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Hi there, im in the process of preparing a visitor visa for my Thai g/f. I am just wondering if its ok for me to fill out the forms and then send for her to sign and hand in in BKK or does she have to fill out the form herself? Also how hard would it be for her brother to come to uk with her to visit me, i dont know her brother well but her parents would feel safer if he was with her(they are very old traditional style family, not used to internet!) or would this jepardise her chances if they refuse him a visa? if everything goes fine and we marry back in Thailand..can we apply for settlement visa without her resigning from work(she is teacher and works for goverment) or does she have to tell her employer she will be applying for visa to leave TL, or is it ok to do this after visa is(hopefully) granted? Many thanks in advance

I am just wondering if its ok for me to fill out the forms and then send for her to sign and hand in in BKK or does she have to fill out the form herself?

See also Q: Can somebody else apply for a visa for me?

A: Yes, at a UK visa office overseas, but you must sign the application form personally to show that the information given is true and accurate. Giving false or misleading information, or failing to give important relevant information on an entry clearance form, or to an entry clearance officer, can be reason for an application to be refused.

You can fill the out form but she must sign it to confirm that all the information on it is true and accurate.

Also how hard would it be for her brother to come to uk with her to visit me

He would have to satisfy the Requirements for a visitor under the Rules. See also Visitors (INF 2) and Sponsors (INF 3) and Social Visit Document Checklist.

would this jepardise her chances if they refuse him a visa?

She can apply first.

if everything goes fine and we marry back in Thailand..can we apply for settlement visa without her resigning from work(she is teacher and works for goverment) or does she have to tell her employer she will be applying for visa to leave TL, or is it ok to do this after visa is(hopefully) granted? Many thanks in advance

See also Husbands, wives and partners (INF 4) and 13.5 - Spouses/civil partners and how they qualify and Settlement - Spouse Document Checklist and Rob's Guide To UK Settlement Application Preparation.

It should be okay for her to resign after the visa is granted. However, she would have to give any required notice of resignation to her employers. She would have to plan her arrival date in the UK very carefully as the visa's "effective" and "expiry" dates will be important later on when applying for ILR (indefinite leave to remain) on form SET(M). Her two year probationary period will start when she arrives in the UK (see 4.3). She should apply for ILR not more than 4 weeks prior to her 2nd anniversary's arrival date and before her Spouse visa's expires.

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