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Does Having A Maid Encourage Laziness?


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I wouldn't call washing dishes a valuable life lesson

Seems to me that mundane though it might be, clearing up the mess after you've eaten is just about the most fundamental of acts we have to perform. Not suggesting as adults it's something we need to do, but for children it's all about taking responsibilty. You make a mess - you clear it up. If children can apply that ethos to everything else, they have indeed learnt something valuable.

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My mother owned a cleaning business back in the US, and I did a little part-time work there once upon a time. And it does feel good knowing that, once a week, someone's gonna clean my house for a few hours while her husband rakes my leaves and cuts my grass. I don't think it's making me lazy. It just gives me more time to do other things, like sleep. No, wait, that didn't come out right...

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I wouldn't say having a maid makes you more lazy, but it does make you less tired. No one wants to be out all day and the just as the sun is going down try to figure out what food to put on the table, then after dinner clean house.

I would say that having maids can make your chidren more lazy IF YOU let that happen.

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I wouldn't call washing dishes a valuable life lesson

Seems to me that mundane though it might be, clearing up the mess after you've eaten is just about the most fundamental of acts we have to perform. Not suggesting as adults it's something we need to do, but for children it's all about taking responsibilty. You make a mess - you clear it up. If children can apply that ethos to everything else, they have indeed learnt something valuable.

They don't make the mess though, unless they are cooking.

Cleaning up toys that they themselves have gotten out, yes I'd probably be more inclined to agree.

I had to clean dishes up as a kid, and I HATED it, one of the reasons I don't do it now - so obviously the lesson failed for me. I still don't think cleaning dished will ever be high on my priority list of things I want to teach my children, so many more important things to learn and childhood should also be fun.

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Not sure how one "encourages" laziness. I had a maid who came once a week just to clean my bathroom and tidy up a bit. My apartment was pretty close to being clean all the time so she didn't have much to do anyway. I also had someone in the neighborhood who did my laundry once a week.

So, did I suddenly or over time become lazy? No, not at all. These wonderful people just did some tasks I preferred not to. Nothing more complicated than that.

No more does transportation make one lazy because you could have walked instead of driving, BTS, subway, taxi, etc. than having a maid does.

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weird, i must be really backwards: in the states i grew up with a maid once a week doing the two story house, vacuuming etc... but we as kids had to clean up our rooms before she came (girls, clean your rooms louise is comeing today), as she only did stuff my mother hated: bathroom vacuum, dusting and floors... we did all the rest.

on kibbutz we ussed to not be allowed to have maids (bourgeois thing) unless u were infirm or elderly; laundry the kibbutz does, it also cooks our meals if u eat in the dining room-- we eat at home and i hand wash all the pots pans table ware. laundry is split between anon's and ours (kibbutz).

now many people here have maids (filipinas and africans from various countries), but they are not live in... i cant imagine having someone come in my house and clean up and touch my stuff... and what am i missing??? i'm not betty crocker house proud as we have our two dogs in the house, its a very lived in house. anon and i do the garden and the three chickens (lots of cleaning since we are a residential area so no chicken shit allowed to accumulate), we wash floors, i dust (lots of dust as windows are open with desert winds and sand and grit), and we both shout at the kids to get their stuff off the table, out of the salon floor, off the sofa, out of the bathroom, etc ...

i work hard and so does he. we dont have much free time but frankly i wouldnt know what to do with lots of free time... my hobby is my work(the petting zoo)...

we both cook from scratch (bread and cake is my thing, thai food is his)... frankly we have no money for a maid and we have no money to do anything with in our free time either :o)...

the house definitely doesnt look like home journal photos thats for sure, but we wont die of hepatitis or something either from moldy dishes or food.

oh, and i dont iron anything. ever. and i darn our clothes. really.


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Would'nt make me lazy, I'd be too busy cleaning and tidying up before she came and too busy re-doing everything that was not up to my standards. But I'm retired here anyway, need something to do to pass the time, plus never ever had domestic help of any kind back home, and in my opinion anyway, why have kids and not enjoy them by having a nanny? I worked and brought up my 2 daughters, a lot of that time as a single parent after divorce, and, my thoughts again, would do it all again without any nanny, maids etc no matter how much money I had. But that's me, and both my daughters too, now they have jobs and children.

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