Bangkok that I would be throwing good money after bad. The divorce laws in Thailand are biased toward the Thai wife, so the farang always loses. The Thai lawyers at the law firm which I contacted in Bangkok are incompetent and slow to act.

A support group could publicize the vulnerabilities of such unions and try to foster some support in the legal and law enforcement cooperation in bringing justice. They could also recommend detectives and attorneys who have proved their worth. As it is now, I feel that the Thai legal system and the Thai police adopt an attitude of ‘Farang against Thai’, rather than in any interest in the pursuit of justice.

Best regards,

Michael J. Bowens

Long, long ago the stories has been around the world.

If you are born yesterday, than I won't blame you for not hearing the story.

If you are stupid enough to think you will find a "Pretty Woman" than you deserve to lose your money and you will lose more until you learn the lesson.

I am not sorry for you, I am sorry for the Thai-lady, she took such a long time to duped you and walk out.

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