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Have I Ruined It For Myself


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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

you're normal for you , there's nothing to mend.

if you were tired of your promiscuity then you would have stopped it.

either the right woman will come into your life at the right time or she wont.

these things never happen when you are actively seeking them

taking yourself away from places where there is a high availability of willing women might help.

a spell in scunthorpe or possibly riyadh might concentrate the mind a bit. :o

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

you're normal for you , there's nothing to mend.

if you were tired of your promiscuity then you would have stopped it.

either the right woman will come into your life at the right time or she wont.

these things never happen when you are actively seeking them

taking yourself away from places where there is a high availability of willing women might help.

a spell in scunthorpe or possibly riyadh might concentrate the mind a bit. :D


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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

I have discussed this issue with many long timers and two consensus opinions emerged:

1. No it is not possible to have a "normal" relationship

2. Why would you want to

Use of the term "dating" is presumably some secret code for paying prostitutes, no?

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

try a normal woman...

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.


I ask myself the same question bro'.

However, what is "normal".

Oh yeah and always ignore the persons calling you names and insulting you when you pose a legit question.

Don't take things too seriously... :o

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

Finally, a sensible answer.

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o


I'm not sure what "normal" is anymore... :D

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

No. You are doomed to endless nights of hot, passionate, but ultimately meaningless sex with attractive women. I for one feel sorry for you. There but for the grace of God go I.

Edited by qualtrough
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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

exactly, this post is an excuse to say " pat me on the back, look how manly I am".

Contains all the classic elements: having a swipe at farang women cause due to his own incompetence, ugliness, or bad breath he couldn't pick up back home, and alluding to the hundereds, no thousands, neigh millions of chicks he has shagged here, with the addition of the line that most are good looking (ie had teeth), well educated (grade 5 vs the standard grade 4) and almost perfect (would accept a 200baht tip in the morning to leave before 5am) to make himself feel better for the absloute mingers he had to pay to take home.

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

Finally, a sensible answer.

How do you know it's sensible? Was this a test? If you know it's a sensible answer, you didn't need to ask the question in the first place. If it isn't sensible, you're in just as much trouble now as you were before.

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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

Finally, a sensible answer.


Do what you want to do, be who you want to be, tell the rest of the world to go hang. It's you who will pick up the tab,if any.

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

exactly, this post is an excuse to say " pat me on the back, look how manly I am".

Contains all the classic elements: having a swipe at farang women cause due to his own incompetence, ugliness, or bad breath he couldn't pick up back home, and alluding to the hundereds, no thousands, neigh millions of chicks he has shagged here, with the addition of the line that most are good looking (ie had teeth), well educated (grade 5 vs the standard grade 4) and almost perfect (would accept a 200baht tip in the morning to leave before 5am) to make himself feel better for the absloute mingers he had to pay to take home.


I beg to differ "Your Highness." I don't see it that way.

You know what they say though, "Opinions are like ssholes, everyone's got one"

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

Eek, what exactly about that sentence is either wrong or offensive? I am asking with sincerity, not trying to be annoying. I mean, he is insulting a certain type of woman (overweight and unfriendly) not all the other women in that country right? Or did he actually mean all women in the west are overweight and unfriendly?

Damian Mavis

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I know a guy like the OP..well in some aspect...although he doesnt talk crap about any woman...farang or otherwise :o

(as an aside... all the farang female friends I have...they are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy!)

anyway, question at hand.....Id say when that time for change arrives, you will know it......you will get tired of the ever changing faces of women /or men that you have in your life. before that you may start to question things the way you have in this thread...but chances are: your answer is..you still enjoy things the way they are....then ofcourse you will continue the status quo (ever watched the movie Alfie?..... get yourself a copy of it :D)

or you may one day realise that you do want a certain woman.....perhaps someone you have been with at some point, and back then you tried hard to keep her at a distance...cos you knew theres a chance if you let her closer you most likely will fall for her. if you have had that kind of situation...my guess is....by the time you realise you dont quite mind having her around ...it will have been too late...she will prolly have moved on to some other things/person in life :D

but dont worry...you will be ok and will continue to have fun :D

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

exactly, this post is an excuse to say " pat me on the back, look how manly I am".

