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Briton Says Thai Woman Dumps Him After Getting His Bt17 Million

Jai Dee

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Some Thai girls are bad Mr Toad. And this is why I will never buy property through a TGF or wife. Rent, rent, rent, it's the safest way these days. Too much money from the old dudes turning girls into monsters for whom money is their god.

The scary thing is if you confront these types of girls (before fcking them or anything) they often admit their scamming ways and proudly boast of how much cash they've scammed this month and last month etc etc.

Their mentality really is 'If this farang guy is stupid, I'm gonna take him for all his worth.' Even some farangs are in on this kind of scam.

In Issan this mentality is even stronger due to the poverty that exists there.

Go on, flame away apologists, however this kind of thing has happened far to often for it to be mere coincidence.

hel_l, when I was the forces we were warned about 'falling-in' with the local prostitutes.

Why doesn't the foreign office do a similar warning, like 'Don't invest in property through a prostitute name!' It really is quite obvious!

A reasonable person wouldn't drive to Liverpool and pick up a smack-head hooker and then invest 250k sterling in her name.

Yet in LOS: Meet a Bar Girl (slightly higher on the Jezabel hierarchy admittedly), fall in love, hopefully make an honest woman of her by marrying her - Suprising

Yet in LOS: Invest all life-savings in property that under thai law you have a cat in hells chance of owning AND it's in an ex BG's name - Incredible!

But I think as time wears on and more people become aware of this kind of thing the 'house in hookers name' scam will hopefully fade away.

Heres to hoping... :o

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Steve happens to be a friend of mine and he's been totally screwed by his ex. He had built a beautiful house, basically a large freeform pool with the house built around it. In the back were ponds with islands with various orchids and tropical plants. His ex's family has now moved in and basically turned it into a cesspit. The one thing that has always pissed me off about the attitudes here is that people who come to Thailand should never trust their wives. Where I grew up, it was a given that you trusted your wife 100%. I've been married 3 times, once to a Korean for ten years who due to military commitments divorced amicably and I still miss. My second wife was Thai whom I married to ensure a job and who preceded to relieve me of 15 million Baht. Really stupid!!

My present wife of 12 years is also Thai and we have two great sons and I would be totally lost without her. I trust her and her family 100%. I had nothing when we married, but have now kicked it up to about 150,000 a month. Sorry about all the rambling, but Steve and I grew up in the same kind of environment where you trusted people. It is an extreme shock when you come to a place where most people are not honest.

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Some Thai girls are bad Mr Toad. And this is why I will never buy property through a TGF or wife. Rent, rent, rent, it's the safest way these days. Too much money from the old dudes turning girls into monsters for whom money is their god.

The scary thing is if you confront these types of girls (before fcking them or anything) they often admit their scamming ways and proudly boast of how much cash they've scammed this month and last month etc etc.

Their mentality really is 'If this farang guy is stupid, I'm gonna take him for all his worth.' Even some farangs are in on this kind of scam.

In Issan this mentality is even stronger due to the poverty that exists there.

Go on, flame away apologists, however this kind of thing has happened far to often for it to be mere coincidence.

hel_l, when I was the forces we were warned about 'falling-in' with the local prostitutes.

Why doesn't the foreign office do a similar warning, like 'Don't invest in property through a prostitute name!' It really is quite obvious!

A reasonable person wouldn't drive to Liverpool and pick up a smack-head hooker and then invest 250k sterling in her name.

Yet in LOS: Meet a Bar Girl (slightly higher on the Jezabel hierarchy admittedly), fall in love, hopefully make an honest woman of her by marrying her - Suprising

Yet in LOS: Invest all life-savings in property that under thai law you have a cat in hells chance of owning AND it's in an ex BG's name - Incredible!

But I think as time wears on and more people become aware of this kind of thing the 'house in hookers name' scam will hopefully fade away.

Heres to hoping... :o

The Dude has read this forum for a long time and read Jimmy's posts quite a few times as well. What The Dude has noticed is that Jimmy is never ever wrong and this time is no exception. Can dig reality with a shovel

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"It is an extreme shock when you come to a place where most people are not honest."

So birth on Earth is extremely shocking, is it?

I wouldn't know, as my memory doesn't go that far back.

