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THere is a dog that lives outside my apartment block, me and my gf call him yellow dog, but as many other dogs he has mange and is in a really bad state. we have taken a kind of liking to him cos we are soft and pathetic.

Is there anything i can do to help this dog, i know its only one but its heartbreaking watching him. can a vet come and treat him and fix him up? if so how can i get this done?

THere is a dog that lives outside my apartment block, me and my gf call him yellow dog, but as many other dogs he has mange and is in a really bad state. we have taken a kind of liking to him cos we are soft and pathetic.

Is there anything i can do to help this dog, i know its only one but its heartbreaking watching him. can a vet come and treat him and fix him up? if so how can i get this done?

Contact with a vet who lives nearby. He/she will give an injection of ivermection every week.


Good on you for wanting to help him, this week I've taken a dog from kanchanaburi to the Soi Dog Rescue centre in Bang Na so that she can be spayed and treated for various ailments. They were more than happy to help as they knew she would be coming in for a short time and then going back to a community where she is fed by locals - even if that didn't stretch to medical attention. I'm off to get Doris on Wednesday, I'm happy I could help her and stop her endless litters of pups, everyone thought I was nuts (when I was trying to find her on Kanchanaburi tourist street, calling'Doris!' I did wonder myself), but with just a little effort you can help and it does make a difference.


there are deworming pills easier to apply than injections and pills and creams against flees/ticks. In the local supermarket in the pets section should be some sprays and powders against flees - they are not as effective and long lasting as from the vet but cheap, some 50 - 60 baht for many doses.

cutting his hair from time to time and washing might be what dog owners do

Good on you for wanting to help him, this week I've taken a dog from kanchanaburi to the Soi Dog Rescue centre in Bang Na so that she can be spayed and treated for various ailments. They were more than happy to help as they knew she would be coming in for a short time and then going back to a community where she is fed by locals - even if that didn't stretch to medical attention. I'm off to get Doris on Wednesday, I'm happy I could help her and stop her endless litters of pups, everyone thought I was nuts (when I was trying to find her on Kanchanaburi tourist street, calling'Doris!' I did wonder myself), but with just a little effort you can help and it does make a difference.

how much did that cost mate, and any ideas about waht to do about getting a dog there, this dog is in a bit of a state. moves slowly and doesnt respond alot but does go around looking for food from people. im not sure if hes old of just tired of life.

id really like to help him, its so sad, dont know why it upsets me so much i think its cos animals cant help themselves.


There's a thread on the pet forum with lots of info about mange treatment:


As demodectic mange is immune related it is very possible it had a chance to multiply so much, due to underlying causes such as malnutrition and maybe tick disease. Therefore, it is advisable to have a full blood test, liver kidney test done and have him checked for ricketsia (a blood born parasite brought over by ticks) and heartworm through a SNAP test.

Furthermore, he should recieve a high quality diet, and supporting vitamin/mineral pills till he gets better.

It is not advisable to neuter him nor vaccinate him while his immune system is down.



THere is a dog that lives outside my apartment block, me and my gf call him yellow dog, but as many other dogs he has mange and is in a really bad state. we have taken a kind of liking to him cos we are soft and pathetic.

Is there anything i can do to help this dog, i know its only one but its heartbreaking watching him. can a vet come and treat him and fix him up? if so how can i get this done?

That's very nice of you. It's sad, but there are a lot of dog like that around.

Dogs in American must be the luckiest.


[That's very nice of you. It's sad, but there are a lot of dog like that around.

Dogs in American must be the luckiest.

I think you may be correct because all my friends here in the US tell me that when they die, they would like to be reincarnated as my dog so they could live a life of luxury like he does !

My hat is off to mart29 for his caring feelings and willingness to help out a dog in distress. From a personal viewpoint, seeing the sad conditions of so many of the dogs living on the soi's is one of the most pathetic sights in Thailand. The problem is so vast it is hard to know where to start and it is even sadder that it appears from what I know that nothing much is being done to solve the problem and the soi dogs just continue to breed and live and die in misery. Kudo's to all of you who are living over there and are taking some of your time to help alleviate some of the suffering seen on the streets. :o

THere is a dog that lives outside my apartment block, me and my gf call him yellow dog, but as many other dogs he has mange and is in a really bad state. we have taken a kind of liking to him cos we are soft and pathetic.

Is there anything i can do to help this dog, i know its only one but its heartbreaking watching him. can a vet come and treat him and fix him up? if so how can i get this done?

Contact with a vet who lives nearby. He/she will give an injection of ivermection every week.

Pentobarbital would also fix the problem, but with the convenience of only having a one-time, single injection.

I think you may be correct because all my friends here in the US tell me that when they die, they would like to be reincarnated as my dog so they could live a life of luxury like he does !

Yep those Americans know how to treat animals :o


I think you may be correct because all my friends here in the US tell me that when they die, they would like to be reincarnated as my dog so they could live a life of luxury like he does !

Yep those Americans know how to treat animals :o

Please re-read the post by jetjock before making broad generalizations based on a few well-publicized cases in the US.


Another thread dedicated to generalizations and bashing of the Thai people.

Do you guys get off on this?

Seems you suffer from similar attitudes when it comes to other nationalities tho, doesn't it?


I just find it amusing when non buddhists talk about buddhist beliefs in such an off hand fashion. I have never heard anyone say they would like to be reincarnated as a dog.

I just find it amusing when non buddhists talk about buddhist beliefs in such an off hand fashion. I have never heard anyone say they would like to be reincarnated as a dog.

Reincarnation is not just a buddist belief. What makes u think the idea is exlusive to buddists?

ok, can we please keep on topic, any links to vets in bangkok or help centres would be appreciated.

There is an entire thread in the Pets forum devoted to Vets in Thailand here

I think you may be correct because all my friends here in the US tell me that when they die, they would like to be reincarnated as my dog so they could live a life of luxury like he does !

Yep those Americans know how to treat animals :o

Please re-read the post by jetjock before making broad generalizations based on a few well-publicized cases in the US.


Another thread dedicated to generalizations and bashing of the Thai people.

Do you guys get off on this?

Seems you suffer from similar attitudes when it comes to other nationalities tho, doesn't it?

A highly successful honor graduate from the Sriracha John School of Quoting From A Member's Posting History.

extremely well done...

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