Contains all the classic elements: having a swipe at farang women cause due to his own incompetence, ugliness, or bad breath he couldn't pick up back home, and alluding to the hundereds, no thousands, neigh millions of chicks he has shagged here, with the addition of the line that most are good looking (ie had teeth), well educated (grade 5 vs the standard grade 4) and almost perfect (would accept a 200baht tip in the morning to leave before 5am) to make himself feel better for the absloute mingers he had to pay to take home.


I beg to differ "Your Highness." I don't see it that way.

You know what they say though, "Opinions are like ssholes, everyone's got one"

You can call me whatever you feel you need to Pepe - I'm a big boy. I don't hide behind mod status in calling a spade a spade. If he was legit, it would be a boring old post titled "I'd like to settle down". Funny how many people move to Thailand and feel the need to brag openly about their conquests. It isn't good manners back home, and it definelty isn't good manners here.

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(as an aside... all the farang female friends I have...they are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy!)

Wow you are choosy! You don't make friends with women who don't measure up?

I bet you won't make the claim that all the farang MALE friends you have...they are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy!

Reminds me of the film Shallow Hal!

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I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos,

..But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through.

Eek, what exactly about that sentence is either wrong or offensive? I am asking with sincerity, not trying to be annoying. I mean, he is insulting a certain type of woman (overweight and unfriendly) not all the other women in that country right? Or did he actually mean all women in the west are overweight and unfriendly?

Damian Mavis

damian.....i think thats what the OP sounded like.

even IF all the white women in theworld were those things he says, how does that have anything to do with his question? totally irrelevant to his question to begin with.

not to mention repeating what I said abovve..... all my farang female friends are sexy/tall/ slender/smart/with great sense of humour/talented/ and beautifully confident /and combinations thereof anyway. sheesh. infact most farang women Ive come across, not just friends...will fit into one or more of the above descriptions.

those that claim otherwise obviously have to wonder and start questioning why it is that they meet the ones that they claim to meet :o

good luck :D

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

exactly, this post is an excuse to say " pat me on the back, look how manly I am".

Contains all the classic elements: having a swipe at farang women cause due to his own incompetence, ugliness, or bad breath he couldn't pick up back home, and alluding to the hundereds, no thousands, neigh millions of chicks he has shagged here, with the addition of the line that most are good looking (ie had teeth), well educated (grade 5 vs the standard grade 4) and almost perfect (would accept a 200baht tip in the morning to leave before 5am) to make himself feel better for the absloute mingers he had to pay to take home.


I beg to differ "Your Highness." I don't see it that way.

You know what they say though, "Opinions are like ssholes, everyone's got one"

You can call me whatever you feel you need to Pepe - I'm a big boy. I don't hide behind mod status in calling a spade a spade. If he was legit, it would be a boring old post titled "I'd like to settle down". Funny how many people move to Thailand and feel the need to brag openly about their conquests. It isn't good manners back home, and it definelty isn't good manners here.


It's refreshing that you don't hide behind mod status. I accept your and stand corrected.

There are some here that definitely do.

At the same time I see this post very differently and can relate to much of what the OP says.

Without being proud or bragging. It's just life.

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

Been there , done that , and sold the t-shirt :o .

Then I settled down with a well educated , honest ( and untouched :D ) girl with a good job and had a family.

Living in LOS is tough though and my advice would be wait untill your over 30 ( or 40 :D ) until you settle down in this place , God knows I sometimes think why didnt I wait a few years ( I got married when I was 22 ..................... som nam na :D:D ).

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What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

I suppose you mean in regards to natural selection (seeing as 'evolutionary biology' embodies a huge spectrum of a sub-field in biology)? If so, then i fail to see how this relates to the OP's way of life. He indicates he has been in relationships with near perfect ladies (in his opinion) and yet cannot maintain a long term relationship. It sounds like the OP needs to feel that he has overt sexual prowess and disregards the affect this may have on any relationship he is in at the time. He also indicates he goes with a LOT of women. I do not think that if a person is in a healthy relationship but is 'sleeping around' either paid or unpaid that this is normal, or biologically evolutionary.

Finally, a sensible answer.

If this is what you consider a sensible answer then im glad for you. However, it did not address any ways of tackling the issues you brought up (your post indicates you are seeking 'help'/advice). All it does is gives you a pat on the back. If that is all you wanted, then you could easily get that down the local 'bar' from the other men who seek a similar lifestyle.

Hardly worth creating a thread about it if that is the case.

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