The fact is, as "We are all sinners" reminds us, that none of us is entirely honest, and we and those who acquaint with us must 'read' the 'spin' that we and they put on our and their agendas.

Since this is a skill that we acquire in our formative years, and only appertains to the culture in which we were brought up, it does not surprise me that a lot of people who have entered into cross-cultural marriages find that they have 'misread' their partner.

I am more surprised, and pleased, that a proportion of cross-cultural partners do successfully bridge their culture gap.

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I wonder how much sin sod he paid? Where's all the forum braggarts who think this is the proper way (handing over your assets, no questions asked) to treat a fine, deserving Thai wife/GF?

Good question because there are a whole lot of those

This story has no connection to sin sot. This sucker just forked over 17 million baht to his wife/gf in one blow. Sin sot might be 100,000 Baht, and more often than not you get more than that back. In my case we ended up receiving about 20.3 x that back. Guess that makes me one of the braggarts--ha, ha, ha!

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Same thing happens the world over, not only Thailand.

hope i do not upset anyone on this forum, but this is my opinion, a lot to do with this is age differance, can you tell me a thai woman in her 20s, is in love with a man 40 + years older, she is seeing baht signs and a meal ticket. can you blame her.

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what would you expect from a woman met in pattaya?

Well I don't know...but you could probably expect a LOT more of a genuine nature (e.g. female human being) than some greedy superficial little bi+ch from Chula University? Or at least more than her scheming bi+ch mother?

What do you think? Big hair and Benz's rock??

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Some Thai girls are bad Mr Toad. And this is why I will never buy property through a TGF or wife.

If you can't trust someone this much you have no business marrying them.

Yes I agree. But there is a valid point in here somewhere - and a moral to the story too (also goes some way to hold up my theory that rich people are not necessarily intelligent - esp in UK and other class-based societies like Thailand and Japan - if they inherited their money - don't know if this guy inherited - so sorry in advance if offence caused).

I mean really, how long do you have to think about the fact that you CANNOT own property in your name in Thailand as a foreigner? If your wife "buys" the property, you must "accompany" her to the Land Office to "sign" a document that says it was "her" money that bought it - and that you have "no claim" to it??

NOW WHY WOULD THEY MAKE YOU DO THAT IF YOU ARE MARRIED? AFTER ALL - You cannot own the property that is for sure. But if you divorce, why can't you force a sale and split of the proceedings like anywhere else in the world?? The answer? Because the govt are actually HELPING the pattaya bar girl screw the foreigners out of their money - and keeping alive a false foreign property market. Is there any other realistic answer? To make this as clear as possible, I'm saying why make the foreigner SIGN AWAY ANY RIGHTS TO ASSETS IN A FUTURE DIVORCE? I'm not saying the farang should get the property, but why doesn't it become a 50/50 communal marriage asset????

It is a conspiratorial 'mug's game' to help releive foreigners of their savings - and the law is complicit in this. There can be no other explanation - unless someone has one?

Edited by thaigene2
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Some Thai girls are bad Mr Toad.

Thanks Jim you have summed up what I should have made more clear. Every country has it's rotten apples. :o

As others have mentioned, he was old enough to know better or should have been, and we also don't know both sides of the story.

In the end, there have been many people who have lost money through marraige, not just in Thailand and it has nothing to do with upbringing or nationality. I sometimes disagree with cdnvic :D , but he makes a good point, why marry someone you don't trust? Makes a mockery of the whole thing. All my assets are in my name and very secure, but that has nothing to do with me not trusting mrstoad, rather from a previous experience.

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Some Thai girls are bad Mr Toad.

Thanks Jim you have summed up what I should have made more clear. Every country has it's rotten apples. :o

As others have mentioned, he was old enough to know better or should have been, and we also don't know both sides of the story.

In the end, there have been many people who have lost money through marraige, not just in Thailand and it has nothing to do with upbringing or nationality. I sometimes disagree with cdnvic :D , but he makes a good point, why marry someone you don't trust? Makes a mockery of the whole thing. All my assets are in my name and very secure, but that has nothing to do with me not trusting mrstoad, rather from a previous experience.

