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Extension On Single Entry Cat. O Possible? 30 Days? 60?

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Hi everyone.

I happily went to Penang 3 months back and got my single entry O visa using my marriage certificate (plus house reg., bank statements, etc.). I was told I needed this first before getting the multiple (which my friend got since he'd had the single entry previously). I must admit, I hadn't since then been paying attention to any rule changes so reading the forums today I've had a bit of shock. Everything was so straightforward 3 months ago!

First of all, I was under the illusion, it seems, that a single entry O can be extended at immigration in Bangkok? Did I really just imagine this in a dream or something? If so, my visa's up on the 24th so I'll need to make plans for a trip to Penang right away.

Secondly, will I even be able to get the multiple entry in Penang now? I'm guessing if not then another single wouldn't the worst thing in the world.

Thirdly, the people extending their multiple entry O's have told horror stories of ridiculous documents, photos etc. being asked for. These people were asking for year extensions correct? So does this mean I really did imagine the short visa extensions on Cat. O visas? I'd previously been thinking I'd be going back to Penang for the multiple this time and at the worst doing border runs every 3 months, but possibly extending each 90 days for a further month or 2 in Bangkok, meaning trips out of the country every 4 or 5 months. Is this all just wishful thinking on my part??? lol

Basically, I have a single entry cat. O visa, nearly 90 days in. What's my next step? I have all the documents I needed 3 months ago to get this visa - marriage cert., house reg., bank statements (thai bank, her account, 50k-70k per month, just cash deposits), passport and ID card copies. Is the multi entry thing still on for me?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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I was calling immigration all this morning with no luck. I'm thinking I'll have to go down there tomorrow and just ask them all this. Will the answers make any sense whatsoever? lol

For now I just need to know whether I should be bringing up airasia.com and looking for a flight no later than the 24th and readying all my documents.

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There is no short extending for non immigrant visas but there is a one time provision for those married to get a 60 day extension of stay under 7.23

I read your post as you can not obtain proof of 40k monthly income (tax payments or otherwise) to obtain one year extensions of stay?

Penang is indeed providing multi entry visas again so that should be an option now.

7.23 In case of entering for

visiting a Thai wife /

husband or child.

The permission shall be

granted only one time with

the granted period not

exceeding 60 days.

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There is no short extending for non immigrant visas but there is a one time provision for those married to get a 60 day extension of stay under 7.23

I read your post as you can not obtain proof of 40k monthly income (tax payments or otherwise) to obtain one year extensions of stay?

Penang is indeed providing multi entry visas again so that should be an option now.

7.23 In case of entering for

visiting a Thai wife /

husband or child.

The permission shall be

granted only one time with

the granted period not

exceeding 60 days.

Thank you so much lopburi13. So, it's a one time only thing and by no means a formality? Sounds like I certainly shouldn't book my flight for December on the assumption I'll get the extension. So... if I were go down there tomorrow I could find out whether I might be able to get the extension there and then, so that I could then know whether to book my flight for before the 24th or in December. I might need to give a reason why? Time to purchase a flight owing to misunderstanding visa restrictions?

Yes, I can't show tax payments for my income. I just withdraw from my account from the ATM and put it in my wife's Thai account - money in and out, all via ATM or deposit/withdrawal slips. It was enough for the single entry so I'm hoping things are the same in Penang as they were 3 months ago when my friend successfully got the multiple in an identical fashion.

Ok, so no 1 year extension for me, so basically whatever happens I'll be leaving the country every 3 months. Worst case scenario, a full visas run every 3 months. Best case, just border runs. Is this correct?

I'm not panicking quite so much now! lol

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Correct. Penang does not seem to have a fixed amount in bank requirement for multi issue. Singapore seems to require 400k in a bank account.

So Penang still seems the least strict where the financial requirements are concerned. How about my 60 day extension - am I going to need a good reason or can I use just expect that 1 time provision to be granted without question?

The perfect scenario would be getting the 60 days extra, an early December trip to Penang, a successful application for the multiple entry O and border runs only every 3 months for 15 months.

~crosses fingers~

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Those that have reported using the 60 day provision have not reported that is was especially hard. I would apply with the wife as relationship must be proven to be real.

