TRIPxCORE Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 Just to see the outcome, I applied at a major corporation with a large chunk of the Iraqi contracts. I applied for a job in my field and before they consider you, you must agree to the following conditions. Leaving out all political opinions (this isnt the Bear Pit), would you agree to these conditions for what you would consider to be good money? Please, only express your thoughts to this question omitting political opinions to avoid going off-topic. Screening Questions for req 30054 WORK ENVIRONMENT SCREENING QUESTIONS KBR Government Operations Logistical Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP III) provides a diverse range of services to all branches of the United States military and other Department of Defense and government agencies. As "Force Multipliers," we perform the support tasks that allow troops and government clients to focus on their primary mission. KBR is in the business of getting things done fast and efficiently—whether it’s planning, design, management, engineering, construction, or operations, maintenance and logistics. KBR believes that our employees are our most valuable assets, and that the success of the company is determined by the quality of its employees. You must complete the entire questionnaire to be considered for employment. The questionnaire will take about 15 minutes to complete. QUESTION 1: Duration of Contract * This is a one year open ended contract which means that KBR may offer to extend or end the contract at any time. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF DURATION. Do you accept this condition and wish to continue? YES NO QUESTION 2: Project Location * KBR LOGCAP III deploys contractors to the Middle East (Iraq, Kuwait, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and North Africa) so you need to be open/flexible and willing to work at any of these locations at any time during your contract. Refusing to move from one assignment location to another will be grounds for dismissal. Do you accept this condition and wish to continue? YES NO QUESTION 3: Living and Working Conditions * You will be working and living on a Military style camp. * You will be confined to the base at all times. * You will be living in tent city….in an 8-10 man GP Medium tent. (like on the show MASH) * You will be issued a sleeping bag and cot. * Weather is EXTREME….During the summer time it can be as hot as 150 degrees and as low as 0 degrees and snow in the winter. * It is a VERY dusty and dirty environment, so expect be dirty a majority of the time. * Sand and dust storms are VERY common and you will get dust and sand in your eyes, mouth and nose. Expect to have a layer on your clothes, food and in your living quarters. There is no escaping the sand and dust! * Showers are cold; when you do get a shower….and sometimes you might take a shower by the same water bottle that you drink from. * You can expect to see a lot of mice, rats, snakes (cobras), scorpions, ticks, sand fleas, and camel spiders in the camp and living quarters. * The camps or bases can be potentially dangerous. (example: random gun fire, rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds and land mines) * All positions are very hands on regardless of your position/title, and every employee must be able and prepared to do physical labor. * You will be provided with 3 meals per day. This may consist of hot meals and MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat). * Working schedule is 7 days a week….8-12 hours per day (possibly more depending on position). * If there is a Biological or Chemical attack and you are a casualty your body will be CREMATED and sent home. Do you accept these conditions and wish to continue? YES NO QUESTION 4: Background Check and Drug Test * KBR will conduct a 7 year criminal background check. o If you were convicted of a felony; served probation/jail time, have pending criminal court dates and/or warrants in the last 7 years you will be ineligible for employment. o Misdemeanor conviction of Moral turpitude will also exclude you from employment. * KBR will conduct a comprehensive drug screening. Do you accept these conditions and wish to continue? YES NO QUESTION 5: Processing in Houston * Processing takes 10-21 DAYS and you will not be paid. You must be prepared to go 4-6 weeks without a pay check. * You will start getting paid once you board the flight to the Middle East. Pay day is the last Saturday of each month. * You must have a passport. If you don’t have a passport, you need to bring a certified birth certificate issued by the vital records office and with the raised seal or a water mark. If you don’t have the proper birth certificate, please obtain one from your vital records office/court house OR you may go to or call 1-800-255-2414 and order one. YOU WILL BE SENT HOME IF YOU FAIL TO BRING THE RIGHT BIRTH CERTIFICATE (can reapply in 6 months). * The U.S. Passport Agency will not issue a passport if you owe back taxes or in arrears for child support. * You must bring your un-laminated Social Security Card. Do you accept these conditions and wish to continue? YES NO QUESTION 6: KBR policy requires that all persons working or living in an expatriate capacity in regions with limited medical resources on behalf of KBR shall be examined periodically and classified as medically fit to work. The work sites in the Middle East exist in remote and potentially hostile environments and are isolated from qualified medical assistance. Poor accessibility and communications may cause long delays in evacuation, and convert a minor medical problem into a major emergency. Evacuation and/or repatriation of a sick employee may take considerable time and may be a hazardous operation itself. KBR will be conducting a