Mrtoad,you are on exactly the same page as I am on this subject. I cannot believe that someone would marry someone that they did not totally trust. There is no question that I would trust my wife with my life but due to my experience in a previous divorce and the fact that the only two things that are guaranteed to be forever are herpes and taxes, I also keep all my assets in my name and very secure. One nice thing about reading some of the TV forum topics is that it is always a constant reminder that a fool and his money are soon parted. :D

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'thaigene2' said, in post #42,:

"It is a conspiratorial 'mug's game' to help releive foreigners of their savings - and the law is complicit in this. There can be no other explanation - unless someone has one?".

I think the explanation is more likely to be that 'the powers that be' in Thailand are well aware of the dangers of a big influx of foreign men from richer countries seeing Thailand as an attractive place to come to live in, at the same time as many Thai women see a foreign husband as being a way to escape poverty.

They will see how letting in a relatively small number of Chinese around three generations ago, to do the commercial work that it didn't suit Thais to do, has given them a problem.

Foreigners with enough 'get up and go' to get up and come here are likely to be too 'pushy' if given the chance. So it makes sense for there to be rules that prevent them from getting the chance.

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Why dont hey just have a bin at the airport on the way in that says " leave all your money here and save your self some time "

They could put it next to the bin that says "Leave your brains here."

Sorry to say I was right but many claim I am a troll.

Wake up before all loose everything they have.

What poor souls I pray for themevery Sunday in Church.

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I wonder how much sin sod he paid? Where's all the forum braggarts who think this is the proper way (handing over your assets, no questions asked) to treat a fine, deserving Thai wife/GF?

The braggarts are now sick and thinking of the mess they are in. Maybe they are to drunk to answer

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Foreigners should be warned that if they buy a house for a Thai citizen then they have no power of ownership.

Sure girls would find ways around that one though...


Why Liverpool, plenty of smack head hookers in other cities.

Edited by makescents
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To The Dude, Thanks. :o

To makescents, I chose Liverpool cause it's the closest City that has major dugs problems (even more so than Manchester).

Be cool man. :D

DAS, is there any chance you could keep the forum updated on this one; like if this poor dude's situation improves or declines. Main reason being it may reinforce the dangers for folk out here and if at least one reader can learn and stop this happening to him some consolation may come of this.

Too many times we hear of these stories and some of the blinkered TV members refuse to accept this goes on. Coming from you will have more grain of a truth to it.

Still, if you don't want to out of privacy we'll understand. :D

Edited by JimsKnight
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Many of you assume that the woman is a prostitute. Many of you assume she is very young. None of this information was stated in the article presented by Jai Dee.

I must assume therefore, that all the women in Pattaya are all young Thai prostitutes. Although I have been there, and personally I don't believe this to be true.

The famous quote " A fool and his money will soon part" is for sure many more times true than not.

My questions are; If a man has a good amount of money, should he hoard it, someplace far away,so that he, and no one else can get any enjoyment out of it? Should he rent a dump, where he can look into his neighbors toilet and get a good whiff each time he farts? Should he buy a 2nd hand motorcycle,so that when the first drunk that runs into him, paralyzes him for the rest of his life? Should he marry a women, so that he doesn't have to sit alone in his dump, and so they can enjoy the vision of that cold hard cash sitting securely in some vault, far, far away? I assume that in MANY( notice not all) of your opinions, you believe this to be a smart and ideal type of man.

I do however agree that many a Farangs have been seriously been ripped off by Thais, and in many cases by women. That one should be very careful of whom they marry. But myself, as well as many of you, have been married before. No one really enters a marriage planning on a divorce, although the thick and thin part should be understood. In the case of this man, sympathy would be in order, not criticism,due to being a hard core jilted miser, happy at seeing some else's misfortune, which therefore may cause them to join their lot.

Thailand does have laws, and although selectively enforced,with a big discrimination factor towards Farangs, they can nevertheless be pushed to be enforced. After all this man didn't bring this kind of money in his wallet and the womans past tax records can also be checked. He doesn't have to rely solely on a Thai lawyer, there are international ones too. He should be able to at least recoup half the investment on the house( according to Thai law) and the taking of the cash can easily be viewed as theft. It will be a big court battle, but not all will be lost. I hope this forum stays on top of it, but I doubt it since it sheds a negative view on Thailand, and is therefore not desirable.

I wonder what the answer is for the many forum members. Be a Cheap Charlie or try and do good, for the ones you love. Either way, with many of you guys, one can never make the right decision. I hope this man will come out OK, I hope he doesn't give up and fade away. I hope this doesn't happen to me or you, even IF SOME of you are <deleted>.( you notice I said some ).

