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His Thai Wife Cleaned Him Out !


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I am not sorry for you, I am sorry for the Thai-lady, she took such a long time to duped you and walk out.

So, what does he do, go thru life never trusting anyone as you seem to do??

Get a life!

It will probably happen to you sometime if you live here but we will never know. Will we?

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Maybe I am Jaded Cynic

Been married before,seen good mates get shafted in the falang world.

Its easy


separate bank accts

Property in trusts etc.

Even more so when you come to a strange country,marry a woman you have prob only known weeks....and yes who is 20 years younger than you

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Even more so when you come to a strange country,marry a woman you have prob only known weeks....and yes who is 20 years younger than you

Silly isn't it.

Best thing for those that are scared of losing a few baht is.......

Don't get married. Why do people have to get married anyway?

If you stay in your own country would you or could you be with a girl 30 years younger than you? No ?

Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart can, why is that? Yes folks, money. Yes if you guys are rich enough to have a prenup, go ahead, but i still cant see how a Thai girl will get you into court in the first place. Certainly not in Thailand.

She can only take what you willingly give her, if you are scared to lose something, do not give it away in the first place.

Problem a lot of inexperienced guys have in Thailand, is giving too much too soon, people that do this will have problems wherever they go, not only in Thailand.

Like they meet a girl, 5 days later they are promising to look after her and her family forever. You have to look at it from her point of view, 15 years later you can still go and get anyone you want, she on the other hand will face different circumstances further down the road the older she gets.

Wear her shoes for a while, try to look at things from the female point of view. Or just be a moaning miserable old git with no friends for the rest of your life. :o

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? I'm not that shallow.. but as some people haven't got a clue there are straight girls out of those bars..

As I have always said, there are good and bad people everywhere. Seems like some will never get it. :D

Are you one of them???? just a question, no offence intended :o

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She can only take what you willingly give her, if you are scared to lose something, do not give it away in the first place.

Problem a lot of inexperienced guys have in Thailand, is giving too much too soon, people that do this will have problems wherever they go, not only in Thailand.

Begs made some good points here.....

You cannot expect from Thai people, your own wife included, that they know, how to handle money...money what is given to them, money they need not to work for it.

Western foreign men, coming to Thailand or generally to Asia, without any planning in advance and any consequence in their thinking, are running often out of money...

As Western man, entering Asia, YOU YOURSELF are responsible for a stable financial situation. And for your information, Thailand is not soooooooo cheap - you spend money there...

If your girl is 30 years younger than you and the relatives are from a poor farming area, you have to be very careful not to run out of money.


I agree with Begs, who is asking, WHY are you getting married at all in such a situation? and why so quickly?

Or, this is my opinion, check out also other women in Thailand, find somebody, who is not so young, not so beautiful and sexy, has her own business and money, had and has her own problems and disappointments already and is aware of it and knows how to handle money.

Not all single Thai women are poor and for long-term relationship they might be a much better choice..... It will take a while to meet such ladies however, as you cannot take them out of a night-club paying a bar-fine.

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If you don't mind - I'll expose myself a little. :o

I am married to a girl much younger than me. When we are out together we often get strange looks, especially from farang couples on holiday in Pattaya. this isn't so bad when we have our seven-year-old daughter with us.

I try to live on what I earn, month-by-month. Do not dig into capital. (Which is kept offshore).

I hope that my wife and family will stay with me for the years of my retirement, which will start in a few years from now, until I die. But this is not certain. (The staying with me. The death is guaranteed).

If my wife finds that I am too old, or my monthly pension is too little, and she trots off to find greener pastures, then that is up to her.

The fact that she will have her own house, plus other assets that I have freely given her (although sometimes there has been a modicum of reluctance) is completely by-the-way. It is money spent. I no longer have it. Goodbye, money. There is more around the corner because I have planned things that way.

So don't cry into your beer if she moves away. Don't shout 'Foul'. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.

My wife has her own business, by the way. I have run my own businesses, but now work for salary. When I retire I will probably start up a business in Thailand to keep myself occupied. But that will be registered in partnership with my wife, and if she walks away, then that too will be her's to dispose of as she wishes. it will all be current-account stuff, not digging in to capital.

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I have to say I do enjoy Begs' posts - he may be outspoken but at least he says what he thinks. Despite all his huffing and puffing he has a good heart.

And Up2U - your honesty is applaudable but didn't I read somewhere that you own or used to own a girly bar??? You should be defending bargirls more stridently if this is the case (if not I apologise).

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I agree with Begs.

Fact is in the west you would have spent 4 years with an older ugly woman (probably got sex once a month) then she would have left and taken everything, not only that the courts would have told you to support her for the next 10 years as well.

Glass is haff full.. you been nobbing a girl 20 years younger than you for the past 4 years.. now thats something to be proud of.

Go get a job and do it again in 10 years time and you will be my hero.

Live life don't regret it, enjoy the journey we all know the desitation.

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Even more so when you come to a strange country,marry a woman you have prob only known weeks....and yes who is 20 years younger than you

Silly isn't it.

Best thing for those that are scared of losing a few baht is.......

Don't get married. Why do people have to get married anyway?

If you stay in your own country would you or could you be with a girl 30 years younger than you? No ?

Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart can, why is that? Yes folks, money. Yes if you guys are rich enough to have a prenup, go ahead, but i still cant see how a Thai girl will get you into court in the first place. Certainly not in Thailand.

She can only take what you willingly give her, if you are scared to lose something, do not give it away in the first place.

Problem a lot of inexperienced guys have in Thailand, is giving too much too soon, people that do this will have problems wherever they go, not only in Thailand.

Like they meet a girl, 5 days later they are promising to look after her and her family forever. You have to look at it from her point of view, 15 years later you can still go and get anyone you want, she on the other hand will face different circumstances further down the road the older she gets.

Wear her shoes for a while, try to look at things from the female point of view. Or just be a moaning miserable old git with no friends for the rest of your life. :D

That was a very good, well written, non biased factual post there Begs.

Did you get yer leg over last night... :o:D:D:D

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