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Would You Feel Less Secure With Westernised Thai?

The Gentleman Scamp

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Try working out what a Bostonian is trying to say, you call that English?!

Funny thing though, they're mostly friendly people? Everytime I find myself in an MA bar (happens every 3-4 months or so) I get involved in friendly conversations (I will agree that their baaassstown dialect is testing though).

/// dfw

Yes they are friendly, cannot deny that, its sorta like the Thai gogo girl and the farang, you just sit there nodding your head smiling! :o Oh ok they are not that bad HAHAHA, I do have some good Bostonian friends!

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I am all for equal rights, but nowadays many farang women are like men with tits and vaginas, getting pissed, watching football etc...  It's just not ladylike and it's not their fault either - it's OUR society that we created that has made them like that and they don't know any different.

I am not a chauvenist pig by a long shot, but am I wrong to say that men LIKE to take care of their ladies - men WANT to be the provider - it's NATURAL - look at any species. The avarage Thai girl is the one for me - best of both worlds.

Not a maid or a servant but also not a 'ladette'.

Today I saw a Thai girl with a T-Shirt that said - BEHIND EVERY SUCESSFUL WOMAN IS HERSELF.  Very true, fair play, I agree... But how long will it be before I see a Thai girl wearing a T-Shirt that says BITCH or A WOMAN NEEDS A MAN LIKE A FISH NEEDS A BICYCLE, cause that is where it goes to far and that is what has belittled men in the west over the past decade.

I agree.... just take a walk down the high street in any UK town at 2200hrs on a Saturday night.... girls plastered, drinking out of pint glasses, pissing down alley ways, swearing at the tops of their voices....

Now it's up to them how they want behave and present themselves... I'm all for it, but where have all the ladies gone ? you know the sweet lady that blushes when you pay them a compliment or is to shy too make first contact or wouldn't dream of swearing, I find this more attractive than the pint swigging lager louts that women have become in the UK !

In the west it seems that romance is dead and marraige is dying - not the case here, I'd like it to stay that way, Kao chai mai?
I also would like it to stay that way... but ultimately it will be the Thai people who decide how their society evolves.... and I fear the western way will prevail :D
Canadians speak better English

Get oot... they speak scottish.... !! :D:o

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Try working out what a Bostonian is trying to say, you call that English?!

Funny thing though, they're mostly friendly people? Everytime I find myself in an MA bar (happens every 3-4 months or so) I get involved in friendly conversations (I will agree that their baaassstown dialect is testing though).

/// dfw

The "Bahstin" ( Boston or New England ) Accent is actually the oldest English accent in America - There is a reason why it is called "New England"! That's what happens when you take the original British accent and let it evolve and stew by itself for 400 and so years?

But I would honestly totally freak out if a Thai woman came up to me and asked in a New England accent to "Paahk yah Caahh in mah Haaavaaad Yaaahhd!" :o:D

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Why would anyone want to go to a Hard Rock Cafe here or anywhere?

Could some one please explain the appeal of such a place? Was Planet Hollywood closed for remolding? This I cant understand? And then you are bashing American accents.. Look where you are....!

Seriously to each his own. Im not personally attacking you- I just would like to know what is cool about such a corporate homogenized place. ( Ohh wait its probably just a copy.) :o

Flame on..

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Narachon, I'm guessing you've had a very limited exposure to English accents - there ain't just one...

Yeah, you're absolutely right..Ironically, the first time I ever actually really talked to people from England was when I first came to Thailand - I never met many, if any British folks here in New York, I guess they must all be hiding somewhere in a secret pub on the Upper East Side drinking warm beer and watching Soccer ( Your "Football" )..... :D

Yeah, I know There are many English Accents.. Like that "Cockney" British English that they speak in those Charles Dickens Books and in "Mary Poppins".... And then you have the "Buckingham Palace" English that they speak on "Masterpiece Theater", and in those drab English period movies..... I know there are more....

But then again, you have to forgive me, most of what I knew about the English Accents is what I'd seen by mostly watching Monty Python, Benny Hill, Mary Poppins, and Doctor Who! :D

Trying to get my g/f to say a native "alright 'der luv", but she's struggling - thank fck :D

Woh Owt, Guv'na! Supercalifrajalisticexpialidocious! :D:o

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Why would anyone want to go to a Hard Rock Cafe here or anywhere?

Could some one please explain the appeal of such a place?

I've been a regular for years. So, let me try.