thorough pre-employment screening/physical. Our medical staff will conduct an extensive medical screening which includes blood work, EKG, chest x-ray, pulmonary function test, audiogram and medical exam and vaccinations. POTENTIAL MEDICAL DISQUALIFIERS Due to the inherent danger in the Middle East the following potential medical disqualifiers should be recognized and understood.. * Coronary artery disease with angina, or a history of congestive heart failure or cardiomyopathy. * Individuals on prescription anticoagulants. * Anyone with seizures within the last five years unless they were secondary to a known stimulus which has subsequently been removed. * Anyone currently taking psychiatric medications. * A history of excessive migraine headaches * A history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with a history of acute episodes or requiring maintenance medications. * A history of asthma with a history of acute asthmatic attacks or requiring maintenance medications. * Active cancer or requiring ongoing cancer therapy * Active hepatitis * Insulin dependent diabetics * Diabetics requiring oral medications * Diet controlled diabetics whose blood sugar is elevated outside the normal range. * Untreated / Uncontrolled hypertension * Individuals with hypertension under treatment whose blood pressure exceeds 160/90. * Individuals with a history of coronary artery disease treated by stents, angioplasty or coronary artery bypass. * Cardiac arrhythmias under treatment * Applicants with poor oral hygiene or existing dental or periodontal conditions. * Obesity * Vision impairments that are not correctable to 20/40 with corrective lenses. * Hearing loss in the hearing ranges of testing. * Individuals with a past history of psychiatric medical conditions. * Skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema that will prevent smallpox vaccination. Do you accept these conditions and wish to continue? YES NO QUESTION 7: In all cases, an individualized assessment will be performed concerning the individual’s eligibility for deployment, including but not limited to analysis of the following factors: * the severity of the medical condition * whether the condition will affect the individual’s ability to perform the essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodation * whether providing a requested accommodation to enable the individual to perform his/her job functions would create an undue hardship * whether current medical facilities and staff can support the condition * whether any required medications are available and/or can be stored under the conditions in the theater of operations * whether any dietary restrictions can be adhered to in the circumstances and conditions present in the theater of operations and whether the consequences of failure to adhere to dietary guidelines will endanger the individual or others * whether the climate conditions in the theater of operations can reasonably be anticipated to exacerbate, aggravate, or worsen the condition * whether the condition, if it worsens, will allow adequate time for replacement and/or evacuation without endangering the individual or others * whether obtaining medical care for the condition outside of current medical facilities and staff is possible * whether obtaining medical care outside of current medical facilities and staff would present an undue hardship, financially or otherwise * whether the condition will pose a threat of harm to the individual or others in the circumstances present or reasonably anticipated in the theater of operations * whether combat or other war-time conditions may create a risk that the condition may be left untreated * an analysis of the consequences to the individual and/or others who work around him/her if treatment for the condition or medication is not available Do you accept these conditions and wish to continue? YES NO
Boon Mee Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 It all depends how hungry you are. Can't see how these questions are that unreasonable in today's marketplace.
pnustedt Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 It all depends how hungry you are. I agree. If you need the job the conditions aren't an obstacle if you can comply with them.
konangrit Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 Pretty much what I'd expect. I would want a lot of money to spend a year in those conditions. I guess on the up side you will be spending very little.
john b good Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 KBR are OK but I would not go to Iraq at the present time (and for some time into the future) Have worked in the ME I turned down two offers to go to Iraq in January / February of this year.
IamMaiC Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 If Someone really needs to work They will get over most of the stuff in that job posting
Up2U Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 I've built base camps for Brown and Root (and others) which are far better than this questionnaire suggests. These would be extreme conditions for temporary works - unless the company is now exploiting their workers more than is usual. I have lived in a container for months, lived in prefab. houses off-loaded from trucks (so very like a container) and so on, in the Middle East and North Africa. But if the money is right - you accept it - or quit!
richb2004 Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 * You can expect to see a lot of mice, rats, snakes (cobras), scorpions, ticks, sand fleas, and camel spiders in the camp and living quarters. * The camps or bases can be potentially dangerous. (example: random gun fire, rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds and land mines) I don't like the sound of that.
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