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I am trying to locate anyone who has or had any contact with a friend of mine, his name was Craig Scott. We got news last friday that he has passed away on the 24th of July. Craig was a great man! We still don't know what happened to him. He emailed his dad on the 23rd of July in the evening and told him that he had been playing cards with some guy's and won their money. After the game when he went to leave they followed him and beat the crap out of him and took all his money! The next day he ended up dead from what the cops say was an overdose. I have know this kid since he was a little boy and partied with him alot. There was always hard drugs around but he preferred the reefer! So an overdose does not sound like the boy I knew! We will have him home this weekend so his parents and friends can say goodbye. It has been a terrible trauma for his family because he just started to travel 2 years ago and loved Phuket especially. He emailed me when he arrived and told me that it was the most beautiful place he had ever been, one day I would like to see for myself just how beautiful it could be, when all I keep thinking about is him and how he died!!!!!!

I have one word of advice to travellers that are young and just starting to travel, don't mess with the native's or you might end up DEAD!

We all loved him! God bless my friend I will always remember you and our memories!!!

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Electrical wire wrapped around neck and handcuffed means suicide in LOS

Will there be an autopsy back home?

Murdered i am sure

Yeah, we all think that something bad happened to him that night... We might not ever know.. I don't think his parents will have an autopsy done, because whatever happened, he is gone and we only have first names to go by, Thailand is a very big place. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack! If they found drugs in his system all I know is that someone put them there on purpose!!! Thanks for your thoughts!!

btw: He was found in his room, and they said that he had overdosed!!

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Where in Phuket did this happen? I've haven't heard anything about this. Sorry for your loss.

I am not sure of all the details as of yet. We think he was in Phuket, but for all we know he could have been somewhere else.. if there is a way that you can go back into the paper to July 24th and let me know if there was anything written up, I would greatly appreciate it?

Thank you so much for your thoughts!

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How old was Craig? Sorry for your loss, I have two mid-twenty year old son's here and I worry for them sometimes very bad things can happen here, and I am so sorry it has affected you and yours.


Craig was 26 years old. Thank you. It's not just there ( the crime) it's all over the world and it's catching on fast.. very scary for all of us! Keep your children close! It's so important to not lose sight of what we are doing here, raising our children and living life with kindness in our hearts and love in our soul.

Peace to all

Craig was 26 years old. The crime is not just there, but all over the world and it is catching on fast. it's so important that we remember why we are here on this earth, to raise our children and live life with kindness in our hearts and love in our soul!

Keep your children close!

Peace to all!!

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