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Whiskey For The Old Man


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Im going to meet tgf parents. What is a an appropriate gift for them? After reading some threads, there is no doubt that her thai/chinese father will want to shoot me so im hopig to get him buzzed with something to mess up his aim. Whats kind of drink do they consider very good. ...American, Bitish, Italian wine perhaps? I was thinkin a good whiskey,. Any suggestions?

As for the mom im clueless- not sure where to begin........

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Im going to meet tgf parents. What is a an appropriate gift for them? After reading some threads, there is no doubt that her thai/chinese father will want to shoot me so im hopig to get him buzzed with something to mess up his aim. Whats kind of drink do they consider very good. ...American, Bitish, Italian wine perhaps? I was thinkin a good whiskey,. Any suggestions?

As for the mom im clueless- not sure where to begin........

What king of people are they? What does your GF think you should give them?

How do you know you should get them anything?

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Ya can't go wrong with Chivas or Johhnie Black.

Most Thais have only heard of these two and wouldn't thank you for a Teachers or a Dewars.

Just like their football affiliations. Apart from the 'head waiter' the others only know of 'man u'

AND if you really want to be accepted take gold, as much as you can carry (but it must be Thai gold as they will turn their noses up at anything else)

Goog luck on your first meet up with the folks.

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They seem very strict and conservative. Gf doesnt have a clue what to get them but she agree something would be nice. They are the kind of people that do not want their daughter to marry anyone. I think im going to need more than a pot of gold. Im hoping sincerity wins them over.

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They seem very strict and conservative. Gf doesnt have a clue what to get them but she agree something would be nice. They are the kind of people that do not want their daughter to marry anyone. I think im going to need more than a pot of gold. Im hoping sincerity wins them over.

At the end of the day be yourself and let your character do the talking... surely the gift is more about the thought and not the goods...

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...surely the gift is more about the thought and not the goods...

Truer words have never been spoken. If they judge you by your gift, then you have the right to judge them because they just want a type of man for their daughter....one who buys gold/incense/whatever which is considered a "correct" gift.

Human acceptance is not in the form of a gift warmly accepted, but in the acceptance of you.

Crack a joke to the old man about how much you hate Man U. He'll appreciate your spunky attitude and honesty in the face of the Thai-Man U love-in and think you're an honest Joe. Or, he'll ###### hate you.

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Whiskey. Sure. Only Scottish though. I like Irish whiskey too but as was said before he wouldnt know a good whiskey, Better stick to JW or you could try and educate him with a nice single malt. But on second thoughts he would probably ruin it by putting coke in. As for the mother.mmmm. What about a nice box of cakes from S+P bakery. My missus mother loved them.

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What is a an appropriate gift for them?

I would suggest something conservative and modest, yet at the same time, something that they may like but would not think to buy for themselves. Perhaps some simple gifts of food specialties that may be a treat.

When I went to meet my fiance's mother for the first time, I just brought some bags of prepared fruits that I bought at the hotel (tamarind, pineapple, etc.).

I would be careful about bringing in a couple bottles of hooch to get the old man drunk. This could be an all or nothing proposition in the approval department, which may not be a chance you want to take at the first meeting.

If your TGF is already telling her parents how well you treat her, then that may be the best gift of all. This worked well for me, and even with a huge language gap, my fiance's mother and I got along well.

Your meeting can also be enhanced by appearances and behavior, as much or more so than gifts. Dress appropriately and be meticulously clean. Learn how to properly wai to parents. Perhaps address them as "koon mae" and "koon paw."

Their home may likely be at a much lower standard than you are used to. Be happy with what you see, no matter how different it may strike you.

Here's a good link that I found to be useful and informative:


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The first time I met my wife's parents I took a basket of fruit for mama, a carton of cigarettes for papa, several bottles of beer for grandma and toys and sweets for the various nieces, nephews and cousins.

But these were all at my wife's suggestion, I would never have known that the person to win over was my future father-in-laws mother!

Grandma is good fun, she's been to the States and has a taste for the occasional beer and what she says goes!

So granny was the prime target. :o

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A fancy basket of fruit is a great idea--try to add in "exotic" western fruits; apples, kiwis, and pears. They can eat pineapples any day. I agree about not bringing a bottle of whisky for the first meeting. Probably would give the wrong impression. Dress very politely, you don't need to go so far as a tie but trousers and a nice short sleeved dress shirt would go down well. And good luck!

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I'd ask your girl friend if the father likes a drink, if he does than take a bottle for him, and some of the other stuff for the mum.

If he does drink you can tell if its going well if he opens the bottle to share with you. :o

I'd stick to JW black or if he likes Regancy mabye take a good bottle of brandy.

I still think that you have to get some input from your GF she must know what they like!!

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