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Can't Open Photos


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I've got 10 photos in a file. About 2 or 3mb each. No matter what program I use to try to open them, as soon as I click 'open' the program closes. I went to an internet shop and it worked no problem.

For a long time, illustrator and photo shop freeze whenever they're left open for a long time.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

Okay, now its gotten so bad that if I just try to attach any of the photos to an e-mail in any browser, the browser itself automatically closes. remember, I have no problems on a different computer.

What is happening?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Can you try this, have your photo program opened and then drag the pic file from windows explorer to it and see if it'll display your pic.

Leaving memory intensive applications running for a while will degrade the performnace of your PC, you can find this out by running the task manager : ctrl+alt+delete or right hand mouse click on your task bar.

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You may have a virus or trojan.

Photos are a "favorite" method used to spread a virus.

Do a full anti-virus sweep on ALL drives.

Need more info as to:

1) Does "opening problem" only apply to these 10 photos, or all photos?

2) Your operating system (Win98,ME, XP, NT, 2K, etc)

2) Your system memory (64, 128, 256, 512mb, etc.)

3) Extension on photos you are trying to open (.jpeg, .bmp, .psd, .gif, .png, etc.)

4) Photoshop v? (version number)

5) Are you familiar with "file associations"? If yes, have you checked those?

6) How did you acquire these photos? (via email, download, digital camera upload, etc.)

7) List of recent program/utility installs.


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As Waldwolf said in #5 check file associations.

Go to Explorer. Click on Folders to get to Windows Explorer

rather than Internet Explorer. Then click on the Desktop

or My Computer line on the left. Now under 'Tools' in

the menu bar on top you will see "Folder Options".

The 3rd tab says "File Types". Here you can find out

what program is opening your photo file type (jpeg, gif,

tiff, etc ..... ). Try a different program to cover that file


You can do the same thing at the Internet cafe to see

which program will definitely work.

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As Waldwolf said in #5 check file associations.

Go to Explorer. Click on Folders to get to Windows Explorer

rather than Internet Explorer. Then click on the Desktop

or My Computer line on the left. Now under 'Tools' in

the menu bar on top you will see "Folder Options".

The 3rd tab says "File Types". Here you can find out

what program is opening your photo file type (jpeg, gif,

tiff, etc ..... ). Try a different program to cover that file


You can do the same thing at the Internet cafe to see

which program will definitely work.

I'm not much of a computer person and you lost me from the beginning. When you say 'click on folders to get to windows explorer rather than internet exploer', where exactly do i click? I'm missing something,

In response to the last posts. I tried opening it in explorer. It just closes immediately.

1. Problem seems to only be with these new photos.

2. XP

2. 256

3. Jpeg

4. Version 7

5. Like I said, I don't understand.

6. Got the photos on a Cd from a photographer friend. They worked fine on his computer.

7. Most recent is Illustrator CS I believe. But that was a few months ago.

I ran McAfee. no viruses. Also Spy Sweeper. Got rid of lots of cookies, but that's it.

Please elaborate on this file association point. Thanks!

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When you double click on most every program, file, picture, etc, your OS looks up the extention in your registry and is directed to the program where that extension should open.

To explain all the associations to you would take me hours if not days. It would be best if you opened the WinXP HELP file and typed "file associations" (no quotes) in the search window. You should find sufficient help there on how to check your associations.

As your pictures have extensions ending in .jpeg, they should normally open in your browser window (ie: Internet Explorer) when you double click on them. (Problem could be in browser!)

You can also try downloading a picture off the internet with a .BMP extension, saving it to a folder, then open that folder and double-click on the picture. It should open in Photoshop.

Post back you findings.


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Okay, I figured out the file extension thing. But the best that got me was being able to view the pics with Wondows picture and fax viewer. Still couldn't attach to e-mail without browser closing. So finally I copied the folder, pasted it on the desktop and deleted the original. Now it works fine. So what does it mean? Is some part of my hard drive screwed?

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......So finally I copied the folder, pasted it on the desktop and deleted the original. Now it works fine. So what does it mean? Is some part of my hard drive screwed?

That is a remote possibility, however I would suspect the original file folder had not been properly configured/installed.

For piece of mind, you can run ScanDisk and by checking the "Through" option, check the HDD surface itself. Also try copying folder back to its original location to see if errors are repeated. My guess is they will not re-occur.

Good job :o

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