1. Application form

2. Copy of applicant’s passport

3. Copy of census registration

4. Copy of the Thai national’s ID Card

5. Copy of marriage certificate or birth


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Those that have reported using the 60 day provision have not reported that is was especially hard.

Ok, that's comforting to know. Thank you for the info. I'll go tomorrow and try to get it straight away then. I won't use all of the 60 days anyway. Just need to get it to be able to book my flight in December with some peace of mind. Thanks again for the help.

Why did I ask this on Yahoo! answers before trying here? lol

1 year multiple and every 3 months flying to Penang airport in the morning, sitting and reading a good book and returning on the evening flight is fine by me. Should save around 300 GBP a year compared to before. I'd rather stay in the airport than spend any time in Penang itself. I'll only really have to go there once every 15 months! :o

p.s. census reg. is house registration book copies?

Edited by fauxie
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Actually, if your wife can travel with you, Penang is a pleasant change of pace and pedicab rides around the city of Georgetown in the early evening are really quite nice. Much like Bangkok of 40 years ago before the cars/roads took out all the mature trees.

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Actually, if your wife can travel with you, Penang is a pleasant change of pace and pedicab rides around the city of Georgetown in the early evening are really quite nice. Much like Bangkok of 40 years ago before the cars/roads took out all the mature trees.

Yeah, Penang's not so bad, but I've been a good 10-15 times for 2 months tourist visas, multi entry tourist visas, non-imm B and now non-imm o so to be brutally honest I'm fed up with the place. I used to try to make a holiday of it but now I'd rather spend as little as possible there. I always feel so glad to get back to Thailand! The range and quality of food is good there though. I just hate walking around with all the cars, bikes, bicycles and often complete lack of pavements/sidewalks. Komtar reminds me of shopping in Gloucester, lol - all horribly dated concrete blocks, very old-fashioned, cracked floors, dark and dingy and shops full of tat, and makes me miss my dear Central Pinklao. Is the new shopping centre in Penang finished yet, do you know?

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I would expect so.


Wife won't be going, but I'll just throw some stuff in my folder like photos, letters, cards etc. like I used to get the visa for her to the UK. I'm sure the guys in Penang will tell me it's not necessary but I'll take it just in case. Best to be prepared. Throw in her passport having the visa for the UK trip and my departure on the very same date and it's pretty clear, I imagine. Surely the marriage cert. is enough though. I mean, do they have to consider the quality of the marriage?? 'We're married. We have the document required, and you, sir, now have an obligation.'

Of course I won't say that, lol. I have never spoken to an immigration officer in Penang and I doubt I ever will. I just hope this all doesn't go belly up. I've gotten quite used to the place.

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And while I'm thinking about it, are the 'visa service' companies strictly a legal way of submitting a visa application? If not, do you think that practice could be clamped down on? I've never been to immigration in Penang and, rather embarrassingly, don't even know where it is. It's all very convenient but I'm wondering whether it's wise. I've always been under the impression that I had more of a chance of getting the visa through a service like those offered in Penang. Is there any truth in this? Surely the same day Friday visas are a product of a 'relationship' there? I find those too open to the potential to miss a flight home though, so usually keep it safe and simple.

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Immigration does not have officers in Penang - they only work in Thailand. In Penang you meet Consular officials. And I do not believe they will even consider a non immigrant O visa without both marriage certificate and ID card copy these days. That the marriage is not a sham is very important.

It is legal to use the visa service companies - they only act as messenger service and help to advise on rules. Same day service may be available for an overtime change directly or using an agent but can not be counted on. In fact there are periods when all applicants have had to personally appear at the Consulate without prior warning.

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Actually, if your wife can travel with you, Penang is a pleasant change of pace and pedicab rides around the city of Georgetown in the early evening are really quite nice. Much like Bangkok of 40 years ago before the cars/roads took out all the mature trees.

Yeah, Penang's not so bad, but I've been a good 10-15 times for 2 months tourist visas, multi entry tourist visas, non-imm B and now non-imm o so to be brutally honest I'm fed up with the place. I used to try to make a holiday of it but now I'd rather spend as little as possible there. I always feel so glad to get back to Thailand! The range and quality of food is good there though. I just hate walking around with all the cars, bikes, bicycles and often complete lack of pavements/sidewalks. Komtar reminds me of shopping in Gloucester, lol - all horribly dated concrete blocks, very old-fashioned, cracked floors, dark and dingy and shops full of tat, and makes me miss my dear Central Pinklao. Is the new shopping centre in Penang finished yet, do you know?

