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Need A Plant Recommendation


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I had this under plants but didn't get any replies so I hope it is OK for me to move this to the general forum for better exposure:

I am looking for a bush or tree that would be suitable for use in creating a privacy hedge surrounding an outdoor shower. Ideally it would form a wall dense enough so that people outside cannot see someone taking a shower. It would have to grow rather rapidly and to about 5-6 feet high and fill in nicely. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what might work best, and if you have Thai names for the plants or plants that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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I had this under plants but didn't get any replies so I hope it is OK for me to move this to the general forum for better exposure:

I am looking for a bush or tree that would be suitable for use in creating a privacy hedge surrounding an outdoor shower. Ideally it would form a wall dense enough so that people outside cannot see someone taking a shower. It would have to grow rather rapidly and to about 5-6 feet high and fill in nicely. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what might work best, and if you have Thai names for the plants or plants that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

In A Word - Hibiscus

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I had this under plants but didn't get any replies so I hope it is OK for me to move this to the general forum for better exposure:

I am looking for a bush or tree that would be suitable for use in creating a privacy hedge surrounding an outdoor shower. Ideally it would form a wall dense enough so that people outside cannot see someone taking a shower. It would have to grow rather rapidly and to about 5-6 feet high and fill in nicely. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what might work best, and if you have Thai names for the plants or plants that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

In A Word - Hibiscus

Thanks! My English Thai dictionary shows it as ต้นชะบา, which I would write at Ton Chaba. Can anyone confirm if that is correct or not, or does it go by another name here?

Edited by qualtrough
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I started a thread some time back asking for help in stopping my golden - who then a puppy- from digging up and sometimes eating my plants and bushes.

I had a great multitude of answers, but to be honest I didn't really try any of them to any great extent, and now she has grown up, she has more less stopped this habit.

The main advice was to train her not to do it, but of course you have to catch her doing it for any training to work, and as she always dug them up when we were sleeping, it wasn't really possible. Many's the time I would come down in the morning and find an array of plants and bushes all dug up and neatly arranged on my terrace for inspection. :o

The one bit of advice that I did take on board - to some extent - was to fence off the flower beds so that the dog can't get to them. Well I never quite did that but I did put large peices of cardboard round newly planted beds for a few nights, until they had settled in and matured - as my dog invariable went after the newly planted stuff, not old plants. So you could try that - fence off temporarily, especially when you're not around,until the dogs have got used to the new additions to their yard.

There was one suggestion to spray the plants with WD40 which seemed to work, but I had too many to do it on a regular basis.

Good luck

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Think you are posting to the wrong thread mobi! He's asking about a privacy fence for his shower :o

Fern leaf aralia (Polyscias fruticosa) , also called Panax is a good hedge plant. Grows easily and large cuttings can be taken and stuck into the soil and will root easily. - THAI : เล็บครุฑ Lep khrut (Central Thailand), เล็บครุฑฝอย. The leaves are edible.


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I started a thread some time back asking for help in stopping my golden - who then a puppy- from digging up and sometimes eating my plants and bushes.

I had a great multitude of answers, but to be honest I didn't really try any of them to any great extent, and now she has grown up, she has more less stopped this habit.

The main advice was to train her not to do it, but of course you have to catch her doing it for any training to work, and as she always dug them up when we were sleeping, it wasn't really possible. Many's the time I would come down in the morning and find an array of plants and bushes all dug up and neatly arranged on my terrace for inspection. :D

The one bit of advice that I did take on board - to some extent - was to fence off the flower beds so that the dog can't get to them. Well I never quite did that but I did put large peices of cardboard round newly planted beds for a few nights, until they had settled in and matured - as my dog invariable went after the newly planted stuff, not old plants. So you could try that - fence off temporarily, especially when you're not around,until the dogs have got used to the new additions to their yard.

There was one suggestion to spray the plants with WD40 which seemed to work, but I had too many to do it on a regular basis.

Good luck

Nice post, but i think it is a little off topic. :o

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<br />I had this under plants but didn't get any replies so I hope it is OK for me to move this to the general forum for better exposure:<br /><br />I am looking for a bush or tree that would be suitable for use in creating a privacy hedge surrounding an outdoor shower. Ideally it would form a wall dense enough so that people outside cannot see someone taking a shower. It would have to grow rather rapidly and to about 5-6 feet high and fill in nicely. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what might work best, and if you have Thai names for the plants or plants that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

How about nice purple colour Bougainvillea glabra Sanderiana when in flower not sure how fast it will grow there but could be trained into any shape, dont fall into it whilst showering mind.

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Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to offer advice. I visited a nearby seller of plants and found a bush/tree that I think fits the bill. It is the plant often used here to create topiaries. In Thai it is referred to as some kind of Chinese tea plant, although I was told it cannot be used for that purpose. It is a very dense bush with small round leaves, and will climb trellises and form around wires, etc. Doesn't look like it sheds much either. It would be perfect for what I want as it is so dense that you cannot see through it and there are no gaps, etc. I think I will create a wire enclosure around the shower area and place the plants around the base. Once they grow up I can trim the walls. If that works out I will post a pic at some point.

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There are various kinds of the tea bushes , the very thorny one grows slower and the leaves are smaller. I am not sure how they go for density when you give them height.

How about Ixora (I think thats the right name) (Dok Kem). The ones with the largest leaves grow quickly, bugs don't seem to like them and they are really dense.

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