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Hi everyone, I am new here and need some assistance please.

Over 8 years ago I had a problem with the HKSBC when my credit card details were stolen and over USD5,000 was run up on the card. As I did not use the card regularly, it was a month before I got my next statement which I then realised something was wrong

I immediately informed the HKSBC in Manila where I was resident and they told me I had to deal with the bank that issued the card in Hong Kong. After many many phone calls and faxes I got no where and the lady dealing with my case gave me an ultimatum, which was pay off the amount or face the prospect of having a black mark against my credit rating for ever.

I refused as I knew that I did not use this card for the amounts shown, however I was in the city where the card details were used at the time. Which possibly did not help my case.

Now 8 years later I would like to apply for a credit card as its getting more and more difficult to travel on business without one ! What do you think my chances are if I applied for a card ? And do you think after 8 years silence, my application could start the difficult situation with the HKSBC all over again.

Thanks for your views

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Interesting read, but i get the feeling the Op was worried that they would do another credit check on him and bring up the past again. And I would be interested if a dodgy credit rating ever runs out and ithe slate is wiped clean.

can see nothing in the OP to suggest the poster is resident in Thailand and I would suggest banking rules differ from country to country

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If you want a credit card with hsbc, I'd suggest you talk to them about your current status and if what happenned 8 years ago would have that much of an impact now. I think in this case it would be better to be open, and also have a reason for wanting a credit card now. You could offer to keep a float available in another account, that would cover the spending on the card.

Alternatively, if you really must have credit then if you have a banking history elsewhere, try there.

If you dont need credit but just want a card to use, there are pre-pay credit cards available and virtual credit cards too, which I understand have little if any requirements on the users status.


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The point is,did you pay off the CC,..or do you STILL have the debt?

Because if you paid it off,there will be no problem.

HOWEVER............if you still have the debt,its a wonder they havent chased you for it,i cant imagine what the outstanding balance will be now,with all the interest added to it over the 8 years.

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