There is a relatively new big shopping mall open on the way from the airport before the bridge to the mainland, called Queensbay Mall.

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Immigration does not have officers in Penang - they only work in Thailand. In Penang you meet Consular officials. And I do not believe they will even consider a non immigrant O visa without both marriage certificate and ID card copy these days. That the marriage is not a sham is very important.

It is legal to use the visa service companies - they only act as messenger service and help to advise on rules. Same day service may be available for an overtime change directly or using an agent but can not be counted on. In fact there are periods when all applicants have had to personally appear at the Consulate without prior warning.

Ok, thanks for the info.

That the marriage/relationship is not a sham is important when applying for a visa for your Thai wife or husband when going to the UK, but then it's made clear that you should have supporting evidence and you're told what this might entail. It's not directly asked for in Thailand for the O visa, so there's a difference there. I will of course have the marriage cert. and copies, plus copies of her ID card, and all the other docs, but what else is necessary to show the marriage is not a sham? There's a human element in there that I find disturbing and meddling. I think the official required docs should be enough, end of story. Alas, I know that's just not how it always works.

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Actually, if your wife can travel with you, Penang is a pleasant change of pace and pedicab rides around the city of Georgetown in the early evening are really quite nice. Much like Bangkok of 40 years ago before the cars/roads took out all the mature trees.

Yeah, Penang's not so bad, but I've been a good 10-15 times for 2 months tourist visas, multi entry tourist visas, non-imm B and now non-imm o so to be brutally honest I'm fed up with the place. I used to try to make a holiday of it but now I'd rather spend as little as possible there. I always feel so glad to get back to Thailand! The range and quality of food is good there though. I just hate walking around with all the cars, bikes, bicycles and often complete lack of pavements/sidewalks. Komtar reminds me of shopping in Gloucester, lol - all horribly dated concrete blocks, very old-fashioned, cracked floors, dark and dingy and shops full of tat, and makes me miss my dear Central Pinklao. Is the new shopping centre in Penang finished yet, do you know?

There is a relatively new big shopping mall open on the way from the airport before the bridge to the mainland, called Queensbay Mall.

Ah yes, that's the one. It's open already? Last trip I don't think I looked to see if it was done. It could have been many months since I saw it going up. Maybe I'll check it out this trip. Thanks.

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Proof that might be asked for, in addition to marriage certificate/copy and copy of ID card signed and dated are a copy of home register, letter from spouse providing information about them and why they wish you to be issued a visa, copy of spouse passport and perhaps the kitchen sink to be sure.

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Proof that might be asked for, in addition to marriage certificate/copy and copy of ID card signed and dated are a copy of home register, letter from spouse providing information about them and why they wish you to be issued a visa, copy of spouse passport and perhaps the kitchen sink to be sure.


ok, home registration, spouse passport no worries - that's what I planned to take.

Letter from spouse and kitchen sink - those I'll need to get to work on! Can I just bring the mini stove? :o

for tomorrow's 60 day extension I'll have the app. form, my passport and copies, her passport and copies, the house reg. and copies, copies of her ID card and marriage cert. and copies - that should do it. Any idea what the cost is for the 60 day provision? 1,900 baht?

I'm certainly not as uptight as I was before I started the thread. I didn't want to have to make a visa run towards the end of October. My family are over start of November for the marriage blessing. I've enough stress as it is! It'll be good to put the visa run off until December. :D

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All extensions are 1,900 baht. You can download the TM.7 form from pinned items at top of page if you have Word - print back-to-back on one page and attach 4x6 photo (current within six months).

Cheers! And bank book statement copies for the 60 days ext. tomorrow?

Wow, you guys are so helpful here!

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Do not believe any bank statements will be required but still think the wife might be.

Ah, well she'll be coming tomorrow to immigration, but probably not to Penang.