First time I went there was my first date with my Viking (his first time there as well). We liked the music. We liked the staff and their service. After we broke up, I still went there regularly. I liked one of those female singers a lot. She was a great singer and we have become friends. I've been friends with a barman who insisted on buying me a drink each time I went there at some point. He knows how I like him to mix my Tequila Sunrise. Turn up, smile at him, nod, and here is my drink.

After all these years, I can say, I still like the music, their mashed potato, staff and their friendliness, Tequila (great stuff baby), etc. There is nowhere else that makes me feel comfortable enough to say "P1ss off" to some sorry faces that were harassing me. :o

I don't think it's a big deal if someone happens to like such place. Just like some of you guys love to go to girlie bars knowing you are taking a risk to be ripped off but you keep going back anyway. Same same baby :D

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Well they have mashed potatoes ..now I can see why! :o

But I moved away from America to get away from those kind of corporate homogenized places. Not that I ever went to them. I couldn't understand why someone would stand in line for a tee-shirt?

I feel in love with Thailand cause it's different.

Starbucks- Mc D's STAY AWAY!

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I've said a lot and you picked mashed potato. Love it too, don't you? :o

Well, like I said, each to his own. You find our stuff different from yours. Don't you think we also find your stuff different from ours? Simple. What's the big deal about it? When I was in Farangland, I also tried my best to skip Thai food and everything. What's the big deal? I shall just wait and see if you are open-minded enough to debate this cr@p with.

Actually I guess we are thinking alike. But it's OK for you to think that way, but it's not OK for me to do so too? Oh... well... Okey dokey...

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I can't help feeling that these 'contaminated' Thai's had been so seduced by western pop culture that they had lost all concept of what it was to be Thai.

I just need to find one who will listen to all my crap. :o

These "Contaminated" Thais were in bangkok? Scamp the world is changing right? I'm sure somewhere in thailand you will have the one that you can tell your troubles to. You will be her provider, Maybe you should look outside of bangkok? :D Just a suggestion

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If the feminazi's spread their propaganda to SE Asia successfully, us men will need to look to the stars.

Oh Gawd... No.. this is not happening.. You know.. You're not supposed to say that word. It might get our old friend all worked up again. :o

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If the feminazi's spread their propaganda to SE Asia successfully, us men will need to look to the stars.


My favorite topic!

You should not look up to the stars...

Fight them, and treat them all as outsiders and enemies, because this is it what they are.

No need to worry, still most women in Asia are still Asian women in their daily life and in all their feelings, and not something, what I call Euro-Trash-girls or US-power-ladies.....

This is my first posting from Tokyo, back from my summer vacation in Thailand.

LovelyCutie Posted on Fri 2004-08-13, 19:12:46

Oh Gawd... No.. this is not happening.. You know.. You're not supposed to say that word. It might get our old friend all worked up again.

My cold- hearted and weird computer-soul is feeling strongly, you are talking about me.....

Too late, LovelyCutie, too late......

No way for radical feminists in SE Asia......

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For me there is nothing better than being able to communicate properly with my date / girlfriend ... for others this is not so important whether it is only physical attraction or not I do not know??

To have a Thai woman totally understand English and with Western views would be wonderful!

I like women who are independent, strong individuals ..... Should I really be looking to retire to LOS next year?


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Have to say I know a few here in sydney

A Thai beauty with an Aussie accent is pretty offputting to me anyway.

That said its very much a minority....mainly grown up daughters who have gone to school most of their lives here.

Most Thais I know even the ones who have been here 10 years as has my lady prefer to speak Thai and pretty much still ive in the Thai World.

My Ladies Daughter who is 20 is like this ,very attractive,but has caught the Aussie twang.

She pretty much socialises with 80% thai friends so still probably speaks more thai than english.

I think this is a problem,I keep saying to her that she and her friends should try to speak more english when together as it defeats a lot of the purpose of them coming here to study.

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For me there is nothing better than being able to communicate properly with my date / girlfriend ... for others this is not so important whether it is only physical attraction or not I do not know??

To have a Thai woman totally understand English and with Western views would be wonderful!

I like women who are independent, strong individuals ..... Should I really be looking to retire to LOS next year?


To retire in Thailand makes a lot of sense....many reasons to do so.....

To look for a Thai woman, who totally understands English, with Western views, independent, strong individual......

Why a Thai woman? Why not somebody from Europe or from the USA?

Not all couples retiring in Thailand are foreign husband/Thai wife.......

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