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Belgian-Dutch Drug Ring Caught On Koh Samui


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I don't think herion has ever killed anyone


'Heroin' has killed a lot of people. It's one if the heaviest drugs that are out there.

Heroin has killed and is still killing so many people in different ways...Overdosed, Needle sharing brought Aids and Hepatitis. And the family and friends are suffering too.......


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I would press the trigger, depress the plunger, pull the lever and throw the switch knowing the carnage that they were happily doing was now at an end.

And after carryimg out this act of barbarism, you'd head off to the nearest bar to imbibe some Alcohol , a drug that kills more people in one hour than Heroin kills in a year.

How about killing all bar owners too?

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May they rot in H*ll

People like this give all foreigners a bad name,

to say nothing of the harm that they do to the youngsters who buy the drugs. :o

did it say anywhere that they were catering their services to minors?

Firstly I said youngsters, not minors.

Secondly, as a father I can assure you these drugs DO get to all age level. :D

To use any drugs is one thing. But to be rich because selling stuff like Heroin and Cocaine in Thailand is -sorry- very bad for all people who live in this country. They should hang them on the highest tree, that others would think twice to do the same f.. thing. Don't start now with they had no idea what they did, all were on hard drugs..that's why they had to sell so much. How can somebody be so stupid? 100 Million on their own account? That's really INSANE. Let them stay in a Thai prison, get raped and killed. But they'll be in Belgium or Holland for not too long. Is that fair to others? Look at this photo..they should be in a box like that....I live here and people are starring at us foreigners because such IDIOTS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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