This whole visa business is stressing me out. If I can get this done and book my flight for December I'll be free to be excited about my family coming over for our wedding ceremony in just over 3 weeks. :o

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to see how 'one-time provisional' that 60 day extension is. No questions were asked last time around, it was just routine. Perhaps it's not so strict as one time only? I'm going to contact them to find out. I'll have to do this so as to avoid trouble, but in truth I honestly think if I just went and asked for it they'd give it again. Wishful thinking? They'd do well to even find that extension in my passport, lol.

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Spoke to them and was told that on my single entry cat. O visa I could have asked for more than 60 days and could have had up to a year. This is news to me. No multiple entry O needed to apply for the extension apparently. I was told I could have gone for it that day I went for the 'one time provision'.

Very interesting.

Anybody reported being successful getting the 1 year extension while on a single entry cat. O visa? I was told I don't need to worry about leaving the country again, that I'm married just the same (be it single or multi entry) and just to get myself down to Suan Phluu with such and such documents and have an interview. I was told I could get minimum 60 days and maximum 1 year.

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Spoke to them and was told that on my single entry cat. O visa I could have asked for more than 60 days and could have had up to a year. This is news to me. No multiple entry O needed to apply for the extension apparently. I was told I could have gone for it that day I went for the 'one time provision'.

Very interesting.

Anybody reported being successful getting the 1 year extension while on a single entry cat. O visa? I was told I don't need to worry about leaving the country again, that I'm married just the same (be it single or multi entry) and just to get myself down to Suan Phluu with such and such documents and have an interview. I was told I could get minimum 60 days and maximum 1 year.

Yes . No problem if you have 40,000 Baht family monthly income.

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Spoke to them and was told that on my single entry cat. O visa I could have asked for more than 60 days and could have had up to a year. This is news to me. No multiple entry O needed to apply for the extension apparently. I was told I could have gone for it that day I went for the 'one time provision'.

Very interesting.

Anybody reported being successful getting the 1 year extension while on a single entry cat. O visa? I was told I don't need to worry about leaving the country again, that I'm married just the same (be it single or multi entry) and just to get myself down to Suan Phluu with such and such documents and have an interview. I was told I could get minimum 60 days and maximum 1 year.

Yes . No problem if you have 40,000 Baht family monthly income.

Straight from the single O to the 1 year extension? But what's this about minimum 60 days and maximum 1 year? I thought the extension was always a year but then was told otherwise on the phone. It almost sounds too good to be true that I might be able to get it now rather than have to leave the country and try to get the multiple O first.

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1. If you meet the 40k income requirements (which you did not previously) you can start with a visa exempt entry (if more than 21 days remaining) to obtain the one year extension of stay.

2. If you have the proof of income visit immigration with wife and normal documentation to apply for a one year extension of stay.

3. If you do not yet have proof of income do so to obtain the 60 day extension of stay I mentioned in post #3.

4. There has never been any requirement to obtain a multi entry visa - in fact it is a wast of money for most people. Your problem before was you did not have the 40k income proof requirement so required visa entry (and if this was to be a long term situation you would have wanted a multi entry). With proof of income you can extend your stay at immigration office.

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1. If you meet the 40k income requirements (which you did not previously) you can start with a visa exempt entry (if more than 21 days remaining) to obtain the one year extension of stay.

2. If you have the proof of income visit immigration with wife and normal documentation to apply for a one year extension of stay.

3. If you do not yet have proof of income do so to obtain the 60 day extension of stay I mentioned in post #3.

4. There has never been any requirement to obtain a multi entry visa - in fact it is a wast of money for most people. Your problem before was you did not have the 40k income proof requirement so required visa entry (and if this was to be a long term situation you would have wanted a multi entry). With proof of income you can extend your stay at immigration office.

Succinct as ever, lopburi3, thank you. I did get the 60 day one time provision last time. At that time, as when I got my single entry cat. O visa in Penang, my wife's bank book showed more than 40k going through it per month. All the normal documentation, I have. Is anything needed regarding where the money comes from? My concern is that cash paid in at deposit points is not going to cut it for them. Do I need to show my UK bank statements if I want to show that I can support my wife? If so do I need to give details of my income, where it comes from, and show that I withdraw money here in Thailand from my UK bank and support my wife, who deposits it in her Thai account?

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