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many if not most of the guys dissing the guy are in a similar situation - of getting their money siphoned off (ok, not so blatantly) by an entrancing Thai woman and her family. Just for fun, sit down and tally the amounts of money you've doled out over the years for your Thai wives/gf's/families and see about how much has gone. You can say, "perhaps so, but the woman is still sleeping with me and doing the things that a gf/wife is expected to do around the house."

....ok, fair enough, and maybe it's been worth the past and on-going investment.

As for the guy in the lead article who got majorly duped. Good thing he doesn't think like a Thai - otherwise the woman would likely get snuffed out and/or he'd go with a sledgehammer and destroy the property.

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what would you expect from a woman met in pattaya?

Well I don't know...but you could probably expect a LOT more of a genuine nature (e.g. female human being) than some greedy superficial little bi+ch from Chula University? Or at least more than her scheming bi+ch mother?

What do you think? Big hair and Benz's rock??

You beat me to it.

And yet another thread degenerates into a p1ssing contest about any girl who has ever even been to Pattaya.

NO one (apart from the individuals involved) have any idea about the truth behind this story............ and yet the "Thailand Temperance Society" (TiTS for short) are all standing on their soapboxes screaming blue murder about thieving Pattaya whores and dick driven falangs getting their cummupence !

I wish some of you people would get a life.

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My exwife used to steel my money, even though I bought her cars, a lavish lifestyle, etc. and when it was all over she got the house worth Bt24,000,000. There was no fuss about it on internet forums tho - but this was in the UK and we were both English so I suppose it was OK.

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Just for fun, sit down and tally the amounts of money you've doled out over the years for your Thai wives/gf's/families and see about how much has gone.

The balance is still that they have forked out more for us (me) than I for them. But yes, I do acknowledge that it isn't the norm.

Someone mentioned that the guy might have been a lousy husband. Sure, but even back home you could atleast end up with SOME money (or in this case, almost all, since he brought it in) if you diverce especially after a short time.

Him losing it all and not having any legal protection (or anyone that cares to inform him of hem) is unfortunate.

So a rule would be..never fork over more than 50%?

In either way, the rule should be: don't marry so fast and don't fork over all your money to someone that you haven't known for long.

The last sentence is what most farangs miss.

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The golden rule for me here is once again NEVER EVER MARRY A THAI under any circumstances.

Philippinas make better wives. :o

You are doing it again, generalising,.this is a difficult battle to win here though as the likes of me with a good ( non bg ) thai wife will defend them ,but then the guys that have maried bgs will do the same. ( although blinkered at times ),the bottom line is not nationality but selection,some people couldnt pick a cake in a bakery,.and at the chance of being flamed ill say it again, if you marry a bg your chances of being milked to death are very likely,.
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The golden rule for me here is once again NEVER EVER MARRY A THAI under any circumstances.

Philippinas make better wives. :D

Speak for yourself!!!! :o

Dont bite brit,.people that have these opinions have a reason ( normally not stated ) for making these comments,.as ive said in my post if they cant find a decent woman in thailand they wont find one anywhere, not because there isnt any its because they have no selection skills ,.
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My exwife used to steel my money, even though I bought her cars, a lavish lifestyle, etc. and when it was all over she got the house worth Bt24,000,000. There was no fuss about it on internet forums tho - but this was in the UK and we were both English so I suppose it was OK.

Thanks for the post you saved me the time writing almost the same ....when in the UK I spent some time on a support group for those being wrongly or unfairly screwed by the system and some of the cases were real horror stories , equal to any you hear in Thailand but with the support and respectability of the system and law ..so thats okay !!!!!....

Marriage the extraction of a mans wallet via his testicals ....Robin Williams quote I think ...or my favourite quote unknown origin but I think Rod Steward ? ...my new hobby is going out and finding women I do not like and buying them a house and a car , cut out all the middle men and save money and heart ache . Or lucky in love ,unlucky in the courts seems to ring a bell that one is mine .

There but for the grace of God go I ...it is frequently just a matter of time the move from love to hate is a very small move they are powerful emotions and exist as close nieghbours .

But having said all that, silly bugger he realy got stung and my heart goes out to him ...no money just my heart .

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