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When Is A Forum Not A Forum?

Basil B

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When is a forum not a forum?

It is a sad day when the freedom of free speech is prevented by legalized censorship, but alas it looks like some of Pattaya's lowest of the low have won the day.

Most of you will know what (who) I am talking about, sorry for those who do not but we cannot mention them by name or identify any of their projects because as I understand there is a "litigious gagging order" against TV.

There has been heated debate here in the "Pattaya" section of the TV forum where members have used this forum to air grievances and worn others of scams, etc, where they or others have lost 100,000's of Baht's, now it seems you can no longer do this on this forum.


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I participate on several boards, and what is written on Google groups and Yahoo forums are a LOT worse than here. So how come nobody sues them?

How can you be held reliable for something anonymous users post in a open forum?

That’s gotta be a new one.

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Surely if all the facts are right - and fully documented - then a satisfactory defence can be mounted which would release any board from liability.

But otherwise libel laws can be brought into play and that may close down the whole web-site.

basil is I suggest taking a snipe at someone who posts here, now he hasnt actually made a statement but a sideways snipe.

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